Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I had Naviance access freshman year.

@RightCoaster We had access to it in the Spring of Junior year after the RD decisions came out. It happened this way at two different schools DD14 and DD17.

@WhereIsMyKindle I’m old school I vote paper. I think it shows more effort than an email.

My D was accepted at U of Oregon! I love that their portal is called DuckWeb :slight_smile:

Congrats!!! @CAtransplant

Woo Hoo @CAtransplant <:-P

Introverted Grinder?? I guess that does kind-of describe my kid.

Yay @CAtransplant !

I don’t know, every time I read “Grinder” here all I can think of is Rob Lowe in The Grinder - anyone else watch that show? “Introverted” doesn’t fit with that character at all! :slight_smile:

I asked my son’s GC for Naviance access sophmore year. When they first got Naviance (my older D’s senior year) they gave a parent account out. But I guess that’s because too much of a pain, and now they only give a parent account out by request. They assume you can share your kids account. I wanted my own, since S17 doesn’t like to share these things. I’m glad I did since he’s now taken control of all portals and SAT account. His taking over the SAT account has been a problem.

@STEM2017 Flowers are a lovely idea but I personally would definitely hold off until the entire process is finished for everyone because there will be gossip, especially since your son is doing so well with admissions. And I would consider having something from the entire senior class (whether or not everyone contributes a few dollars) and, if in a public school, get permission from the principal. People talk way too much and there is always someone who assumes the worst motives and manages to convince others.

All I can think of is the Italian grinder sandwich at Treno’s, I think, when I went to college.

I may have a problem

Congratulations @CAtransplant @BigPapiofthree and @TimEnchanter ! <:-P <:-P

@CA1543 Northeastern said they announce EA decisions by **12/31. ** Case EA by ** 12/17. ** So a little more wait.

@STEM2017 @carachel2 @MACncheez I think @BigPapiofthree plans to buy a house/apartment in TX. It could be an off-campus housing for DCs. One year after the purchase, in-state tuition. I could be wrong though. Kiddie-condo is a thing now. Near CU-Boulder, they are heavily marketing kiddie-condos. I don’t think that is for in-state tuition in Colorado though. It is just that off-campus housing is so expensive and rundown in Boulder.


DS was an introvert grinder until 10th grade. Since then, turned into intervert competitive gamer quasi-slacker :)) :((
We had Naviance access since Freshman. I think Sophomore spring/January would be more appropriate.

Good luck to everyone waiting for news today and tomorrow!! :)>- :-bd

D is introverted, but I don’t know that I’d call her a grinder. Her memory is incredible so she doesn’t have to work that hard/study and she’s an excellent writer. There is a lot of work though and she always gets her work done and done well. But she’s also never comfortable with taking a back seat with group projects; she takes them over, organizes the group, and makes sure she’s happy with the final product, picking up the slack if necessary.

First congrats to all the new acceptances. @CAtransplant Oregon is a beautiful happy place to go to college. Never knew a kid who didn’t love it there.
@payn4ward is correct. Texas makes it relatively easy to get Instate residency for 2nd year and beyond. They even have an office of residency that provides answers and advise. I did for D!. Best thing I ever did. In summary, there are three ways it can be done. First and foremost, you must make child independent for tax return purposes. Then you must have the child establish domicile in Texas. Get a drivers license, register to vote, and find a year round residence. For D1 we bought a small rental property in San Antonio in her name. bought it for under 100k. Rented it for 1200 a month. After all expenses, (mortgage, taxes insurance, property manager, we were 500 a month cash flow positive. Used that money to pay down the mortgage. Over 4 years, we had 25k in extra equity paid down on mortgage. Then you have to show that Student spent a summer in Texas. There are workarounds to this(not for public explanation, if serious down the road, pm me). Many students take summer school. Another way to establish domicile is to get a job off campus for 20 hours a week, and no need to buy property. You must work for a year. Again, there are work arounds. A temp agency can be the employer. they issue the pay stub. Basically, you self hire your kid, the agency takes a fee, and the money is paid to child.(again, a longer explanation for those who get serious). The third way is for the student to create or own a small business. if they incorporate a business, and try to launch it during their time there, it qualifies. This is a new rule. I have not fully researched it yet. If it is easy, may be the best way
After one year, you get instate tuition. Drops from almost 35K a year to about 11k a year. Results in 70k+ savings over three years. in essence, your very own MAC. In our case, I sold the house after four years. With increase in value, and money used from excess rent to pay down mortgage we also netted another 40 k in savings. It is a great deal. And the whole time, the university was helpful. Basically you have to read the rules on the site, read between the lines, and figure out ways to prove what they want. I know at least 25-35 kids who have done it. no real questions asked if done the right way
there you go
Hope I was clear

Wow! Not surprised Texas makes it so easy. Thanks for explaining. @BigPapiofthree

I read about TX rules a while back and it’s doable as @BigPapiofthree. Unfortunately my DS doesn’t want to deal with hot and humid weather in south.

Thank you for explaining @bigpapiofthree

@BigPapiofthree You lost me when you described that process as easy!

As @STEM2017 mentioned, sibs can be very different. As I wrote (probably 200 posts ago!), D17 is one of those introverted grinders. D11 is an artsy Bohemian geeky dancer who is introverted in general, but very social with her “tribe,” dancers and geeks. D18 is a funny, charismatic quasi-slacker. I can’t even imagine all the personalities @Mom2aphysicsgeek has had to learn to work with!

@Atyraulove, the Smith packet was addressed to “Parents of SnooznD” and contained a letter and brochure about how wonderful Smith is and says that parents should ask questions that their daughter may never think to ask. It also assures parents that Smith is actually affordable which of course it is not for most. Did your D sign up for the “send me info” (or whatever it’s called) on the website? My D mostly just gets notices about live online chats (which she refuses to take part in for any school) and a few about student blogs, that sort of thing. Nothing about “We really want you to apply!” Oh well, she’s going to apply and it is what it is.

@CAtransplant, woot, congrats on acceptance!