Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

An extension from Caltech would be handy right now…

We got an extension until tomorrow for Columbia. Scores, transcripts, LORs all sent…CA started, but in the end decided not to apply for financial reasons. It was the one where D17 picked to ‘see if she could get accepted’. But, in the end she realized that was a waste of her time.

@Ynotgo – that Caltech app is a killer – DS not doing it - just too unlikely he’d get in and if so that it would be a good fit but for your DS – worth slogging through it I bet!! Good lock on it.

Ha! I just pinged D17 to tell her about the extension for Columbia, and that she has all day tomorrow to finish up the essay(s). Short response via text: “no”

Quick check – on the Common App and supp essays - did you indent paragraphs? Spacing bt paragraphs in the app looks different than when I look at the PDF preview - in the app line spacing doesn’t show up unless DS puts 2 line spaces but then on the PDF that looks odd. I am thinking he should indent the paragraphs. What did your DCs do? Funny that he has already submitted 8 apps or more without really thinking too hard about this.

We put 2 line breaks and 10 spaces before each paragraph (10 spaces resulted in a little bit of indent).

@MACncheez – thanks – appreciate it. What did others do?

No indentation, spaces between paragraphs in whatever way it was that made it look okay on the PDF preview.

My D didn’t indent paragraphs on any of her essays - eep?

She did successfully get in all 9 RD apps, with arts supplements in at the 5 LACs that were encouraging/inclusive about such things. Now the waiting game begins!

I handled the parent statement thing for Smith and SUNY Geneseo by having DH write it :)) Aside from getting out of it for myself, I did feel like my input was already pretty well felt in D’s journey thus far, and his was kind of a missing perspective. Both schools asked the same thing, so were able to use what he wrote for both (yes, we double checked that we correctly changed the names of the schools!)

Seeing the great advice @CA1543 is getting for her S18, thought I’d see if there’s any on offer for mine. He wants to double major in business (entrepreneurship focus) and CS (cybersecurity focus). He goes to a strong public HS and takes the most rigorous program. His PSAT was pretty strong with no prep, so we’re hoping for good SAT’s. We don’t care about rankings, so any school with good programs in those areas would be of interest. Definitely no Ivy tier schools, but a school like UMD (his favorite at a college fair) could probably be a good contender. I also like RIT (which I know about from D’s search). At this point he doesn’t have much in the way of size/type preferences.

@carachel2, whole family are fans of Tucker and Dale! I actually saw it before the kids and when S18 went to a movie night Halloween party year before last I recommended it to him. Can’t believe my teen boy listened to my rec and it was a huge hit with all his friends.

@eandesmom, Gonzaga honors does add $1000/yr scholarship and D will apply. I’m not sure what her chances are, but worth a try. It’s a very high interest school and I think it would be a good fit.

@MACncheez, D and I learned quickly we had been mispronouncing Gonzaga’s name - oops! The tour ended at the basketball stadium where they talked about how students get free tickets but in limited numbers, so the whole campus goes crazy and tents are set up the day before.

@payn4ward, aww, I didn’t know the bear had been killed - poor guy. We’ve had quite a few bears on our property and I always hope they won’t head closer to town.

@MotherOfDragons, I’m sure the new 3.0-3.4 thread will pick up. The 2017 one took a while to get going but we’re pretty active now (and @eandesmom is doing amazing work putting results in a list to help future students). S18 probably won’t fit there, but I’ll lurk to chime in with lessons learned from my two D’s.

My guess is that as long as there is a clear paragraph break, whether it is an extra space or indentation, the format doesn’t matter much. Fwiw, my D wrote and edited in google docs - with indents - then cut and pasted onto the application and she never mentioned it looking odd in the preview (which I would have heard because I heard joy when each one was successfully submitted). Frankly, if a school is going to reject/accept a kid because he/she did/did not indent new paragraphs, that may just be a little over-the-top!

@thermom D17 is applying to Smith [if she gets her butt in gear, I am done reminding her about apps and told her so]…what parent statement are you talking about? The option for a parent LOR? Is there a specific prompt?

we put 10 spaces before each paragraph, but no additional line breaks between paragraphs.

@CT1417 Trinity University (TX) - February 1st.

Welcome back @STEM2017! Is that an extension? Dang!

Thanks @ilikesporks

Not sure if it’s an extension for Trinity but S just got a reminder of Feb 1 deadline.


Northeastern has a combined CS/Business program and a cyber security MS.
UVM, Lehigh, and USC have combined CS/Business programs.

UT has CS with a certificate in cyber security.

U Tampa and GWU have cyber security majors (may be aimed at adult learners).

Does CS + Business = MIS? If so, that opens more options.

@kt1969 Yes, it’s a parent LOR for Smith. After the app is submitted, you get a letter in the mail requesting an (optional) 1 page parent statement in support of your daughter’s application. There’s no specific prompt, except that they’d love to hear your perspective on something not already evident from the rest of the application. You can return it by mail or upload from an online form.

We did 10 spaces for each paragraph to get an indent.

DS’s previous apps- no idents but just changed it - for the last 2 - to be indented (10 spaces) but not extra line bt paragraphs – so it is readable online and the PDF looks pretty good - no why to make it all format perfectly. Thanks for all your help!