Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Happy holidays to everyone! I am always so behind on reading this thread so end up not posting much.

Congratulations to all of acceptances so far and good luck to all who are still applying; D is still working on a couple of applications. I was hoping she would get them done by Christmas but it looks like it’s going to be new year now.

DD17 is my last one. But DS14 will be applying to med school next year so I am naturally going to be worried for him and will be needing to find an additional thread or two to learn more about that process.

Oy our internet and tv service is out and soonest they can come is Jan 3! Now DD will have to go to Starbucks or Barnes and Noble to get her college apps submitted.

@MSHopeful - Can you set an wireless hotspot with your cell phone? We do that whenever we don’t have access to WIFI.

Happy Festivus to all. May the Airing of Grievances commence!

Seriously, though…Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and Heri Za Kwanzaa to all who celebrate and Warmest WIshes in the Solstice and Season Greetings for those who do not.

Your first blessing of the holiday season!

Congratulations @MSHopeful and others with good news! <:-P <:-P Hope there is a local college with open internet :frowning:

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy Hanukkah! <:-P <:-P

Good luck with more app submissions! :-B :!!

QOTD: Now that some results are in, When and How do you tell the colleges that fell off the List “Thanks but No Thanks”?

The T shirts arrived :wink: I need to wrap them.

A little extra Christmas cheer in the mailbox this afternoon. Saint Louis University has increased the VP scholarship award from $20K per year to $22K per year. Every little bit helps.

D '17 still hoping to interview for President’s Scholarship, the full tuition award.

Onward and upward…

Congratulations @Dave_N ! <:-P =D>

@Dave_N Congrats on the scholarship and good luck for the presidential!

Happy holidays everyone!

Nice to hear good news right before Christmas! Congratulations @MSHopeful and @Dave_N !!
I wish you all a wonderful holiday season!!

So nice to see of all the good MACtidings this Holiday season! Congratulations!!

I have been down for the count with laryngitis and a mega sore throat, but rallying a bit today after two days of rest. My family is probably secretly thinking they were given the gift of a silent mom since I can’t nag, tell bad jokes or ask intrusive questions, LOL. We typically go to a friend’s on Christmas Eve after Mass. Fortunately they live close by and I can make a brief appearance then head home to do last minute wrapping.

QOTD With D15 we sent an email to thank anyone who significantly helped us through the admissions process. There was one school that was tough, because she had been awarded an audition-based scholarship that would go unused that year because she had decided not to attend. It’s hard when you know you are disappointing someone and we felt terrible about it. As for the when, I would say in late April after DC you’ve put down a deposit. Not too early since there could always be a last minute change of heart.

@mshopeful beware of using your credit card for the app fee on public wifi! Perhaps your D can go to a friends and logon.

Happy holidays all. Whichever you celebrate.

Happy holidays everyone. DS had a surgery on Thursday and we will be in hospital until Sunday!!!

Best wishes for a speedy recovery to your son @ACT2017 !!

Wishing everyone a happy and relaxing holidays!

Happy Holidays! We are out of town and have our neighbors picking up or mail. Letter from USCar today. I’m thinking I know what it is based on other posters. A good next step, hopefully.

One more acceptance before the holidays, Allegheny College with a 12K per semester scholarship, 96K for 8 semesters. This is the first offer that has exceeded the NPC so I am very very happy about that and for us, while not the big MAC so many of you are shooting for, for my full pay mid/lower stats kid, is his best offer so far and the first OOS option to come in under 40K and under (barely) my ideal cap of 36. His first clearly personalized letter which really made an impression on him. It has the possibility of music scholarship monies…and has no minimum gpa requirement to keep. And is very strong in his program area. I have to be very careful as it has moved up to the top of MY list. LOL! He is less sure…but it is one of the schools he really doesn’t know well yet or have a great feel so we will plan a very full visit. I am glad he heard before break though as it is the recorded music audition and it is nice to know that yes, he does need to do it.

QOTD’s…I’ve missed a few!

What’s left

2 more EA schools to recieve results from, both of which are high on his list. One I have “greater than NPC” MAC hopes for. the other I fear will come in too high but it has music and theater money potential and is worth going for. Neither are as strong for his program though as the acceptances already received…yet are higher on his list than most in mentally right now. I expect him to be accepted at both, one is a safety and the other a match.

Beyond that it’s 3 scholarship apps, 2 music scholarship auditions (live) and a recorded one as well. And then we will actually visit the schools he has been accepted to that he hasn’t seen yet. I am not sure if we will visit all of them or not, 3 for sure, the other 2 are a bit more questionable. Of course he has to recieve one final acceptance but I’m not worried about that one. I need to plan the trip and get my arms around any room deposit dates that might warrant early deposits.

Who’s left

I’ve got an S19 who will be working on a college finance project over break for pre-calc. He had to pick a school last weekend so I spent it running NPC’s for him. It was a bit depressing. His stats are better and his geo reach a bit wider in some ways but as picky in others. And the stats aren’t “that” much better as to yield hugely different results if he needs MAC. And he does. I refused to let him do the project on a school that didn’t have a chance at being affordable but like his brother, his sights aren’t set on the bigger MAC schools at the moment. As with his brother, there will be no reach schools and I guess that’s the sad part as his reach is a bit bigger and he cares a bit more. Oh well.

SD14 may well be headed to grad school so we will see how that shakes out. Should be a fun ride.

I know there was a lot more I wanted to comment on but our baking had today getting away from me.

Wishing everyone an amazing wonderful magical holiday whatever you celebrate. For those that struggle at this time of year hugs!

Huge congratulations on all the great new acceptances and scholarships and increased money offers!

Congrats @eandesmom! That’s big MAC all right!

@eandesmom Awesome news!!! Congrats on the scholarship!!!

Go, enjoy time with your families!
CC will be here tomorrow.

Merry Christmas everyone! With all the craziness lately this family night was much needed! Always nice to have the S16 and the D17 home all day! Hard to believe this is the last Christmas Eve before sending one of my babies off to college. Seems like Santa just started coming to our house yesterday. Bittersweet. Goodnight all! Enjoy these times.