Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@JenJenJenJen that is a tough spot for sure, I’d just be prepared for disappointment and have some positive thoughts ready, in particular find some good stuff to mention about the other schools on the list.
My son has 3 schools on his list which have only 30% admit rates, so he stands a good chance at getting rejected at all of them. Fortunately he likes schools 4-6 a lot, but he might feel bad about any rejections.
There are plenty of us in here waiting on news shortly too. Starting to feel the tension.
Good luck!


What is the USC TE scholarship? Trustee? If so, AO who visited my kid’s school said they don’t stack but nm kids can get trustee instead.

Is anyone’s child applying to Washington and Lee and hoping for the Johnson Scholarship? It’s quite generous and it’s given to 10% (I think) of the kids.

@nw2this – TE = Tuition Exchange. I had to look it up yesterday as I had no idea either.

@cleoforshort thanks for the note, glad it worked out for your D! Just so you all know, I am not trying to persuade son17 into doing anything. I was just stating that I wish it was over already, but have not and will not pressure son into making a decision. It’s his choice to make, not mine. I’m comfortable with that. We will be proud of him whatever he decides. It’s going to work out!

I’m interested in seeing a bunch of kids in here getting some good news soon! I’m sure there will be some great opportunities and some fabulous schostships awarded.

I told my daughter that our priorities are affordability, quality and suitability of programs for her interests. What other people think: not on the list at all.

@RightCoaster I wish it were over too and I can barely contain the pushy mother inside of me trying to get out! DD applied to 5 schools EA and is applying to 6 or so RD. On the outside I’m “whatever you need honey” and on the inside I’m “why, why, why? Just pick one of the EAs and go!”

She obviously gets her patience from her dad.

Yearbooks-so I boycotted (with D17’s approval) the ridiculous requirements for her senior picture in the yearbook-$50 minimum, you had to book a “sitting” with a high pressure (Cady Studios) professional (I use that term loosely) studio, etc.

I just flat out rebelled against the entire machine. She was fine with it, saying that it’d make her more mysterious when the media tried to find her later, lol.

Eventually someone from the yearbook committee came and found her during the retakes for the 9-11 graders, and took her picture for free. Hah!

Sooo, yeah. Not doing the extra paid ad for her. I have no issues with the kids or parents who are into it, but for us it’s a book we’ll never look at the day after they graduate. Plus some of the ads are so unctuous that it gives me the voms. Some are cool and funny, but a lot, ugh-just very shallow and very much a “we love our kid so much we just HAD to tell everyone!”

It must be the Yankee in me, because it wasn’t done up north (considered tacky to brag), but is super popular here in the south.

We’re probably a weird family (okay, definitely a weird family), but none of my kids have ever purchased a hs yearbook. Gets me out of the whole “should I or shouldn’t I?” conundrum over yearbook photos and ads.

Oh yeah we’re weird too. I fully admit that. Finding such glee in outwitting the yearbook people is definitely not normal…

RE: yearbook ads. We never had ads growing up, but it is a thing at our HS. Not massively widespread, but enough so that I think some worry that they shouldn’t skip it. The ads were more annoying before the YB company moved the submission deadline up. As MOD alluded…not only ‘we love you and you are so great’ but ‘we know you will succeed at xyz school’. Ads are now due before ED results are out, so less of that bragging.

I knew my boys would have no interest, so I didn’t even think of creating an ad. As to Sr Portrait…$20 sitting fee with terrible photographer who spends the rest of the year trying to get you to buy packages. Boys wear jacket & tie; girls wear some top with simple neckline. (We wore those black off-the-shoulder things in our YB photos—and pearls!) I do not know of anyone who has brought extra outfits but the photographer’s promotional literature offers that option.

I buy the YB for the graduating senior. Am amazed that some buy it every year. It will never be looked at but instead will store Award Ceremony and Graduation programs.

LOL about being weird for not buying a yearbook. Closest we get is a family photo album! :slight_smile:

@MotherOfDragons I bought the ad page but DS did not want the senior photo shoot so I bought the digital copy of class photo (school id photo, taken by a different company Lifetouch from the yearbook company Jostens, why :-/ I don’t know) and submitted it to the yearbook. Voila! Cost $8 I think. It wasn’t bad. There was an option to swap out the background so I swapped the usual grey/blue school id background into outdoors with trees. :)) Looks like an outdoors photo shoot. =))

I still want nice photos, so I asked a photographer to come to our graduation in May. She will do our family photos there. Don’t tell DS17 :blush: :blush:

The same people who shoot the terrible Sr portraits also arrive to shoot graduation and do a great job! I actually paid for a photo of my son filing into graduation. They made the ordering process very easy. They must have sat with someone at the school to ID the students as I received a log-in with photos of my son. Most were crowd shots but the one of him was great.

@payn4ward – it is such a crush of bodies at our graduation that family shots would include many strangers in background. I agree that it is important to capture a family photo on that important day. I still have a great photo from my youngest brother’s HS grad displayed in my house.

I am totally compensating for my parents not doing any “extras” in school by buying my kids’ yearbooks every year, letter jackets, homecoming tickets, and so on. Shamelessly so.

@VickiSoCal Me too!

Please tell me you all are NOT buying a class ring for your graduating child.

Nope. No class ring, no ads, but I did do the letter jacket for both and that gets worn, as much as it can here. And yearbooks every year, that have many notes and signatures. And any dances they choose to attend.

High school was a miserable experience for me in many ways and if a few extras help them enjoy it, I’m ok with that.

I don’t think rings are sold in our HS, but we all had them in HS, didn’t we? Now I cannot recall…

I really enjoyed HS. Worked on the yearbook, student government, Homecoming float, bagel sales to raise money for prom, organized the dances, etc, etc…and I have boys who will not attend a game or a dance. College son will not join a fraternity while I was social chair. They are who they are, as much as I may like to think I have an influence, much is beyond our control!

The only school thing I have bought in four years for S17 is his class ring, lol. It’s all he wanted.