Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@snoozn I hope she’s writing about the smartphone.

But seriously, do you think they want a research paper response or a creative big thinker piece? I would suggest they want the latter. But what do I know?

I would also think it is supposed to be a creative piece.

@snoozn, that would set her essay up as more of a research paper, which probably isn’t a bad thing.

I don’t know what you’r talking about as far as misplling things gos. I spll vrything corrctly according to my alphabt!!!

@snoozn – can you share the prompt and any directions possibly? i would think it should be based on facts but reveal her perspective about why something is such an important invention and perhaps serve as a platform to advocate for something or highlight the importance of whatever gave rise to the invention. Happy to try to help further if you want to PM me - am sure others would be too!

Yes, this is a very boring month haha. Today D received emails from 8 different colleges (the night is young) - only two of which she showed some interest in the past. Yesterday it was 17 (also only 2 for previous interest). Oh, and several more went into spam.

Tulane wins for most annoying with daily begging. This school was never on our list.

I would like to gripe. Finals for D2’s high school were over on 12/21, seniors who didn’t take finals were finished by 12/16, this was their first day back in school after a teacher work day yesterday, and grades still aren’t available.

Even if they weren’t going to post exam and final grades for the first semester, did they need to remove access to the other semester grades? pulling forelock like a 19th century English groom

Duke was S’s stalker. I think they finally gave up.

We were getting 10 plus emails a day. 40 stalkers or more. No one-and-done in the whole bunch. You all don’t want to admit the lower ranking stalkers. I can tell. =))

Duke extended their application deadline. There is no way they don’t have enough qualified applicants to fill their class.

Wow - about 6 or 7 years ago, Duke got so many common app apps that several thousand weren’t even read (acc to a newspaper article I read at the time) and now they’re extending the deadline? Something strange is happening.

Duke’s acceptance rate was 10.4% last year. They are currently managing that number to well below 10% for this year. They need 9.4% so they can round down to 9% for all the publications.

Same for Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, etc.

It’s so obvious. And it’s so sinister.

Thanks for the input on the essay. Here is the prompt: “Choose the invention that you think has had the most negative impact on our world and explain why you chose that invention.” She chose the plastic shopping bag. The essay explains why she chose the plastic shopping bag rather than some more obvious “big bad inventions.” But she also states some facts about the harm done that she got from various sources. For an essay, is it okay to just leave out the sources altogether? Does her answer seem like the right approach for an honors essay with the above prompt?

and they get more revenue from the application fee

@snoozn – just my opinion – I don’t think she needs to cite real sources – particularly if she gives examples that people can relate to. If she cites any statistics or makes a bold claim of impact - it is likely good to somehow back it up. I think the plastic shopping bag is good!! Margarine, Spam, cigarettes, nuclear bombs, aerosol spray (hairspray), Yik Yak or other bullying enabling apps, – whatever – in addition to real facts - what is her lens - does she see the plastic bags piling up and their one time use as a huge waste – of course they can be recycled now but many are not. As long as it feels personally compelling and she can tell a great story that’s relatable, I think it is more powerful than presenting a research based argument.

@snoozn - I think that mentioning a source broadly (e.g., “According to the World Health Organization…”) but I wouldn’t cite chapter and verse – much less specific articles – of any publications. It should read more as a narrative or opinion piece than a research paper.

DD submitted her last app today. Yay. Now she’s studying for her AP Calc final (her hardest class). So glad college apps are done. All that’s left for me to do is submit the NCP waiver for her last school and double check that I’ve submitted copies of my tax return and W-2 to the schools that require them that don’t use IDOC.

Ask a landfill and they will say the disposable diaper is horrible. Any plastics that degrade to small food-like pieces and end up in the ocean are awful too. There are so many choices!

Relief: All college applications are in! (The last two: Smith, and the in-state school she’s not going to but needed to apply to due to political considerations.) She still has one scholarship and one honors app (and possibly more honors apps if invited to submit), but all the basic applications are in, and that’s a relief for both of us.

@MSHopeful and @dfbdfb Congrats on getting the last applications in! It sure does feel good!