Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@CT1417 S just got an extension from Babson to Jan 15.

Not on his list.

@Fishnlines29 - FWIW, unbeknownst to D17 :blush: we bought a sweatshirt from Amazon for Dā€™s SCEA school before we knew whether or not she had been accepted (in fact, we bought two as we werenā€™t sure which size to buy). They were both returnable without penalty. Thankfully, we only had to return one. =D>

DD was thrilled to have a sweatshirt to wear the following day. :wink:

@Fishnlines29 Iā€™ve gotten more superstitious as Iā€™ve aged, but I donā€™t know all the rules. Would it violate superstition to have a friend purchase it for reimbursement? That way the college gods canā€™t directly trace the purchase to you but youā€™d still have it on hand. :))


Long time lurker but first time posting :slight_smile:
I have DC17 and also DC20.
DC17 finally done applying to a number of schools and has good stats. Our only early is GT and it is located really far from where we are. All other schools are reasonably close, extended drive for some. We have not visited GT. But DC17 is hoping to get some $$ hopefully instate tution. But @MotherOfDragons your comments have me concerned. Is the school unsafe? Is it really high pressure. DC wants to do Eng or CS.

Can you please elaborate?

Thanks in advance

@IABooks thatā€™s a hilarious but surprisingly comforting idea to those of us who may be superstitious!

@carachel2 yes, thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking! Ok, that made me smile.
@LoveTheBard oh, thank you, see it might just work then! I didnā€™t even think of checking Amazon, probably easier than the bookstore site, I will do thatā€¦
@IABooks omg thatā€™s funny! perhaps Iā€™ll just order in my S/Oā€™s name on Amazon haha

Thanks all, my decisionā€™s been made, Iā€™m going with my gut and going for it!

@Fishnlines29 I would just add to what @LoveTheBard suggested. If you share your Amazon account with your D, and the D sees you made this purchase, but does not get into her ED then just be careful that she doesnā€™t blame you. If you can secretly return the item without her knowledge, then go for it. I only suggest this if she is, in fact, kind of superstitious. Be careful to cover your tracks. Like when you filled your parents vodka bottle with water after getting hammered.

@TearsnJoy you should go visit gt. Everyoneā€™s perception of a place is different based on their experiences and temperament. Iā€™m only one data point.

Thanks @MotherOfDragons, definitely planing on visiting if DC gets in. Hopefully DC will have choices, GT is my least favorite due to distance and travelling costs involved
Issue is for most of the other colleges DC applied we know some one who went to that college etc , Also we have visited all of the others. With GT we do not know anyone but DC seems to think its a good choice

For extensions - we requested an extension from Olin college on 12/22, and admissions wrote back and said sure, weā€™ll give you until 1/3.

On 1/1, we got a bulk email ā€œYour application is due today!ā€

Then on 1/2, we got a bulk email from Olin - we have just extended our deadline until 1/3!!! (And Olin announces decisions for candidateā€™s weekend on 2/1, so they donā€™t have much time.)

So, I think the schools have their extension strategy planned out.

@MACncheez yep good point, looks like they donā€™t have what i want anyway, back to the bookstore!

@Fishnlines29, just think of it as ā€œdemonstrating interest.ā€

Congrats to @vandyeyes and @CA1543 , yay, good luck.

@Fishnlines29 Iā€™d buy your D something and get something for yourself too. Then you can both walk around proud, right?

I have not bought any gear on visits. My son visited numerous schools for lax visits and he received some lax pinnies/tā€™s/shorts from his visits/camps etc. So that has worked out, and I donā€™t think it has jinxed us.

@Fishnlines29 - I was thinking the same as you and did not order anything for fear of jinxing a highly sought after school acceptance. I mistakenly thought that she would hear sooner than she did and I would have time to rush something to the house in time for Christmas. It didnā€™t turn out that way. She received her accpeptance (yeah) on the 24th and then it was too late to order anything.We ended up ordering some gear but due to the holiday rush and acceptances, they were backordered on what we were looking for and it still has not arrived.

I wish that I had gone ahead and ordered when I first thought about it ā€” logically it really has no impact on the decisions. In light of our disappointment, I say go ahead and order it nowā€¦

I just gave my son 2 t-shirts from Miskatonic University that had come late for Christmas/birthday gifts. >:) >-) 8-X

Iā€™m in the donā€™t jinx anything camp, though he has several UCSB shirts.

We are in the donā€™t jinx it camp too.

S bough a shirt or two at some visits. No jinx risk since they are not selective Uā€™s He likes wearing them.
He still have one app and one honors college essay to go. They are due Saturday. He has to complete them by Friday because of the FRC kickoff and the great time suck FRC will be.

D purchased and frequently wears shirts from almost every school we visited. She didnā€™t even apply to some of them.
She doesnā€™t careā€¦ ā€œI just like the shirt.ā€

Another in the no jinx category. Also, neither boy ever wanted a tee shirt from any of the college visits, so I saw no need to spend on something unwanted.

Add me to the donā€™t jinx it camp, although at this point itā€™s more like she doesnā€™t want to fall in love with any of them yet, and wearing swag might sway her one way or another before sheā€™s ready to choose.