Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congratulations @itsgettingreal17 and @snoozn !

@MACncheez I’m making homemade mac and cheese tonight as a result of your new avatar.

Congratulations @snoozn @itsgettingreal17 <:-P <:-P <:-P

Nice @itsgettingreal17 's daughter !! Yeee haw

Just because I think it’s only fair to post the not-so-good news along with good news, S got deferred from his ED school. Really surprised me. I mean it’s one of those schools that is categorized as a reach for everyone, just because of how hard it is to get in, but his stats were well above the average from his high school for admission to this school. I know the LACs are about way more than just stats, but still…
Now he’s got to do 10 or 11 applications over Christmas break, so that should be lots of fun. Not. And now I’m second-guessing his list (particularly the likelies) like crazy, though I know I probably shouldn’t.

Anyone else get the newest NSHSS spam email today?

@soxmom That’s a bummer. :frowning: Which school? [and red sox or white sox?]

Sorry @soxmom :frowning:

S2 checked his email and found his acceptance email from Tulane got routed to a different folder than his inbox. Good thing mom asked him to look again.

@soxmom Sorry about that. There really will be other fish in the sea. And if you look closely you aren’t alone in your S getting deferred from his ED school.

But I imagine it’s frustrating to have to take up the Xmas holidays will all those applications that you hoped he never had to do.

D accepted Notre Dame!

@soxmom sorry for your DS’s deferral. We are prepared to embrace for what’s coming next a couple of weeks.

Congrats to your DD @chillkitty <:-P <:-P <:-P

Yay @NoVADad99 and @chillkitty <:-P

Congrats @NoVADad99 ! <:-P

Congratulations @chillkitty @NoVADad99 @itsgettingreal17 ! <:-P <:-P

Congrats to everyone with all the admissions good news!

Congrats to @chillkitty and @NoVADad99, bummer and hugs to @soxmom. Good luck to Soxmom’s kid in the next wave of acceptances! Thanks for sharing.

Hugs to @soxmom and others who are deferred last few days. =((


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         (______/          \   `-.____.-'   /          \_____)
                            \    **HUG**   /
        *Hug*     *Hug*    *Hug*     *Hug*          *Hug*
        *Hug*     *Hug*    *Hug*     *Hug*       *Hug* *Hug*
        *Hug*     *Hug*    *Hug*     *Hug*      *Hug*   *Hug*
        *Hug*     *Hug*    *Hug*     *Hug*     *Hug*
        *Hug**Hug**Hug*    *Hug*     *Hug*    *Hug*
        *Hug**Hug**Hug*    *Hug*     *Hug*    *Hug*    *Hug**Hug*
        *Hug*     *Hug*    *Hug*     *Hug*     *Hug*     *Hug*
        *Hug*     *Hug*     *Hug*   *Hug*       *Hug*   *Hug*
        *Hug*     *Hug*      *Hug* *Hug*         *Hug* *Hug*
        *Hug*     *Hug*         *Hug*               *Hug*

@snoozn and @itsgettingreal17 and @chillkitty and @NoVADad99 FANTASTIC!!! :-bd

@BigPapiofthree and @SincererLove Sorry about the deferrals. Both tough schools so I hope the deferral doesn’t sting as much as an outright rejection. D has two friends who received outright rejections from their ED and EA schools and they have been feeling very sad.

@soxmom adding a sympathetic hug to you too! No fun to add the stress of college apps to the holiday season!

How many of your kids in here have an acceptance in hand but have not actually visited the school?

Son has 2 acceptances to his safeties, and visited both. He was able to visit all of the schools he applied to, except 1. We hope to visit, after the holidays, just to check it out. 2 hour drive, so not so bad.

DD has been accepted to both Purdue and IU, and has visited neither. Though I visited Purdue on her behalf. (So if the question is about demonstrated interest, it’s possible we checked that box at Purdue, but we definitely didn’t at IU.)