Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I am not among the parents who want to tack on another school! I’m ready for the narrowing down process. Out of thirteen schools applied to, four of them have moved off to the right side. They’re still technically on the list either because they could still accept her RD (but I’m guessing with little merit) or they could offer increased merit later. That leaves D with nine possibles (really only eight, since we know Smith won’t be affordable, but she just has know if she’d get in). There may be fewer if she doesn’t finish two more apps by tomorrow. #-o

D already bought her prom dress at Ren Faire, so she is all set. She doesn’t even need a date since she’s going with some kids from the GSA club.

@STEM2017 sorry about the SUNY Binghampton deferral. My D has quit thinking about the schools that deferred her even though they were initially high on the list.

@payn4ward – Yes re the March. And it’ll be close to 60 degrees!

Prom should be interesting around here. I can’t quite tell if S17 has a girlfriend or not. He has a girl he has been hanging out with a LOT lately. She is definitely on a different path than he is (likely CC or a gap year) but sounds like she is turning things around. I am sure he will go to Prom. With her? No clue! What I do know is he is sure to try and talk me into a new suit unless he goes the tux route (seems to be a mix here).

I am trying to figure out who applied to 2 of his schools RD where he was the only applicant (definitely NOT standard local choices), one of the schools he was the only applicant ever and now magically there are 2. Super curious and can’t help but think it’s related to his major area as that’s really the only common element between the 2 schools and i have to think it’s the same kid. Doesn’t matter but I am dying to know. LOL!

@HiToWaMom yes, they require at least a semester but you can do more. It is a huge selling point for S lol. We will have to see how the financials look and I do think some of his other choices are better for his major but we will see, the major is a bit fluid in some respects. Lots of things to compare that is for sure!

@socalmom007 I confess I struggle with the idea of a 4.0 student thinking they wouldn’t get in anywhere. We don’t have weighted so 4.0 is obviously the max possible. It’s always fascinating to me to see the variances in a weighted scenario. My S actually said to me he was slightly disappointed he hadn’t received one rejection lol! He only applied to safeties and matches to maximize merit (and even then we are LittleMac not BIGMac) but I think that was his way of saying it might have been easier on him if someone made one choice for him.

Even when they are all safeties and matches, it is nice to have options and to feel wanted I think. Money does make a difference, one school has moved up quite a bit for him based on their offer. It is funny though, he said yesterday he kind of wished he’d been rejected somewhere

@snoozn thanks, we shall see! It sounds like we should have everything within the next 2 weeks so that is nice, not a long wait. It seems they can be generous, or stingy, and their NPC is worthless so it’s a total crapshoot. Affordable is relative…I have hopes that it could be livable. LOL! Nothing will come close to the instate option, but we knew that heading into it.

@itsgettingreal17 congratulations! She is truly amazing and will have so many lovely choices it’s exciting to watch unfold!

@STEM2017 I am sorry, the deferrals out in the NE seem to be very brutal this year. It’s so different where we are but I can’t imagine the stress on these kids (and parents). I suppose in a way, it’s a blessing that our flagship doesn’t notify till the end of march and doesn’t offer EA or ED. Everyone gets all the pain over at once. But ugh, I really feel for these kids going through deferrals.

@MotherOfDragons YIKES! That whole concept of bumping a kid to 2018 as a transfer really chaps my hide. As a parent I’d be like thank you, but no.

@thshadow a few of us just posted on that topic (summer programs for 19’s) on the 2019 thread…I really should look for something for S19. Maybe over mid winter break I’ll get my act in gear lol.

@eandesmom We’ve heard stories like that, competitive kids overreaching and not getting in anywhere. My daughter’s unweighted is a 3.6 I think? Weighted 4.0, super extreme rigor, all AP, Honors, and college classes plus a 20+ hour a week EC. My girl probably has several rejections in her future, she applied to Barnard and I’m sure won’t get in. If she could have brought up her test scores more, maybe. She will likely be rejected for UCSD, maybe UCD, UCI, and UCSB. NYU is a crap shoot I think.

Dd just got a letter inviting her to interview for Truman’s full ride. It would mean navigating a nightmare schedule of being at CoC’s scholarship weekend 3-4 and in MO on either the 2nd or 6th (and we live 10 hrs from CoC and 14 hrs from TSU, so this is not easy planning). Ugh…I am overwhelmed and I am not even the one that has to do it.

@payn4ward - Yes also to the March – D17 is going and has her pussy hat ready to go! (two of them in fact!). What T-Shirt are you referring to?

Given the weather predictions, it looks like I didn’t need to buy all of that long underwear, wool socks and ski pants! Then again, if she ends up going to school someplace cold, they’ll probably come in handy at some point…

DukeTip is kindof right - except that it’s for “exceptional” students. DS19 got an 1100 on the PSAT, so he’s not going to be going to any program like that… :slight_smile: UMass Amherst has a program that’s probably more what I’m thinking about. Except that he’d probably prefer west coast (and also when my D went there she wasn’t thrilled with it).

D just submitted an essay for a shot-in-the-dark Case Western scholarship. I’d kind of forgotten about these competitive FR/FT scholarships until Case was nice enough to send the reminder email about a week ago. Oops! It was in my spreadsheet and everything. I have looked at my spreadsheet so much over the last 18 months that I’m sick of looking at it and thought I knew it by heart. Here’s hoping they don’t get so many submissions that they run out of time to read it.

She needs to complete one more essay for another Case scholarship by Saturday. She also has an interview at NU on Saturday morning. Then, I think that’s about it. Serious doldrums.

@STEM2017 So sorry =((

@LoveTheBard It is a local March event in Denver fundraising shirt. It won’t arrive on time but I may order one.

@thshadow check out Western Washington University College quest. 1 week residential program and very reasonable cost wise compared to most. 1 college credit. Run by the school with actual western faculty. It was very beneficial for S17. Not competitive, S17 is very much a mid lower stats kid, but I’d recommend it to anyone. Feel free to PM me with any questions.

Gorgeous campus in a PNW way, pretty place to spend a week in the summer.

@thshadow - UCLA has a number of programs and pre-college summer institutes for high school students. Some award credit, others do not. I don’t think it’s particularly difficult to get in and I’ve heard good things about the quality. Registration starts in February.

This one looks like it’s geared towards motivating kids to excel:

There are many other programs at myriad schools with wildly varying costs. What is the area of interest? STEM? Visual, Creative, or Performing Arts? Humanities? Social science?

Over the years, I’ve researched summer programs ad nauseum (generally non-STEM, but I do know a bit about some STEM programs as well), so, if you give me a general idea of where your S’s interests lie, I can try to point you in some general directions.

@payn4ward Yes to the March here. Going to the one in LA. There is a long logistics thread here on CC. Don’t recall whether I’ve seen you post there.

@STEM2017 Bummer about deferral. Stinks!
Glad your son is just shrugging it off. He will be fine! Onwards!

@STEM2017 sorry about the deferral, crazy they deferred so many at one school.
Hopefully will get in RD if that is what he wants!!

Hi. I’m new to this group and have been reading through the posts - very active board! I have two S '17 and '20. We are a board game family too so I enjoyed reading those posts (have a few ones to look into).

S finished applications over break but has a few scholarship ones left. He did a small one for Case but didn’t want to write the long essay for the full ride ones.

I agree the waiting is harder for us than him now!

Congrats to @eandesmom on Goucher!

Congrats to D18 on braces off, @MotherOfDragons!

Congrats and good luck on cool-sounding scholar programs at UGA! @itsgettingreal17!

Congrats on GIT, @whataboutcollege!

Congrats to whomever I missed!

Sorry about the deferral, @STEM2017. And hugs to those with kids and friends with recent deferrals. So many this year! Someone suggested that there may be more this year because colleges want to see more students to understand new SAT vs. old SAT relative to their pool of applicants. Maybe not true, but might make us feel better.

@socalmom007 DS still has “just one more school” due tomorrow, though it has been planned for awhile. I was hoping it would be in well before the deadline, but no.

@thshadow I responded on your separate thread about a camp at Calpoly SLO that might be a good fit. I’ve also heard good things about the UCLA 1-week STEM camps.

Thanks @Ynotgo

S just feels like the deferral message is, “you’re good enough to accept but we’re waiting for someone better.” And he’s not ok with that. I tend to agree with him.

I may in the minority, but I would prefer a rejection to a deferral.

@payn4ward D is heading to Washington DC tomorrow for the Close Up trip, and so she will be going to the big March in DC. She was excited about attending the inauguration prior to the actual election, so she was really happy to be able to participate in the March as a way to have her voice heard.

In other news, she went to the doctor today and handled the entire appointment and logistics by herself. I’ve been trying to teach her all sorts of things before college including how to advocate for yourself at the doctor’s office, and it apparently went well!

@BusyNapping --that’s awesome she did the Dr appointment thing on her own. Did she get her Meningitis B series started?

@BusyNapping - my D is in the same situation with respect to the inauguration. When it was looking like it was going to be an historic moment of witnessing the swearing-in the first woman president, it seemed like a great idea. Now, not so much. Thankfully, the organizers tacked on the Women’s March the following day and there are no shortage of other very unique opportunities being offered to the kids!