Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congrats!!! @Dave_N

In case anyone wants to hear the (somewhat) resolution to my DD & Purdue sagaā€¦ :slight_smile:

This evening I couldnā€™t take it any longer. I took in the mail - and she actually asked if there was anything for her. I told her no, and asked her what she was hoping to get? ā€œRose Hulmanā€ of course.

Me: Oh yeah - did you ever check the Purdue portal? :-/ :-/ :-/
DD: No - why would I do that?
Me: Well werenā€™t we saying on Thursday that we thought decisions would be released yesterday?
DD: No, I said that my friends have gotten decisions on Fridays, mine will probably take awhile.
(she goes away and come back)
Me: Ummm, so do you want me to check the portal for you, or do you just want to wait and see if you get anything in the mail?
DD: Iā€™d rather wait for a letter.

So, there you have it. I guess in retrospect she didnā€™t really want me to check the portal - though she never said that, and I donā€™t know if I could have resistedā€¦ :slight_smile: Luckily she didnā€™t ask me if I already checkedā€¦ Of course, I got an email this morning from Purdue saying she was accepted - in the subject. I assume she got one tooā€¦ So I guess thatā€™s a perfectly reasonable response I can give later if she asks if I already knewā€¦

Anyway, thank goodness Rose Hulman doesnā€™t release info on their portal, so she can authentically wait for it, old school. And Iā€™m not tempted to try to peekā€¦ :slight_smile:

@theshadow My son was honestly perplexed as to why you would need to check portals for acceptances. Why wouldnā€™t they email or mail you. Seems he is a bit old school as well. The answer is most do eventually do but often you can hear sooner by checking the portal. But some large state schools, the portal is really the only main communication.

Just like your daughter, he seems a lot less anxious about getting his answers ASAP. In many ways this is good, it shows they arenā€™t so anxious about the whole thing. And my my case I canā€™t peek, I donā€™t have his portal information.

Here, I feel weird as I check his portals three times a day =))
DS never.

I was several days behind and >500 posts to catch up. Darn work deadlines. So much has happened here!!!

Congratulations to all with acceptances and good scholarship news!!! So great to hear!! Iā€™m sure Iā€™m leaving out lots of folks, but congrats to @picklesarenice @thshadow @MSHopeful @nw2this @BlueAFMom @Motiv8tedmom23 and @shuttlebus @carlsbadbruin @curiositycat333 @Mom2aphysicsgeek @stlarenas @LoveTheBard @Dave_N <:-P ^:)^ :-bd

Sorry to hear about the deferrals. Acceptances will come!

@thshadow omg that was no resolution!! Youā€™re killin me lol

DS was supposed to be working on some of his 7 remaining applications in preparation for Thursdayā€™s likely deferral.

But, he finally got email back from the CS professor whose assembly & logic class he wants to take winter quarter at the local UC. The professor said that he really should take the prerequisite first (fundamentals of programming taught in C++). But if he wants to skip that, he can come in for a 2-hour talk and assessment. So, this weekend DS is trying to do all the projects for the prerequisite class (which the same professor taught this fall quarter) and plans to turn those in on Monday at the meeting.

So, Monday will be a big interview day, as he also has an interview later that day for a scholarship from a local organization. At least his 2 UC finals are over and he thinks he did well. So, his class schedule is light next week.

It is seeming more and more like I need to postpone his wisdom teeth removal, which is currently scheduled for winter break.

@Ynotgo-- I am exhausted just reading about his schedule, but I completely understand his motivation to want to power through the assignments. And, yes, wisdom teeth removal seems unlikely. Neither of my boys had a terrible reaction. Does your son have a three day weekend when you can schedule it for the Friday before the weekend? Good luck fitting that in around midterms, his college classes, and ECs.

Good luck to him on his Monday interviews!

@Ynotgo Postponing the wisdom teeth removal is a good idea. S17 had an easy recovery in terms of no complications/ no pain. His wisdom teeth were not causing any issues and it was an easy procedure.I have no doubt his apps would have suffered if heā€™d done any apps during this period of time. He was frequently hungry and wondering when his next milkshake would be. My co-workers daughter just had hers out the Monday of Thanksgiving week. He said they had a miserable Thanksgiving weekend. She has had a horrible recovery. Maybe early in the year or in the spring when he has interviews and apps behind him just in case it doesnā€™t go as smoothly as one would hope.

@paveyourpath They said it should be an easy removal, but that if we let it go too long they could move his other teeth, which have so far luckily not needed any work.

@CT1417 Not too many 3-day weekends here. Postponing now could mean postponing until early summer, since we have no idea about his spring schedule for accepted student days. Between having UCs with a quarter schedule and HS with a semester schedule, there arenā€™t many common days off other than holidays when dentists donā€™t work.

We are waiting until summer I think for the teeth. No other way to fit it in.

We did wisdom teeth for S15 over Christmas break last year. I think the appointment was Dec. 22. He was miserable on Christmas Eve , felt somewhat better on Christmas day, and played goalie in a hockey game on the 27th while he still wasnā€™t 100%, but was much better. The long break for colleges makes it much easier than the short HS breaks.

DD was denied at Caltech. She is fine, applied last minute on a whim. I am glad California is no longer in the mix, because I would have let her go if she wanted to, but I think itā€™s too far away. The great news is that she won 8 of her 9 Fencing bouts today, they were down a fencer in womanā€™s Epee so she and the other girl split the bouts. DD showed some real leadership and athleticism today. All in all a good day. Some lucky school will get her!

S17 was accepted to UT Austinā€™s Plan II Honors program today. Iā€™m happy because he wonā€™t be far from home. Heā€™s happy because he will be going to a big school in a big city with a liberal arts curriculum.

Good luck to all still waiting.

Congrats to all with good news and hugs to all with not so good news.

So Iā€™ve been getting antsy with all the announcements, wondering when D17 will hear from her EA schools. We already knew George Masonā€™s are coming out on their portal next Thursday, so I went on Twitter, and found that St Thomas and Earlham both notify old-school, via postal mail. St Thomas EA notifications went out yesterday, and I found one student posting about an acceptance to Earlham today, so Monday or Tuesday, maybe?

I mean, even with the schools Iā€™m pretty certain sheā€™s getting into, itā€™s nervewracking.

[This is where Iā€™d post a ticking clock animated emoji, if CC had one.]

@jedwards70 Congrats!!!

Checking in to share some happy news. S got in ED to Penn! Heā€™s thrilled, weā€™re thrilled. And now he can enjoy the rest of senior year! Congrats to all of the many acceptances and scholarships our kids on this thread have already receivedā€¦Iā€™m just catching up and itā€™s impressive! And to those who are still waiting, I know each one will end up at the school that is the best academic and financial fit for them!

Congrats @jedwards70 ā€“ great news. I love UT Austin.Thank campus is a city - so vibrant and busy. DS liked the CS school - Engineering building was being constructed last Feb when we visited. ultimately decided too big and as we are in NY it would be a big change for him.

@Ynotgo ā€“ geez your DS is driven!! Hope it works out as he wishes. prereqs for CS classes can be frustrating - I can forsee DS thinking what do I have to take this course though I hope once he is in college heā€™ll pretty quickly go past his current level of skills & knowledge.

DS off at an all day FIRST Tech Challenge - yesterday he turned 18 & in between family dinner celebration, homework and friend hang out time, he was busy on the Team notebook - lots of work but came out ok (I think). Their robot - after many attempts and lots of destroyed parts, finally works so they have a shot at getting to the next round but it can be pretty competitive. Regarding the upcoming major EA decision coming on the 15th - DS was unaware and I was blissfully leaving him so, but as we were leaving dinner, grandpa (an alum and regional interviewer - of course not for DS) had to inquire of DS - Do you know what happens on the 15th and at Tau time? And when DS had no clue, grandpa was likely a bit surprised and filled him in. Now DS likely feels some anxiety but I am hoping he forgets about it. He has checked no portals ā€“ still trying to get last few apps done and submitted soon!!

Congratulations @jedwards70 and @Felicita and anyone else I may have missed <:-P

@Ynotgo With no free time until Summer, I see why you would be concerned holding off. Just have the wisdom teeth survival kit ready and really be on him about the 30 mins on and off with the ice for the first 6 hours. I really believe between the ice, anti-inflammatory and pain pills for day 1 that is what made all the difference. No exercise, no rising of the blood pressure and no straws. Try all of the things the oral surgeons recommend and then hope for the best. He sounds like a very focused and determined young man so I am sure he will get through it. Weā€™ll be here for moral support so let us know how it goes when he has them pulled.