Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

So much exciting news! Congrats ob all the big acceptances today! On a smaller scale S17 just received acceptance to UMass Lowell Honors College. His top UMass choice, but not overall. A very familiar ine as S12 is just finishing up there.

wow - must add congrats to all the other successful students & families tonight-- @BlueAFMom @shuttlebus @thshadow @MSHopeful! What an amazing group! Very happy for you all - please donā€™t leave us though!!

Congratulations @picklesarenice @thshadow @MSHopeful @nw2this @BlueAFMom @Motiv8tedmom23 and @shuttlebus tlebus !!! Super exciting news !!

Congratsā€“Stanford acceptances, honors college invitations, other EA stuff, very cool to hear!

So I got home from work today, and of course DD has no idea about Purdue. I didnā€™t say anything. And I canā€™t even tell my wife because she canā€™t keep a secret!!! Sheesh.

Maybe weā€™ll get something in the mail before she checks the portalā€¦ :-/


Congrats all, Iā€™m really impressed with your kids and their superb accomplishments.

Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations!!!

@sdl0625 Hang in there. Me and my 30ACT D17 are right there with you :smiley:

D is having a few friends over tonight and one just got notified of his ED acceptance to Wash Uā€¦ He is so happy! Its fun to be a part of.

Congrats to all those acceptances tonight!

Congratulations @Motiv8tedmom23 ! Good to have more options! <:-P <:-P

DS17 has never accessed any of his portals. I just email/text him whenever there is news. He doesnā€™t mind at all. @thshadow Good luck keeping the secret :wink:

Congrats @MSHopeful @thshadow @picklesarenice @New2this @Motiv8tedmom23 @BlueAFMom @shuttlebus (wow!!!)

I am feeling ridiculously proud of all of the young people here!

Wow, congrats to all who received good news!! :-bd

@thshadow Purdue sent separate emails to DS and me right after they updated the portal, so your D may find out very soon! The official package came in the mail about a week later. Merit notifications wonā€™t be out for a while, though. So still some waiting to do.

@STEM2017 I wish I had some Guinness in the house as well, Iā€™d join you in raising a glass to all this good news!

I hope everyone hangs out here until April, because I donā€™t think my DD will know where sheā€™s headed until then! No ED apps for her, strictly EA and RD.

@thshadow Remind DD that today is the day for Purdue decisions and she should check the portal. Tell her you are happy to check it for her. :smiley: Sheā€™ll probably give you the same answer S17 gives me when I reminded him his ACT / SAT scores were released. His response ā€œGo check and let me know how it went.ā€ Congratulations!

@stencils ā€“ I agree - Hope everyone who can stays on the journey with everyone else waiting an acceptances and then there will be all the activity around deposits, housing and end of the school year celebrations & planning for the big transition.

I am truly happy for all those who received the best news they could have hoped for! Celebrate - and I know it was a lot of hard work and dedication to get there!!

@stencils Only EA and RD here too so weā€™re in it until April as well.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek - feel free to PM me if youā€™d like any info on University of Evansville. We have a recent grad and one student still there.

Wow, I was on this morning and didnā€™t know thereā€™d be a ton of acceptances when I came back! I celebrated with an eggnog milkshakeā€¦

@thshadow, congrats to your D on Purdue ā€“ the university that led to my existence as itā€™s my parentsā€™ alma mater!

@picklesarenice and @nw2this, congrats to your kids on Stanford!

@BlueAFMom, congrats to your D on WashU!

@shuttlebus, congrats to your S on Williams!

@Motiv8tedmom23, congrats to your S on UMass-Lowell!

<:-P for everyone!

@payn4ward, regarding local HSā€™s, yours is known as the school for smart kids of course! :smiley:

DS was accepted to Stanford today!

@snoozn ā€” THANK YOU for summarizing all the acceptances! I was off the computer since yesterday morning and missed a lot.

AMAZING outcomes for all of these students. So happy for those who received good news, and even happier for those who do not need to file any more applications!

CONGRATS to everyone @snoozn outlined above!

Happy to see some great news! Congrats to all the kids who got acceptance notifications today!
