Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Vandy must have extended the deadline to 1/6. I think it was 1/1.

I update naviance to be honest. Evan wouldn’t bother until graduation and only then if forced to. The GC’s so far have done nothing to get the kids to update as they go. They will update for schools the kids are enrolled at but the rest is up to the kids. Drives me nuts as it makes for very poor data.

I’ve been updating Naviance. Seems like most at her school has been doing so as well.

Updating naviance is a pet peeve of mine. I really hope they lean on the kids at some point. At S17’s in state safety. 74 have applied. 30 of those were in before the EA date and so I assume most or all applied EA. Only 7 acceptances showing and no other data. I cannot believe that 23 kids that applied by the EA date (and it’s rolling for ED) really haven’t heard or were deferred, declined or wait listed. Our historical acceptance rate there is about 50% but I am almost positive that is not correct since the schools admissions rate overall is quite a bit higher. It obviously doesn’t really matter for this school but it defeats the purpose of the data is incomplete.

Rant over lol.

Edited to note I may have misspoken. A bunch of deferrals by kids way below the average stats. Since it’s the first EA year and god knows our GC’s don’t educate the kids as to what EA is (I has to tell both the GC and CC that this school even had EA this year). .those showing should all be this year I would think. Yikes and ouch.

Our GCs have not done anything either, @eandesmom. No one is really in Naviance looking at those numbers right now (or shouldn’t be, as you can see, the data is crap except for ‘applied’ data (for the most part, anyway, at our school). Our GCs gather this information later in the year directly from their students. Really not a big deal at all. It certainly won’t be perfect, no matter who does it.

@eandesmom That’s exactly what I wondered. I mean, how reliable and accurate can Naviance be for D’s school? I understand that they are short-staffed but they are relying so much for kids to do the input that I cannot trust the data 100%.

Hahaha. I just happened to stumble into the Class of 2017 thread and saw this. Read the first 2 comments:

@HiToWaMom I asked at one point (not recently) and was told it is 100% accurate for applied and enrolled. Which makes the scatter grams somewhat worthless. There will already be missing data points, they “try” to get the students to update and allegedly part of their graduation checklists. It

I would suspect yours is in the same boat. I feel obligated to update it for those who follow. Even if it is really obvious who it is on the schools S is the only one to have ever applied at lol.

I’m back. Holidays + illness = no bueno.

D2 is in Florida with her marching band. There have been a couple of moments both she and I could have done without: a flare of her Crohn’s that occurred right after arrival and necessitated a round of calls with her GI; and a toilet in her hotel room that, in her words, “exploded” at 2 a.m., necessitating a relocation to the boy’s wing of the hotel.

On the other hand, prior to participating in half-time of the Outback Bowl they competed as a marching band in the Outback parade and as a concert band in the Outback concert festival. They were astounded to win in their category for both competitions, and then overwhelmed when they took home Grand Champion in both competitions as well! I think their school will be talking about this for a long while.

She’s done with school apps and has one more honors app to complete, and some scholarship apps (although she’s already missed a couple I really wanted her to submit.) Working on the “don’t add more stress than necessary” theory, she turned down the opportunity to apply for both Blount and CHP at UA.

She won’t be rested when she returns to school, but she’ll have had a blast during break.

@MACncheez - That is hysterical!

(I wonder if they had just read the 3 pages of posts about indenting paragraphs?)

Thanks for posting that @MACncheez! That is hilarious. S17 saw me reading posts the other day and wanted to know what could possibly be left to discuss now that practically all app deadlines passed. I told him there is always something to discuss. These kids don’t understand us. :smiley:

@eandesmom our Naviance doesn’t give us any data from the current year, only past years, so updating as we get acceptances (which we are doing) isn’t helping right now for us.

@MACncheez omg, that is hysterical! Thanks for sharing. @paveyourpath I love the interaction with your son, that’s funny. My daughter doesn’t get it either!

@NerdMom88 Welcome back and glad you’re feeling better! Sorry to hear about the Crohn’s - I know how tough that can be. Congratulations on your daughter’s win, that must have been exciting!

yeah, sorry about the indenting fever!! Sure that was scary to some on the other thread. I doubt it matters at all - just frustrating that the formatting online vs. the PDF looks different. Not to start another topic but on the PDF, the pages do not necessarily keep question& section headings with the text – i imagine admissions officers are used to piecing it together!

@CA1543 yes, I wouldn’t worry about any of that. lots of kids getting accepted despite wacky formatting, I’m fairly certain they are used to it!

@paveyourpath Funny. D makes a similar comment daily when she sees me on CC. There is so much left to discuss. :)) She also thinks people on CC are way too serious. :))

Be afraid, kids, be very afraid! >:)

No indents, if I remember correctly. My mental picture of all her google docs is just paragraph blocks.

I think D17 and I are in a good place mentally right now. Focusing on schoolwork, getting both girls to dump out their book bags and start fresh for this semester (starts tomorrow for them, monday for me), and getting some new notebooks. D18 got a new planner, and I got a new rolling duffel bag because I’m going to have to walk from one end of the campus to the other, and I can’t carry all that paint/paintbrushes/random art crap on my back all day.

I just printed out an 8 page syllabus for one of my classes. Taking a page from the “good advice” thread, I’m going to show younger D how I input all of the dates on the syllabus into my calendar before class starts. I may do this with D17 as well, just to see if she’s doing something like this, but she tends to get salty with me when I suggest organizational tactics because she’s a stacker-buncher like her dad.

They both think I’m weird for printing out, hole punching, and carrying around all the syllabi in a 3 ring binder, but the kids in my ceramics class last semester were constantly asking me when stuff was due because none of us wanted to pull out our phones/laptops when we were covered in mud. :-j

Is it weird that all of these schools are extending their deadlines? Did this happen to the 2016 kids? Tulane and Swat both sent emails saying they were extending deadlines. Didn’t work for D, though. She’s done, and I feel good about her being done.

@MotherOfDragons My older 2 (high school '11 and '13) received multiple deadline extensions, some to schools they never expressed any interest.

Very happy and proud
S17 just named one of the 300 semi finalists for Regeneron Science Talent Search!! Expect this will brush off a bit of the self-doubt after his EA/ED reach deferrals <:-P

We are back from winter break, had some good times and lots of snow up north. Back to reality now, winding down the 2nd quarter here, kids have mid terms/finals in a couple of weeks. Son17 seems to be doing well 2nd quarter, normal mix of A’s, A-, B+. He’s doing better in pre-calc now and he’s doing well in his AP classes. So that’s good.

All application stuff is done except for applying for a scholarship to a school he was deferred from. I told him to write the essay and apply even though he was deferred, as it shows continued interest and maybe he’ll get in during the RD round.

Son17 is in a holding pattern waiting for RD decisions. I think he has 1 or 2 with rolling decision so he might hear back in the next few weeks, the others he might have to wait until March. He’s not psyched about that. He’s pretty much decided he does not want to attend any of the safeties/state schools he was admitted to, and wants to attend one of the smaller private schools he has applied to ( but not yet accepted).

Regarding Naviance, our data gets updated by the students as they hear back from their schools. There is a note from the GC that asks you to please update it asap. I think the kids spend some time in the Spring filling it all in too during a group meeting. I don’t really trust Naviance all that much anymore, but I think it’s a good tool for some. I think it’s useful to let you know if you DON’T have any chance of getting accepted ( i.e. scores/grades below the minimum ), but i have not found our data useful if you are above the normal accepted stats. Tons of kids we know we deferred in EA rounds to schools they should be qualified for. They might still get in, but it’s harder to really get a feel for data other than " if you have awesome stats like 34 ACT/1500 SAT and 4.5 GPA and you have a chance in EA round"

Son17 got a few deadline extensions and a few schools still begging for an app. Not going to happen.

Good luck to kids still finishing apps. and good luck to those waiting on decisions soon.

Congratulations @vandyeyes !! That’s awesome!

We have gotten quite a few extensions as well. I’m also thankful that D is done with her apps so we’re ignoring them! (there is one honors college I’ve been suggesting she apply to - deadline is 2/1, I hope she decides to but we’ll see)

I’m really trying to take a break from college discussions at home.