Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

No yearbook page and minimal order from cap & gown catalog :slight_smile:

Cap and Gown??? Good grief. Its all happening way too fast.

It is! And D says Iā€™m spending too much money and doesnā€™t like all the fuss.

I would love to do that half add thingā€”but so far she has not been on board with getting some sort of senior pictures completed. Sheā€™s being a bit picky about who does her pictures!

I think Iā€™ll threaten her and say if she doesnā€™t agree to do pictures ASAP I will take out a full-page ad that says something like :

-and then just insert a huge sappy poem with a background of snowflakes.

QOTD: At the beginning of the school year, I bought a 1/4 page baby picture tribute in the yearbook but DS says he would be mortified if I actually submit one. Iā€™m still thinking about doing it anyway. [-X >:) Itā€™s due Dec. 1, so Iā€™d better decide quickly.

AP Econ: Our school does both as single-semester classes also. AP US Govā€™t is also a single semester. They make it easier to take one semester each of AP Govā€™t and an AP Econ. If you want both AP Econs, you have to do 0 period at 7am. DS is doing AP Govā€™t now and AP Macroecon in spring. He would have liked to take both Econs, but heā€™s not that much of a morning person.

@jmek15 Itā€™s a good change, not a bad one to tell them you are really taking 2 APs instead of 1 for that class. Shouldnā€™t be a problem, I think. For EA applications, though, I donā€™t know whether they have time to consider any minor changes at this point. If there are already RD applications out, he should probably notify them of the change. Just my guess, of course.

Sheā€™s in IB econ which is a full year class that covers both AP tests. She took government online non-honors over the summer 2 years ago to make room for this.

@Dolemite that is a cute idea. I would have done an ā€œadā€ but S basically flat out refused and said heā€™d be furious with me. I considered doing it anyway but he really hates the whole thing as itā€™s not free, not all parents/kids can afford to or choose to do it complete and he feels it just exaggerates things that donā€™t need to be called out.

We ordered cap and gown almost 2 months ago! Crazy.

@srk2017 this is when I am glad that our school is not like that, the kids (and parents) are not like that and everyone I know is simply focused on the best fit, regardless of name or number. Frankly around here I doubt many even pay attention to the rankings at all. Local reputation is far more important.

With 700 seniors I really wonder what our yearbook would look like if everybody did it

** Yearbook QOTD ** I felt painful about $$$ before, but after reading @STEM2017 post I feel I had a bargain at $216 for a full page yearbook ad ! =))
I think about 1/3 of families do ads at our school - 1/8,1/4,1/2 or full-page ads. It is a fundraiser.

I had found a really really cute babyphoto of DS17 sitting in a bathtub with shower visor on his head. I had to refrain hard. :)) I suppose nudity (even partial) wonā€™t be allowed in Yearbook. =))
I used the opportunity to put our family photo (from 2 years ago) in Yearbook :smiley:

@srk2017 My D has been getting the same thing. So far she has been accepted at 3 schools all with very impressive merit money. Eventually reality will set in for all of these high achieving, know it all kids and parents!

@jeppgirl - I doubt that reality will set for these kids. All expected parents to pay :slight_smile:

With all the talk of the UCs/CSUs maybe a new thread should be started =)) B-)

@srk2017 ā€” I just canā€™t tolerate that level of entitlement where one feels justified in ridiculing another for their college choices. I respect kids who are shooting for highly ranked schools but I respect the ones who will be living at home to save $$ every bit as much.

Iā€™ll bet these are kids who would pride themselves also on how liberal and ā€œopen mindedā€ they are also??

@nw2this There are no required recs for USC but you can submit 3 optional ones. As opposed to the UCs, which donā€™t accept any.

Cap and gown ordered; we have until after Christmas break for the yearbook ad. I will be like D with her college apps and get it in just under the deadline lol.

Ordered our Cap and Gown a couple of months ago too! Just the basics, D doesnā€™t want anything else. She would KILL us if we put anything in the yearbook!

DS would like to do a joke yearbook ad and has a whole concept picked out. Um, noā€¦just, no. Iā€™m not paying $500 for a joke ad. He would die of embarrassment if I tried to do a serious one and we still havenā€™t taken a professional senior picture other than the standard yearbook photo. He let me buy an ad for his Nutcracker program so I think Iā€™ll have to settle for that. I do like the clock idea and would love to steal it.

QOTD: I havenā€™t seen anything about buying ads in yearbooks at my D17ā€™s school yet, but I her dad and I live to embarrass her so weā€™d do it if given the chance! :smiley:

I have an issue Iā€™ve been sitting on, I donā€™t think itā€™s worth itā€™s own thread, but tell me what you think? My D17 applied ED to a small LAC that she likes so, so much more than her second through fifth choices. She fits right in the common data set for the school GPA and ACT wise, I donā€™t know what her LORs say of course, and sheā€™s got a neato, unusual passion/EC. But the school accepted 15% of its applicants last year ā€“ fifteen percent!!! ā€“ so you know they get an abundance of qualified, acceptable applications. At that acceptance rate, lots of qualified kids donā€™t get in, it must be like throwing darts to some extent.

Thereā€™s nothing to do but wait, of course, but sheā€™s on pins and needles and so am I. How can we get her to love the other schools on her list? They seems great to me, they simply donā€™t feel as close a fit for her as this one. We need to be prepared for an emotional fallout.

@JenJenJenJen What is the admit rate for ED, though? Itā€™s usually quite a bit higher than the overall rate.

@JenJenJenJen Has she visited the other schools or talked to anyone in admissions, specific departments? Those talks get my D excited about each school.

@RightCoaster Iā€™ve been reading this thread more than writing, so I hope itā€™s okay if I chime in about your son. I have a daughter who applied to some schools EA but refused to apply anywhere ED, she just wasnā€™t ready to commit. How I would love for it to be over in the next couple of weeks!

That said, my oldest daughter is currently a D1 athlete at a state university known for their athletics. I mentioned this here months ago. She did not get recruited but was considered a ā€œrecruited walk on.ā€ She contacted the coaches after she was accepted, filled out the recruiting form and was given a place on the team - with no money for sports - but she had already been given some merit money. In June after her first season she received a call from her coach giving her an athletic scholarship. Now she is a rower which is considered a Title IX sport, so it might be different for a menā€™s sport.

I guess the advice I would offer is to let your son go to the school he likes the best, at anytime unknown circumstances could bring an end to playing his sport - time constraints, injury etcā€¦ so he should go to the school heā€™d be happy at without athletics (this advice was given to me about DD1 and it was great!) I would also say that parent contact with the coach is a no-no. I learned quickly that my only acceptable conversation with the coach consists of ā€œgreat day for a race!ā€ and ā€œwhere should I put the cookies?ā€ LOL Our DD has been extremely lucky to have a coach who really looks out for her and makes our involvement unneeded.

As far as kids talking about brand name and Ivys, it happens where we are too. I had a woman tell me that DD2 just HAD to apply to Yale. Whatever. When she insisted, I told her that Yale was letting in 800 more kids this year so we didnā€™t consider it much of a challenge and were taking a pass. Left her standing there in her Yale hat with her mouth agape. Yes, Iā€™m going to hell. She is insufferable.

Good luck to your son, I hope it all comes together for him.