Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Having acceptances early, plus having to wait for late ones, kind of sucks. It would be nice to have either all Rolling/EA/ED (well, 1 ED :smiley: ) apps or all RD apps so decisions are stacked closer together. And, scholarship weekends throw another wrench in the works. I wanna be done too, but such is the life of a MACinator.

@WhereIsMyKindle Your dd and my dd both. She might not end up being able to make her decision until mid-April. She applied to one school after their EA deadline, so she wonā€™t know if she is admitted until April 1. If she gets one of their competitive NMF scholarships, it would probably move to the very top of her list. Right now she only has 1 completely affordable option high on her list that she would be happy to attend.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek ā€“ I trust that you will be our font of knowledge on what NMSF deadlines come spring! (Please!)

I love the crowdsourcing aspect of this thread.

Congratulations to all accepted students!

University of South Carolina- Honors related question.

My daughter applied by the 11/15/2016 deadline, unfortunately we did not submit all test scores. We did submit the ACT score but not the SAT score. She is still waiting to hear back on the status of her application.

Does USC requre ā€œALLā€ scores to be submitted by the 11/15/2016 deadline for honors? She did state that she took the SAT on her application. Kicking myself for not being more involved and reading the instructions more carefully.

Worried mom.

PS: Also posted on USC forum

Thanks for all the helpful advice on wisdom teeth. I had mine out in my 40s, and that seemed like a pretty good time. :wink: My kids and I all have only the top 2 ā€“ just not very wise, I guess. Mine fit fine, kids both ā€œalmostā€ fit, but I donā€™t trust dentists to not overstate the problem.

Congrats on UT honors, @jedwards70 ā€“ such a win-win for the two of you!! Congrats on Penn @Felicita, and nice to hear from you again! It must be wonderful to be ā€œdoneā€! <:-P

@CT1543 DS is super nervous about Tau time. Glad to hear FTC is going well for your DS! DSā€™s team hasnā€™t gotten past a lot of kinks, and their competition schedule is weird this year. Happy birthday to him! DS is also a December babyā€“day after Christmas.

Hugs @cleoforshort. Great news on her fencing. DS enjoyed fencing until 8th grade, but a December birthday made him a lot younger and smaller than his opponents. (His due date was well into Januaryā€¦) Maybe he can take it up again for PE or intramurals in college.

@JenJenJenJen I do the same thing. If I start to imagine an acceptance, I force myself to imagine at least a deferral and what happens after that.

QOTD: Music. How many of you have been turned on to new music that your kid listens to? I had been in kind of a music ā€˜funkā€™ (p.i.) for several years (decades?) before my kids stopped listening to kiddy music, and developed their own taste for certain music. Granted, a lot of mine is slanted on the teen-girl side, which really frustrates/perplexes my ā€˜classic rockā€™ friends. :smiley: I listen to it by myself now. Lots of interesting artists these days, too, due to the different platforms available for listening.

Itā€™s Dā€™s birthday and she got french toast, patatas bravas, and spicy hot chocolate for brunch. Sheā€™s only 17 so another year before a lot of legal changes. We had the talk again about the looming result coming on Thursday so hopefully sheā€™s mentally prepared either way. She has her Calc final at 6:15 that night so hopefully she wonā€™t be too distracted.

Congrats on any new acceptances! May the odds be ever in your favor for everyone expecting announcements this week.

QOTD: Yes, we both listen to Dā€™s music all the time now.

QOTD: I would love to share in my kidsā€™ music but they wear earphones and headphones so I really have no idea what they are listening to. Truth is, they might just be blocking out the sound of my voice.

I canā€™t blame them.

QOTD: Older son is very into music and spends much of his disposable income on vinyl albums, concert tickets & tee shirts. I find myself amused to see if buying used copies of some of the same albums I had in HS & college, but he is also into some very obscure alternative bands. Groups too obscure for Sirius XMUā€™s channel.

I have Alt Nation and First Wave as my first two pre-set buttons, and the boys listened to those stations during their elementary, middle & HS years until I stopped driving them places. Fortunately none of us like pop music. I had to listen to some of it while creating swim team slideshows, so I am aware of Katy Perry and Black Eyed Peas, but the boys never listened to it.

Agree also with @STEM2017 that they usually have their headphones on, except on car rides where I require that we speak. Conversation is often about music, and we both learn from each other.

QOTD: Music is currently non-stop Hamilton, Something Rotten, and Book of Mormon showtunes from both D17 and D20 now. And holiday music on the car radioā€¦ they love the all holiday tunes station this time of year.

Andā€¦ for anyone into Hamilton, the ā€œnon-stopā€ reference was totally accidental, but I laughed at my computer desk after I read what I had just posted.

@MACncheez I spend hours every week driving my DS19 to hockey. He bought an aux cord so I get to listen to his music in the car. He doesnā€™t buy into ā€œdriver picks the music.ā€ Anyway, I am now a fan of Felly and bought him concert tickets to see him live. I have also learned to tolerate some of his rap picks but put my foot down to most. Itā€™s been fun talking to him about music and it has led to other conversations.

QOTD: D actually listens to my music now, including lots of 90s - 00 R&B and soul. Sheā€™s an old soul. She has spent a lot of time hanging out with me and my friends over the years and now goes to a lot of concerts with us.

@MACncheez I listen to the same stuff my kids do. I do have a fondness for 90ā€™s hip hop music that they donā€™t yet appreciate (hello, De La Soul anyone?), but H finally got them to like Guns n Roses, AC/DC, and some other 80s era rock bands.

When H and I are listening to music together, itā€™s usually ā€œyacht rockā€ on pandora, since he canā€™t stand my love of Bruno Mars and Justin Timberlake, lol. He does like Lady Gaga, and thatā€™s ok. At least itā€™s not Adeleā€¦

I just finished cleaning out the fridge and scrubbing it down. This is not school stress-I have a lot of Graphic Art history stuff due tonight and Iā€™m procrastinating. Iā€™m so ready to be done with that class. Love the book, hate the assignments and the rigid way we have to present them:

*"Describe the origins of postmodernism and discuss the shift away from the International Typographic Style by pioneers of postmodern graphic design. Identify three early postmodern graphic designers and discuss examples of their work, explaining how their work expanded the parameters of the International Typographic Style.

Participation in the Discussion is required and makes up a significant part of your classroom experience. To enter the Discussion and respond to the topics posted there, click the Discussion link in the top toolbar.

REMINDER: Frame Online Discussion(s) by following the PRES Model for Constructing Discussion posts: P = Point, R = Reason, E = Examples, S = Summary.

NOTE: Three to four sentences make up a paragraph, no more, no less. You should aim to write very concise sentences. Example, try writing three sentences for your POINT, three sentences for your REASON, three sentences for your EXAMPLES, and three sentences for your SUMMARY."*

Shoot me now.

@MACncheez @LoveTheBard MAC = Merit Aid Chaser? Merit Aid Competition? Macaroni and Cheese Lover? Just when I thought I knew all of the acronyms, I learn Iā€™m still a newbie. :smiley:

@MotherOfDragons Iā€™m with you, Iā€™m supposed to be QAing new demo software, but here I am on CC instead.

@stencils Big MAC = Big Merit Aid Colleges

Happy Birthday @Dolemite DD ! <:-P

As part of Second Guessing, I am reading rescind scenarios. :open_mouth: XX DS is not THAT bad. :)]

@Dolemite ā€“ happy birthday to your D- Sounds like a lot of nice treats for her.

Re music - DS 17 loves classical music & the tracks from some video games. DS18 is into rap - I mostly am not except for a few ā€œsongsā€ such as by Post Malone.

Rice App is finally done & the supps are pretty strong so feeling good about finally hitting send. DS loved the school when he visited. Then 3 big apps to finish ā€“ but close on 1 more at least. DS is in school through Dec 21 so no let up on school work for awhile. Kids at school try not to bother each other much about college apps, decisions but as time goes on, word gets around about some of the results. Counselors keep it pretty low key too - they know how stressed everyone is. Top 15%-20% of the class tends to do well with college decisions ā€“ though very few nonathletes get into Ivies other than Cornell as we are in NY. We have grads who are famous writers and movie directors, founders of some big companies and other successes (along with many kids who get other jobs) ā€“ school is not crazy competitive and DS likes the environment bc kids are pretty supportive of each other and seem to keep perspective.

@ynotgo ā€“ on wisdom teeth - should not be too bad with only 2. DS had 4 out - impacted - in August - was rough for 2 days but basically ok (no major pain) after 4 days. Now DS18 needs them out & its complicated bc where one is positioned - think weā€™ll wait till summer. At least we know what to expect.

@MotherOfDragons Wow, hugs! Iā€™d procrastinate, too.

QOTD: DS17 uses earbuds. I think a lot of what he listens to is video game theme songs. (Hi again @CA1543!!) Apparently some of it is pretty good in a classical music sort of way, he says. I like Game of Thrones etc soundtracks as background when Iā€™m working, so I guess I get that.

DS20 is learning to play bass guitar, so angsty LGBTQ-friendly music with a big bass line. DH plays several stringed instruments, and has tried to appreciate his music tastes. He gave a list of songs to his music teacher, and the teacher said, ā€œSome of these are really obscure. Only 17 views on YouTube.ā€ I think thatā€™s what DS20 aims for. DS20 also play ukulele, and mostly I know those songs.

Iā€™m old fashioned and still like what was ā€œModern Rockā€ back in the 80s, New Wave and stuff after that. DS20 thinks itā€™s quaint.

@PDMom1718 My Dd was accepted but I donā€™t think anyone knows about honors. I donā€™t think honors announcements come out until Jan?? (I donā€™t remember exactly, but mentally I have it categorized in the after the New Year group.

No idea about the test score issue. My Dd is in the one and done category somshe took the SAT once and that was it other than subject tests.