Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

My D’s Government/Econ teacher gives extra credit every Tuesday for wearing the tshirt/sweatshirt of college/s students are interested in.

I just gave S my old t-shirt. Pretty generic, as you can see from my picture.

We are in “why give more money to schools?” category LOL :))

With S12 we never bought shirts for the schools he was applying to. He received one at NSO. We only bought him a shirt at his graduation in May - it was a Class of 2016 T-shirt - so was fitting. With D16 we got T-shirts for a couple of the schools she visited including the one she ended up at. She lives in T-shirts - especially during the summer - so it was no big deal when she was not accepted to one of them. For S17 - he has little interest in gear so we have not even thought of getting him anything from any of his schools. I will wait until the dust settles to order something he can wear to the Senior Day Barbecue.

D has lots of college shirts. Most she received free, but others she bought. But I wouldn’t let her buy a shirt to a competitive school that she may not get accepted to.

Our son is definitely in the “don’t jinx it” category for college shirts.

D17 doesn’t really care for wearing college gear, but D19 loves college sweatshirts. She’s also opposed to wasting money, though, and figured anything I get her now she’d only get a year and a half of wear out of it (since she, reasonably enough, finds it totally uncool for students at a college to wear another college’s gear), so I’m not allowed to buy her any local college sweatshirts when I travel for business (as I usually have done).

(She’s still hoping that she’ll be getting to continue to wear her Ohio State sweatshirt in three years, though…)

My Ds want Hudson University sweatshirts.


My son has always had plenty of UF t-shirts, etc. One of his friends toured MIT in the fall and brought back an extra MIT t-shirt for my son.

He also likes to wear a GT t-shirt we picked up last summer. Wearing college t-shirts is pretty common down here, even if you didn’t attend college.

I’ll be happy when he’s selection of t-shirts is finally down to just one college…

@MACncheez true, but since she was asleep at the time, she’d have to be really very talented to have caused the explosion! =))

Big time jinx believer here…bought tshirt online for Brown before ED decisions came out…wanted him to have it for Xmas…didn’t think there would be enough time with holiday shipping otherwise. Well it’s still in the underwear drawer after the deferral, son none the wiser! Will either present it to him if he gets in RD (not counting on that!) or torch it in the summer bonfire
Gee that sounds like I’m holding a grudge :-?

@Dave_N Oh my gosh yes, demonstrated interest, if only they could link me to her!

@RightCoaster yes, but I was thinking of saving the sweatshirts (for a definite) and maybe getting a few mugs, one for her, her dad, her gpa, her gma hahaha, I think she’d have fun handing them out as her way of spreading the good news.

Ok, a lot more of you in the no jinx camp. Now I have to rethink. I’m going to sleep on it.

I personally would be afraid of jinxing, but it kinda worked backwards in my house: My D, who went through this a few years ago, acquired t-shirts from just about every school she visited and liked, EXCEPT the one she ended up applying ED to … and then she didn’t get in. My S17 didn’t really care to buy anything on visits except one item from his top choice school. He kept that in his closet, tags still on, for nearly a year and a half … until he got in (and he now lives in it, at least in the house).

So, @Fishnlines29, this actually supports your proposal of buying but waiting to wear until the good news comes in!

@TearsnJoy Welcome! I know that many people do think of the atmosphere at GT as competitive in those fields; it’s the reason my D2 passed on applying when she adopted her “lower the stress” policy. However, you should visit if possible and assess for yourself.

First day back to school for us and poor D has strep throat – uggh. The doc said she won’t be contagious tomorrow but suggested she stay home. She insists on going though because it will be the first day back for AP calc and physics which she says she CANNOT miss. Today was a block day so she only missed teaching aide and digital art 3.

Her schedule is a bit in flux since she won’t know until next week if she gets into one of the two DE engineering classes she wants to take. I need to find out about whether last semester’s DE’s will be on the new HS transcript or if we have to send them separately. I’m also not sure if the HS sends this semester’s schedule automatically, so she may have to let colleges know if things change with the DE.

As far as what’s left, she has two apps due Jan 15 three honors apps, two due Jan 15 and one Feb 1. Then it’s pretty much waiting until March.

QOTD: I’m usually the one who updates Naviance, but D does it sometimes. I’m not really paying attention to what other students are doing there. S18 goes to a different HS, so hopefully the kids there are doing so. I need to start paying more attention to his process now…

@nw2this, thanks for suggestions – copied into the google doc of college chaos. I had to look up MIS and have to say I’m not sure. He would love to start up his own cybersecurity company after working in the field for a while. Of course he’s 16, so who knows if that’s a path he’ll continue to want. But he loves business and CS. so combining those somehow is a pretty sure thing. I’d been thinking a double major, but the combined programs sound like they might be his thing. Would MIS fit into what he wants to do?

@NerdMom88, wow a double win and great memories should make up for illness and exploding toilets!

@vandyeyes and @CA1543, congrats on Regeneron semi-finalist. That sounds super intense!

@ynotgo, great gifts – I think Miskatonic U would have been a good fit for me and my oldest D as well. >:)

@CT1417 Son just got a Vanderbilt extension. Moved to Jan 6 due to the New Year holiday falling on the weekend. I guess they didn’t see that coming. Puhlease!

Acceptance rate so close to 9.999999% Come on people! Send in those apps!

I have been following for a while now but this is my first time posting. This seems to be a very supportive group.
Congrats to all of the people with great news!! My DS got swag from a few of the colleges that we visited. He was wearing them until early November and then once apps were in they stayed in the closet. The seniors at his school don’t wear college gear until May 1st when the decisions are due for everyone. BTW he got deferred from his ED school and that is now on the floor in the back of his closet. I bought some gear for a friend as to not jinx her DD.

All of my DS’s apps are in and he is in EA to a few schools so now we wait with all of you :slight_smile:

I am also a long time listener, first time caller. Welcome @lbf.

@STEM2017 Congrats on the extension! :wink:

Welcome @lbf! Thanks for sharing info and yeah, it’s a safe place in here!! Andrew pretty funny sometimes too. Congrats on all apps being submitted.

Thanks for the welcome @BigMACLovin and @CA1453 :slight_smile: