Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

DS got in to Harvard – but it IS a lottery. Good news will come to all your great kids-- but it’s hard for them to hear bad news today.

@Daykidmom, @HiToWaMom Congrats. Fantastic.
@srk2017 I feel your pain…sorry.

Sorry about the deferral @srk2017 :frowning:

Congrats @DMV301 =D>

Congrats @DMV301 !!!

So hard to deal out both types of reactions to people we’ve come to know!!

@DMV301 Congrats!!!

@HiToWaMom Congrats!!!

@HiToWaMom Congrats! My DD is applying there RD, but I’ve heard they are stingy with the NCP waivers so if that’s the case it won’t be doable even if she gets in. But it’s worth a shot as she loved her visit there.

Hey @STEM2017 your son must be near the top of total Acceptances in this thread, hooray!! He’s on a serious roll.
I didn’t know too much about that school until recently, when I heard about it on here. I did some research/review on it and it’s a pretty cool place… Good for him getting in!

@srk2017 vibes your way, bummer. On to better things!

Congrats @STEM2017 @DMV301 @Daykidmom @HiToWaMom <:-P Great news!

Sorry about the deferral @srk2017 – he’s a great kid and I’m rooting for him! =((

Congrats to the kids who got into Harvard today, impressive. That is exciting.
Congrats on Barnard. I’m going to go read up on that school right now @HiToWaMom .

Congrats @STEM2017 on RHIT! If memory serves, it was just @thshadow’s D, your S and my D who applied - three for three! (Sorry if I forgot anyone - my memory doesn’t always serve me well.)

@srk2017, sorry about the deferral, but I’m sure your S will end up with plenty of great options.

@DMV301 and @Daykidmom, grats on Harvard! You must have happy kids from what I keep hearing about the Harvard thread.

@HiToWaMom,congrats to your D on Barnard!

Another chin up story for all those not getting a yes nod from their ED/SCEA school…it’s ok to be sad for a day or 2, then best to move on to expect good things from other places for yourself …S14, bummed after receiving a no to an ED institution that shall remain nameless, in the end (come February) received one of the full-tuition Dean’s Honors scholarships at Tulane. Had the ED school happened, the offer would never have come to fruition.
Someone a few days ago framed it well (likening it to a spot on the hockey squad)…it wasn’t meant to be…for whatever reason you weren’t supposed to go there (at least not via ED)
…someone please remind me of this in a few days if I need it for S17 :^o

Congrats @STEM2017, @DMV301 @HiToWaMom @Daykidmom – all great news!!

QOTD (Individualized Responses): I’m about 5 pages late with this, not a response from AO, but a coach recruiting DD sent a personalized Happy Birthday email, which impressed her a great deal. It is the little things that impress!

Thank you all for the hugs. DS already started thinking about new lottery tickets :slight_smile: All other apps are already in.

@Ynotgo AP exam v final, Uh, I don’t know, good point. I must be confusing something now that I think about it - I will ask D tonight when she gets home from work!

@thshadow Well so glad she knows! She must be excited to have 2 great choices in her pocket!

@STEM2017 Congrats! Another one in the bag! You go <:-P

Congrats also to @DMV301 <:-P and @HiToWaMom <:-P @Daykidmom <:-P

@srk2017 glad to hear he’s on to the next app and I’m certain he’ll get good news soon

@DMV301 Congrats to DD!
@Daykidmom Welcome. Congrats.
@HiToWaMom Congrats on Barnard!
@STEM2017 Awesome! Congrats!
@srk2017 Poo! On and Up!

Became an exciting day…for someone without a horse in this race.

DS got into his 2nd choice school today - Santa Clara / Engineering. That makes the sting of ND deferral a bit better. But, ND is still number one and he’ll press on there. But, so pleased to have a solid #2!

Is this true about Harvard? 4,673 out of 6,173 (75.7%) deferred? WOW! I’m thinking the 893 (out of 6,020) that ND deferred sounds better now. (Not meant to be a slight to those deferred at Harvard.) Keeping hope alive AND doing whatever we need to do.

@DMV301 and @Daykidmom congrats on Harvard!

@HiToWaMom congrats on Barnard! <:-P

@phoenixmomof2 kudos to Santa Clara =D>

@phoenixmomof2 - Yes, Harvard defers most.

Congrats on the Harvard acceptances! And good luck and hugs for the deferrals… Congrats for RHIT and Santa Clara, too–Such an exciting day!

S15 finishes college finals and comes home tomorrow. DH has found the perfect stress reliever for him, and he’s actually psyched about it–S15 is a hockey goalie, and DH set him up to sub in for the world’s worst men’s league team tomorrow night–S will probably get lit up, but it will definitely help to relieve nervous energy…