Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

My wallet would be so happy if she went there.

@VickiSoCal - Congrats! My son was accepted to SDSU yesterday. I don’t expect him to attend but since both my wife and I are alumni he had to apply!

UGH. The Northeastern decision thread is the only one I have really followed. Soooo many deferrals. And these sound like SUCH fantastic kids–nursing home workers, working with special needs kids, nurses assistants. THESE are the kids I want taking care of my world when I’m 80 and can no longer do it.


DD deferred from Princeton today. She is very much regretting not having applied to Penn ED where she is a double legacy. Even though we were expecting the deferral it still sucks.
@Dolemite - I hope your DD gets an acceptance!
@RightCoaster - sorry about your DS and Northeastern.

D17 Got into Yale!!!

(No FA, though) :smiley: $-)

@LoveTheBard! That’s fantastic! Hope the #’$ look ok still!

@Carachel2 I’ve been following the NE thread, too, and I’m amazed at the quality of kids being deferred. I’m surprised but these are terrific kids and they will find a place, no doubt. And there are no rejections (that I’ve seen). We have a Christmas tree decorating party this evening and don’t want my D to check before! Fortunately, she’s at an after-school activity until just before the party.

If she is deferred, I hope she shows the same grace as @RightCoaster’s son: disappointment and move on.

Good luck to everyone hearing in the next couple of days. Congratulations to @LoveTheBard and everyonel whose kids get in and virtual chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate to all those deferred/rejected.

Short on time today, so congrats to all with acceptances and hugs to all receiving bad news. Good news will follow and I strongly believe that each of our kids will end up where they are supposed to be. :slight_smile:

No email from Northeastern yet, which is causing my “what did we do wrong” goblin to kick into high gear. Her app status has all the completed things on it, but no tabs or anything like that.

ETA: she said the twitter feed for NEU says they’ve only released the northeast area so far. Goblin settles back down

Alas, the dog was adopted-we stopped by to see what’s up since I couldn’t get a reply back via email. Like most things in life, it was probably for the best-the guy working there called him a “bitey little thing”. That would not have been a good fit for our very mellow 7 lb chihuahua (yes, you read that right-he loves everyone, never barks, and is chill).

QOTD clarification: Sorry for my lack of clarity. I think this sentence:

“The kid could be a jerk and engages in pranks. Nothing dangerous, just annoying. His pranks are the type of thing that make you shake your head but your secretly laughing when you walk away. The administration frowns upon these things.”

was interpreted by some as a description of the person who did the sabotaging. The reference to a “prankster” was a description of the person who this happened to. The person who did this is not a prankster; the person who did this is very competitive, cruel and condescending. Has been for years. You know the question on the college counselor form that asks about conceit? That must be included with people like her in mind. I am still quite shocked. It’s not a big school and I am astounded a kid could be so vicious.

The kid who is the prankster is a smart, funny kid who likes to push the envelope. His actions, while annoying to the administration, are mostly dress code violations (“how come it only lists skirts under the girls column? Let me wear a skilt to school”).

The person doing the sabotaging is wicked. She (thankfully) had to let him know how she screwed up his chance so she told him. Decisions for her ED school came out and she has not posted to facebook her acceptance. She did not plan to apply anywhere else because she’s said for years how the school will be lucky to have her. Not to be mean but maybe she should have spent time on apps rather than trying to hurt someone else.

My son was just accepted to Yale!

@paveyourpath --wow! Let us know how it all turns out! Will be interesting to know who gets in.

So who made the sabotage girl go tell the prankster? The school counselor? How did they find out?

^^no she just wanted to make sure he knew that she just destroyed his chances.

BC EA decisions - rolling out via email now per BC tweet.

@LoveTheBard And @Biotechgirl Wow Yale

@Testingearly Sorry. Been there, doing that
The disappointment will pass.

@paveyourpath wow, just wow
hoping prankster gets in and snitch it rejected!

@paveyourpath --so she went and told him to just make sure he KNEW what happened? Wow
what an EVIL person!!!

Deferred to RD from Boston College just now. Honestly I’m glad it wasn’t a rejection
her confidence couldn’t take the hit right now. BC is definitely one of her higher reaches, so she should be ok with a deferral.

@RightCoaster – so sorry to hear about the deferral at NE - his stats look very strong - hopefully he will make it in and get some other good news too while waiting to hear. Fingers are crossed for you!

@LoveTheBard And @Biotechgirl Yale acceptances - FABULOUS!! HAPPY DANCE TIME. :slight_smile: