Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

My D was assigned a Chromebook as a Freshman at her HS and has been using it for all schoolwork throughout high school. She’s use to everything being done electronic so hopefully no printing needed. DW will get a MBP through the University she works which will be a savings.

Someone posted a great shopping list, but I think it is on the FB page. I used that as a start to D’s list, which is done, and the big items are on an Amazon wishlist. We’ve decided to buy most items on Amazon. With a busy summer, we’ll need the convenience. I will warn everyone not to add up everything on the shopping list. :((

@CT1417 Sorry I’m 8 loaves into the stuffed bread baking and I probably knew you had a son but the pepperoni finally got to me! LOL Seriously, I look forward to Christmas all year and I always emerge exhausted and in a stupor.

I bought the fabric for DD’s duvet cover at one of the discount places and it was cheap, but cute. Having it sewn up wasn’t that much. I threw the whole thing in the wash.

One more thing, every year when DD comes home from school I wash everything and pack it in one of her storage containers with a dryer sheet. I take her bin of toiletries empty it on the counter and reorder everything online( used to be great for this.) When it gets delivered I pack it all back in the bin. I basically repack her for college. In the fall we just grab the bins and put them in the car. Done. Easy.

QOTD: Speaking of dorms, we put in housing deposits for a couple of colleges DD got into where the deposit fully or almost refundable if she chooses not to go there (no, we didn’t put down admission deposit). Is this needed, or is it ok to wait till we have all the results and then decide the housing for just the ones we shortlist?

@Mom22DDs Colleges differ in their policies. For example, Purdue with rollings admissions did not require a housing deposit until quite late, maybe April, and it wasn’t first come first serve, so no penalty for holding off. Although you certainly could send in a housing deposit earlier. Cornell U. doesn’t send housing info out to anyone until April, and again, assignments are not first come first serve, the assigning order is random. From this thread I learned that it is very important to reserve housing at some schools, because it is first come first serve and/or there is a housing shortage. So it is another one of those questions with no easy answer. If it is clear there is no penalty for not putting down a deposit, I would hold off. Making a phone call(website search) to residential housing at each school would be key to understand policy at each individual college.

I will check the thread @Fishnlines29 posted to avoid duplicating that info here.

Thanks for the all the suggestions especially @CT1417.

In addition to the Amazon Wishlist I had already started, I just made a Google doc containing recent suggestions copy and pasted from this thread. It’s no spreadsheet, but it will have to do. Keep them coming, although it’s so early for us I am just copy/pasted them without reading now.

No decorating for D17. Her room at home looks like a room at the mental ward, it’s so sparse.

For the benefit of those who have not joined on FB yet, don’t forget the meningitis B shots for your DC. That is a required vaccination (recently added) for many (all?) schools. (credit @carachel2 for reminder)


My D brought none of these things! Well, yes to the alarm clock but she only really uses the alarm on her phone. I’m sure she has never ironed anything. Dorms have vacuums and kitchens.

I suggest that when you have assembled a pile of what to pack, take out half of it.

eta: Actually I did buy her an electric kettle for making tea and hot chocolate.

My D has already gone into dorm mode and is shedding many of her shoes and coats calling out that she’s planning to live minimally as she cannot stand a packed room. She tried to put her preferences for a roommate and was looking for a way to call out that she wants to room with someone that has very little stuff. Guess she’d be looking closing at the single room options :slight_smile:

Mine had gone into winter clothing mode. He is going to “need” x,y,z for colder weather in college.

Except only one of his top three is in a location that is really cold! Others on the list are cold but at the moment they are ranked lower so I’m not sure a cold weather clothing spree is in order. Yet.

D is in at the UofSC Honors College as well with the auto admit to the IB program like @Mom2aphysicsgeek’s D. She is excited, but her heart is still at BAMA. We may take another look, but thrilled that she got the acceptance.

“What’s necessary for your kids?” Both S12 and D16 waited until they had roommates names and contact info on the fridge, microwave, coffemaker, tv decisions. For D12 he brought a kini fridge, one roommate brought microwave and the orher brought the tv. D16 only has one roommate, so we brought the microwave and her roommate brought the fridge. They use netflix or other streaming for tv or go to the lounge for a real tv. Halfway through the semester she asked for a printer. They alternate getting paper and ink to balance out.

Shopping List: I brought a full-sized ironing board and iron when I went away to college. As a male, this made me very popular in the dorm with all of the ladies tired of trying to iron things with a travel iron on those tiny little ironing boards that sat on the floor. I always worked jobs in college that required shirt and tie, so knowing how to iron well was also a popular skill :slight_smile:

Congrats!! @jeepgirl Your Dd has every right to be in love with Bama. :slight_smile: In so many ways I wish my Dd was! The Russian professor at Bama put a nail in that coffin. It was not going to happen.

What are your dd’s long term plans? Dd really liked both the Russian and French profs at USC. That is huge bc at so many schools one dept was not a good fit. The CIFA cohort has been calling her. Unfortunately they only accept 20 kids, so she has to keep all options wide open. But it manages to fulfill her her IB and French goals completely. She has to understand if she can continue to study Russian, though bc that is another huge piece of what she wants.

College stuff

D is a messy minimalist :)) She asked for some multi-pants, -skirts, and -shirts hangers this fall in an attempt to organize her closet (she has a good amount of business clothes thanks to MUN) This summer she lived out of what would fit in 2 small suitcases and a backpack, including all bedding and such. The only thing she wished for was a mattress topper.

Her older sister has a very nice fridge w separate freezer compartment. If D attends a school where that is allowed and if we drive her there and if there is decently-priced summer storage if we don’t drive her back and forth, she’ll take it. Navigating college dining with food allergies is tricky; it would be nice if she could keep a few favorite foods on hand. (Older d has food allergies as well.)

I think most universities have those fridge/micro combos in rooms these days. We saw them on most tours.

Dd is another minimalist. An electric tea kettle is probably the only purchase I’ll make for dd’s room. Other stuff will be closet/attic shopping bc some sibling at some pt in time probably had whatever she might need. I don’t think she’ll live in a dorm more than 1 yr (none of them have).

Schools have rules, so be sure you know what your school allows.

i.e. DD’s school allowed only certain power strips, XL vs regular twin beds, heating elements, etc

No iron for my DD - but she found a steamer useful. Sent her with one 2nd year

No printer - my DD prints a lot as she still likes to read on paper. But everything was printed at the library or in a print lab. Never an issue except she used her print credits and we had to add $

Foam mattress is a MUST! Those plastic covered mattresses are not comfortable.

DD and roommate rented fridge/microwave and lofts from a dorm rental company. Delivered into the room before they got there.

DS17’s high school backpack as withstood all four years - but no textbooks. Everything is on an iPad.

College stuff spreadsheet?


@jeepgirl …congrats!

She has been pretty secure with her decision for awhile so that is great! Did you get her any Bama gear for Christmas?

@sdl0625 cmu 1988-89

The girls have had memory foam mattress toppers for a while now because of summer camps at colleges. I just bought one for our bed because the bed on the cruise ship had one and it was wonderful!

D18 is really obsessed with ucf and their hospitality/management majors. She even turned her screen saver into ucf pictures. I’m super happy to see the focus finally appearing :). Any hints , tips or thoughts on ucf are very appreciated.