Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

ok I have an interesting Question of the Day (or I at least think it’s interesting):

Anyone working on a yearbook dedication page for their child? We just submitted ours last night as it was due 12/1. A full page. My original idea was a clock with the first day of school pict for 1-12th grade and a quote in the middle related to time/growing up. We had the picts but some weren’t very good so I just did a collage with young to older of nice picts. Used a JK Rowling quote since D is such a fan.

Yearbook page: We’re going back and forth on it (and have to make a decision soon). On the one hand, she’s one of only 27 kids in her graduating class, so it’s not like there isn’t room for it, and it’d be a nice keepsake for her. On the other hand, Ugh! to the idea of putting together something that very potentially glurge-ish.

@srk2017 that stinks. My son is not being taunted, but merely influence by some of his peers that are openly discussing their plans for top 50 schools. Most of my son’s choices don’t fall into that category and I’d doubt he’d get into too many of them anyways,nor be successful/happy at many of them. I keep trying to reinforce that with him, but it seems like the kids are all brainwashed to think Top Schools or Bust!

Son17 knows plenty of adults who are very successful who attended schools outside of the Top 50, so I try to point that out to him. The kids are just at the point where they are hung up on name brands. I keep stressing the importance of being able to handle the work load, getting internships, making friends, joining clubs of interest, and enjoying wherever he selects. I think he’ll see the light.

All kids should be able to feel proud and happy about wherever they attend!

@Dolemite - Wow, what a wonderful way to acknowledge their childhood! Please don’t mind if I call DD’s school to check if they might let us do something similar, though I suspect it might be too late

@Dolemite Love the idea of a clock! So clever. We are doing a half page and we are restricted to 3 photos. Our’s is due on 12/1 as well and we are going to keep it simple. Three current photos of him with his best friends and with his soccer team friends. The text will be very simply “Thank you for making us so proud, etc. etc.” Simple.

Oh yeah…$300 for the half page!

@jmek15 - Does your S’s schedule actually show it as two - one semester classes - or lump it as one year long class? My D16 took AP Economics last year and like you - the Syllabus was for Micro-Economics first half of the year and Macro-Economics the second half - with both exams in the Spring. However if you looked at her schedule in Powerschool it showed as just a year long course of AP Economics. I’m fairly certain that is how she listed it. That said - she received a 4 on the exam and now has credit for both Micro and Macro Economics at her University.

@srk2017 --what a toxic and ridiculous environment for your son. So the culture of the school is all wrapped up in name brand/Ivy schools??

Yesterday, D says “do you know that the yearbook (half) page is due on Thursday?”
Time to go through photos!

@srk2017 That sounds unpleasant and stressful!

@STEM2017 $100 for the full page which I didn’t think was bad so when DW asked I said go for the full page as it has the highest factor to embarrass the girl :smiley:

@jmek15 Check out this thread for possible answer to your question. I found the “Dean’s” advice/insight on this topic interesting and helpful.

Not sure if our school has yearbook pages. They had senior ad space in athletic program. But it was something like $25 for 1/8 page ad. Figured the opportunities to embarrass my kids are numbered so I need to take them when I can.

@curiositycat333 The UC essays were very important from our perspective. Our older kid’s stats were very high, but apparently his essays didn’t resonate at a few UCs that he should have gotten in to.

My DS ignores the teasing completely and doesn’t get to him. They tease him about his ECs too but his achievements are far superior. One time I told him to respond but he said he didn’t want to waste his time. I guess more mature than me =))

@Mom2aphysicsgeek So true! my friends and I laugh at how obsessed we were with rankings back in the day.


I thought USC did require one teacher lor.


Our school does both Micro and Macro as well. I like this because it makes earning the national AP scholar award easier for my IB kid. Do other schools do it differently?

Yearbooks: the parents at our school don’t really buy too many of those pages, a very small number. We are taking a pass on it. Son17 is not too sentimental, he didn’t even know if he wanted to order a yearbook this year. If we didn’t bug him he would have missed the order deadline.

No yearbook page here. D would be embarrassed.

@Rightcoaster, what the kids say now about which schools they are applying to and what the choices are actually going to be in the spring, might be quite different.

With just a day and a half left before the UC/CSU deadlines, I’m getting paranoid that we need to have our son apply to a true safety. I just don’t have faith in the holistic process based on our experience 2 years ago.

No yearbook page here either. D '17 is not a violent young women, but I wouldn’t want to have to depend upon that.