Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

No indents here, just double line breaks. It hasn’t hurt her applications since so far she has been accepted everywhere she has applied

QQTD: Have your DCbeen updating Naviance? D has been updating Naviance with her admissions and deferrals too. She is very serious about helping her school collecting " data points", as she calls them. "What can I say, I am a charitable soul " she says.

Please also see the list of NEED BASIS outside scholarship. I spent my time researching them, so that you may save some time either applying them or avoid them.

GE Reagan
Jackie Robinson
Herbert Lehman
Simon Youth
Great Lakes
Ron Brown
Horatio Alger

@acdchai that is a great point to bring up! I totally agree! I do believe that it is disruptive during regular academic seasons. Thing is, we toured all of the schools during summer semester and dorms were empty and readily accessible. We have gone back to a few during fall semester to get a feel of the student community and that has been very helpful.

D did not indent paragraphs, just inserted a blank line between them. She was accepted at 3 of 4 schools for EA.

Hmmmm, now maybe that’s why Georgetown deferred her! Ha! I’m just kidding, but maybe anyone applying there should indent just to be safe. Lol

Ha! I read a thread started recently by a student who was deferred. He said he wondered if it was bc he wrote about a delicious desert at a restaurant near campus. I didn’t have the heart to point out that writing about a desert and not a dessert was probably the issue, not his essay.

That I can see getting a deferral. Indent vs no on application platforms? Not so much.

A little kid-ism for some levity: We were talking about the time our oldest ds dropped an entire open faced tray of eggs on the kitchen floor. We were living in Brazil at the time and the eggs were worse than mercury. I couldn’t clean them up; they just kept rolling all over the place. I was so thankful when our maid arrived and she cleaned up the mess.

7 yo daughter longingly inserted, “You had a maid? Gosh. I wish I could have lived with you back in the olden days.”

QOTD: In our system, DC can’t update their decisions in Naviance, but they are supposed to tell their GC or the secretary so it can be updated. It is one of their “senior responsibilities” to keep the guidance office updated on all decisions.

:)) @Mom2aphysicsgeek

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Hilarious! re essay.

@kt1969 - As if they don’t have enough “senior responsibilities” to deal with. That doesn’t seem like a very practical protocol.

@CA1543 – no indents, just an extra line in between paragraphs. Looked clean and easy to read. Seemed to work for DS.

@CT1417 – Just looked on DS’s Common App dashboard, and it shows Duke and Stanford deadlines as tonight and Vandy’s as 1/6. (I thought Vandy’s was earlier so maybe that is an extension?)

@DMV301 – haven’t been following Vandy so do not know. I wonder how long it takes for the extension to appear in CA. Chicago is also tonight, but not started yet!

Go, go, go! I hear that one is a doozy, but Chicago is a great town!

good luck @CT1417 on Chicago – I think deadline is 12 midnight your time, right?

@DMV301 & @CA1543 – yes…cutting and pasting not working as well as he had hoped! Odds are lower than 50-50 with less than 90 minutes to go!

@CT1417 – I can imagine - pain in the butt right?? It is very hard to do these apps at the end under a time crunch. Just try to help him be coherent – even if not too tailored. Divide and conquer - we are rooting for you!!

I had a bit of a fit about indenting paragraphs with the UC essays. They were indented when D pasted them into the app but would not indent in the app. We finally managed to get a space between paragraphs. I went so far as to call the UC helpline about it and they said they’d had other calls about it and if you couldn’t indent, it was ok, they were more interested in the content. I can’t recall now whether we had the same problem and solution with the Common App - probably! Might be we did what @MACncheez did and did spaces before each paragraph to look like an indent.

We have updated Naviance with acceptances - with the first one, we emailed the GC to tell her and she said great - you can update it in Naviance - so we did.

QOTD: College counselor’s update Naviance at S17’s school.

No indents with us, just spaces between paragraphs. I don’t think they transferred and I don’t think it matters.

Yes to updating naviance

@Mom2aphysicsgeek where in Brazil did you live? Companheiro carioca? tenho saudades! :wink:

QOTN: GCs also update Naviance with admission data. Makes sense to me, and results in accurate, complete data. I don’t think our GCs are doing a ton between now and the end of the year. My DC would never do it if she wasn’t being graded. =))