Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@cleoforshort Sorry about Caltech but happy to hear DD was fine. She will land somewhere wonderful. Great that she had a wonderful fencing day.

@dfbdfb Been nerve wrecking on my end as well. Initially, S17’s two EA schools were to be using snail mail for their decisions too.

One will come snail mail (by the 15th) and I assumed that meant they mailed them on the 15th! Found out yesterday (on CC) that last year they mailed them out 5 days before the 15th and then started making calls to those accepted two days before the 15th. I was not prepared for this but it’s okay because it will be in the mailbox which means S17 will be home when he reads it.

The other school portal still says decisions will be by 12/24 and sent via regular mail. They sent an email saying decisions will come by email sometime during the week of 12/11 (today). Here’s hoping that S17 won’t be checking the college email acct this week while at school.

These EA decisions are for schools he really likes and are in the top half of his list.

Congrats!!! @Felicita

Congrats @Felicita —haven’t seen you around since May!! Glad you stopped back in to share your good news.

Congratulations @Felicita @jedwards70 !! <:-P <:-P

Happy Birthday @CA1543 S and congratulations on working robot! <:-P <:-P

HUGS to the ones with disappointments =(( =(( :x

Congrats to all those with acceptances!

It’s nerve-wracking here for us as well. We have no decisions yet. @paveyourpath we are waiting on the same 2 schools as you (plus 2 safeties). I hope we both get great news this week. Good luck!!

Congrats @jedwards70 —Plan II Honors is an elite admissions process for sure. It’s a win/win for you guys: he gets the city and a liberal arts rigorous curriculum and you get to have him not so far. SO excited for you!

@Ynotgo There’s probably never a great time for that removal so if it’s necessary, maybe just get it over with. Anyway, good luck on his interview tomorrow!!

@cleoforshort sorry about the rejection but i can relate to the “too far away” idea! I’m sure all will work out.

Congrats @jedwards70 <:-P and Honors program, way to go! Congrats to @Felicita <:-P nice to be settled!

@dfbdfb yes, the tick tock of the clock is painful for us too!! @CA1543 - yes DD realized the upcoming date as well… tick tock… the tech challenge sounds exciting, good luck with the next level!

i also cant really wrap my head around the portal only thing.
i mean, i guess it get it in this day and age, but you’d THINK they would at least send an email stating “your portal has updated”, so that you’d know TO check. but no–some of them just randomly update.
it frustrates me to say the least.

Yes, @carachel2, people just seem to be coming out of the woodwork with terrific news! We’ve all been wondering about your kids of course! So…great. Congratulations to those returning after a long absence, and the first posters.

Woo hoo!!! on all the acceptances! (I’m really behind!)

hugs* for the deferrals and rejections. I’m both anticipating and dreading the ‘thanks but no thanks’ email she’ll get. I just want to not have everything be so schrodingery.

@picklesarenice and @nw2this woo hoo!!! on the Stanford acceptance! D17’s bf did not get in, and it was his first choice, but he appears to be sanguine about it (although I suspect not as much as D thinks he is). D is very glad she got him to apply to UMD as a safety, because all of his other colleges were up at that crazy lottery level.

For D, when we talked about it, it gave her a real appreciation for just how unpredictable the college admissions process can be because her bf is a flat out rock star (IB diploma, perfect scores, amazing ec’s, works like crazy). He’s also good looking, charming, self-deprecating, and hilarious. I can’t imagine a world where schools would not accept him, but there it is. So many awesome kids out there.

@cleoforshort I like the “second guessing club”. I don’t know whether D17 will join it or not, but we’ll know after this week.

This week we got two skinny letters from WPI and NEU. WPI turned out to be the “don’t forget the financial aid” and NEU turned out to be “don’t forget to apply”. Geez. Hello!!!

@MotherOfDragons I’ll see you your NEU/WPI letters, and raise you two “send us your proof of citizenship” letters.

@jedwards70 and @Felicita Congrats on the acceptances!

@Ynotgo Wisdom teeth: agree with all the comments here about the pros/cons of delaying until early summer but may I suggest not waiting much longer into summer. I had mine out the summer before heading off to college and I don’t remember when but I am sure we thought there was plenty of time to recover–wrong, I had purple cheeks and miserable craters in my mouth the first few weeks of college and lost a frightening amount of weight. No complications, just miscalculation–I’m a redhead and healing takes longer for us! I guess wisdom teeth fall into that category of “there is no good time”

@cleoforshort – sorry to hear about CalTech, but congrats on the fencing!

@jedwards70 --Woo Hoo! Congrats! Does this mean that you are finished???

@Felicita – Congrats on Penn! A relaxed and happy holiday season in your home now.

@CA1543 – glad the robot is moving forward in competition, destroyed parts and all. I am even more impressed that your son did not know of the notification dates. My son is surrounded by friends who have been hearing decisions since Thursday, and most of them unfavorable. Refreshing that your son and his friends are not chatting about this.

@Ynotgo – hmmm…well that is a dilemma with scheduling the surgery. You know your son best, but my concern would be that these college app deadlines are hard & fast, whereas HS deadlines may offer a bit more flexibility AND are not so ‘all or nothing’. In other words, if your son’s recovery is rough and he cannot complete apps, then he will just not be able to apply to some schools, whereas if his grades suffer in say Feb or March in HS…well, so be it. But your son may be so far along on his apps that it is not an issue. It would be a BIG issue for my son! If you proceed with surgery, buy one of those little bulb syringe things that squirts water. Older son recovered REALLY quickly but surgeon discovered bits of broccoli in the crevices. And bags of frozen veggies as ice packs…unless your dentist provides a better alternative. Good luck!

@MotherOfDragons And now “Schrodingery” is the word of the day. She was both accepted and rejected from Caltech until she looked at the portal, LOL.

Wow, reality certainly is sobering! I had vivid daydreams about my DD getting in to her ED school and joyously hitting “accept,” paying the deposits without delay, and DD jumping to send all of the schools still pending an e-mail letting them know she withdraws her application.

No “second guess club” here, my DD is amazingly decisive; but, these actions are much more significant emotional events than I thought…mostly for me. She is no longer going to nameless/faceless college x# of miles from home. It is now actually a place on the map and that is scary! And exciting!

Those in waiting, it will happen!

@nocturne21 Thank you and good luck to you as well!

This is truly a crazy time of year, all these seniors that applied ED are so tense (parents too). It seems so random, some acceptances and rejections my D17’s friends have received so far. @BlueAFMom I have that daydream and then force myself to go all the way through the opposite daydream – a rejection from ED school and helping my kid through that.

One of her friends got into Penn and another into Wes yesterday. Another girl with HIGHER stats and who is on a varsity team (etc) was rejected from Wesleyan. Un-frickin-predictable.

I have receiving-the-scholarship-envelope daydreams instead!

D has a couple weeks to wait. It will be a looooooooooong couple weeks, that’s for sure!

@MotherOfDragons, we got the WPI and an RPI about applying ED (already applied RD).

ED II anyone?

Just kidding! Just kidding! Jeez, take it easy.
