Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

My D17 has 2 apps left (with short supplements) and 1 honors college app left. One by Jan 1st and the others by Jan 15th. We are going to be on a cruise next week - so she is hoping to get them all submitted before we leave Sunday.

Just found out she was rejected by Colorado College :frowning: I prepared her for it though…we needed lots of aid and they are not need blind.

Good news is her finals and semester grades are turning out a lot better than expected. Might even pull off a B in the Calc AB class she is struggling with!

QOTD - What’s left

S has quite a bit left. He is still waiting to hear from 1 EA school, U Miami, which doesn’t notify until mid January. Then he is waiting on U Md and USC like a bunch of other kids on this thread. I think Maryland is his top choice, because he asked for a Maryland t-shirt for Christmas. He says it is just because he thinks the slogan “Fear the Turtle” is amusing, but I think it is more than that. He’d need big MAC to attend.

He did his applications from the bottom up, so he still has some to do if he wants. He sent one today and will probably submit 2 more tomorrow. Then he has three lottery schools with Jan 1 deadlines he says he is going to apply to. We might be able to afford them because they are so generous with aid, so I sent test scores and told him if he writes the essays I will pay the application fees. So those applications might or might not happen.

Meanwhile I planned visits in January to Alabama and Michigan State. Maybe he will fall in love with one of those schools, but if not then he will probably not decide until all the scholarship information comes in this March.

Son received a holiday card from UT Austin. Still waiting and wish they had a decision before holidays!!!

@caroldanvers --when does Maryland send out big $$ awards?

QOTD - What’s left

DS- Done… He ED’d. Hopefully not too much senioritus!
DD - One RD/ED2 (hasn’t decided 80% done) and one scholarship app (hasn’t started) and then done!

@carachel2 Maryland sends the invites for their big scholarship competition by mid February I think. They take forever considering they have a Nov 1st deadline for scholarship consideration.

Thanks for all of the support on not having son17 apply ED, and to wait it out for EA/RD to see what happens. I think waiting is the best strategy, but I can’t help second guessing my decision. Oh well, son came home and he crafted a letter to the deferred school and sent it in immediately. We’ll see what happens. In March, lol.

The good news out of this is that son now realizes not to count anything as a slam dunk and said he wants to fill out the Honors College app for one of his schools. He seems genuinely interested, so that’s good. At least he is thinking of Plan B now. The application should not take that long, so hopefully he can crank it out over vacation during some down time.

In other news, his good friend that hurt his leg playing soccer this fall and missed out on some soccer recruiting, ended up getting deferred from the same school as son17. Brutal. But he did just get into WPI and will hopefully be playing there next year. Good for him! I wish him the best.

Good wishes going out to the kids with EA decisions coming out now!!

S17 received acceptance to WPI. No mention of merit.

DD just got full-ride Honors scholarship from NJIT. She’s a NMSF and is trying to figure out if they stack awards so she gets some spend money each month (does anyone know?). It’ll be a while before we start hearing back from many of her colleges, so good to see her end the year on this good news.

@Mom22DDs Awesome!!! Congrats!!!

Congrats on the acceptances @itsgettingreal17 @MotherOfDragons & @Motiv8tedmom23 !!

@Mom22DDs WoW!!! FULL RIDE <:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P

Congrats to DD!!!

=D> Super =D> Congrats to DD =D> on Villanova

Congrats @itsgettingreal17 @MotherOfDragons and @Mom22DDs!


Happy for DD- Hope $ comes through for WPI <:-P


Congrats to DS. Crossing fingers on $$$. :D/

Congratulations @itsgettingreal17 @MotherOfDragons @Mom22DDs! <:-P <:-P <:-P

Hope more good news come along to everyone :-bd :-bd

Hugs to your dc @jmek15 on the deferral.

D was accepted to the University Honors Program at tOSU.

S17 accepted as well…