Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@whataboutcollege congrats to your d on uva!

Congrats to all with good news :-)) and hugs to those who didnā€™t get the news they were hoping for.

@LoveTheBard ā€“ thatā€™s awesome news - congrats on possible FULL scholarship to USC!! Is she excited?

Congrats to those accepted to UVA ā€” @crazym0m @twoforone99 and possibly others. So sorry to hear @BigPapiofthree that they made a mistake and did not admit your S.

D was accepted to UVA, found out when she got home from her Harvard interview, where the interviewer asked her to tell her life story. She has retreated to her cave, sheā€™s overwhelmed and my introvert needs recharging - 60 minutes of face time with a stranger will do that. LOL Anyway, now we can really say buh-bye to BC.

@STEM2017 WPLR rocks yours in quad! Or am I so much older than you that that slogan wasnā€™t used during your hey-day? :smiley: Toadā€™s was lots of fun, Iā€™ll just say this - thank God there were no cell phones, (or FB, Instagram and snap-chat) because, damn.

@NerdMom88 Jealous that you got to see E,W and F while Maurice White was still alive. I kept putting it off and now heā€™s gone. I was dumb to postpone.

As far as your housing deposit, my D14 ended up at school she flat out told us she would NEVER go to - sheā€™s now a Junior there. There are lots of decisions and changed minds that can happen in the next few months, Iā€™d pay the deposit if you can do it. Even if itā€™s a red state, college campuses are usually pretty liberal, especially the big state schools.

Sending hugs to @BigPapiofthree we were there earlier with Georgetown. I agree that the acceptances donā€™t always make sense. I am sure you will get good news soon.
Congrats @cleoforshort @whataboutcollege

It seems that there no rhyme or reason for admissions, I guess that is the ā€œholisticā€ part.

Congrats on all of the acceptances and other great news today. D was rejected UVA (OOS) tonight - not deferred but rejected. It is a sad night. She was not likely going there (so much $ and other great choices) but did love the campus and thought it would be a great fit. She thought she was a strong candidate and is trying to be happy for a good friend who was accepted. Some of this process is really horrible.

@twoforone99, @itsgettingreal17. @RightCoaster,

Thanks for kindnessā€¦Believe me, I know all will end up good. @itsgettingreal17, BHP continues to rise up. How is it looking for you guys? Unless, a miracle happens, we will be going down there in March to take a real hard look.

Cannot keep up with all the newsā€“so excited for everyone on their acceptances. I just went back and liked a couple of posts that I had already liked, effectively un-liking them, so now had to re-like. Perhaps a blanket CONGRATS would be better to @crazym0m, @twoforone99, @whataboutcollege, @cleoforshort, @LoveTheBard, @Ynotgo, @Dolemite & ā€¦I am afraid I missed someone. So much great news this afternoon & evening. Congrats to all!

@BigPapiofthree ā€“ so sorry for your son. What is BHP?

@novicemom23kids ā€“ sorry for the rejection. We have been hearing more of the outright rejections this season.

Congrats @LoveTheBard Hope she gets the Full Tuition scholarship!!! D was also accepted st UVA today. She wants to take a mental health day this week in order to celebrate. Congrats to all the other acceptances today. @BigPapiofthree - I donā€™t understand how your S did not get in. I am sorry he got bad news today.

OMG my DD got the white box from USC but sheā€™s asleep and Iā€™m at work so I have to wait for her to wake up. Sheā€™s killing me here!!!

@Testingearly, I am a bit surprised, but who knows why. I thought if they were really holistic, he would get it. He has all the numbers and then some, and 4 years of class and student body presidencyā€¦on top of much more. Oh well. There are so many outstanding kids applying to these top schools. We understood he was among many great kids, and it is all a bit of a crap shoot. And UVA is not need blind. As an OOS kid, that may have not helped. Onwardā€¦

And congrats to your daughterā€¦Sorry, Forgot that. @LoveTheBard, good luck on Scholarship

@Ynotgo & @MSHopeful ā€“ looking forward to learning whatā€™s inside the USC boxes. I am so happy my son has been accepted - could be a fabulous place for him though I am not quite sure - heā€™s more nerd than most kids at USC. Hopefully heā€™d be happy in Viterbi & then venture out - love they encourage exploration out of oneā€™s major.

Sorry @novicemom23kids about UVA rejection. Wonder if thatā€™s happening more this year for OOS students? Stinks I know but sounds like she has some other good options?

We are all in the ā€œthickā€ of things now arenā€™t we - no more calm before the storm though weā€™ll get some breaks. And hopefully our kids will hang in there. I had not factored in more interviews, essays for scholarships and tight deadlines being thrust at us (yesterday GTech called about a scholarship and needed a new resume today and for potential alum scholarship another essay - I know good problems to have!!). Now trying to figure out if we should put deposits down and soon will try get DS to prioritize some.

Wish we could all go to a great concert!

She is a finalist for the Presidential (half-tuition) so sheā€™ll have to interview in beginning of March. Road trip. LoL.

@BigPapiofthree could it be a more competitive major? I know for my daughter and her boyfriend sheā€™s applying everywhere as a mathematics or statistics major, heā€™s applying as computer science- it puts them in the running for the same schools even though he has much higher stats.

So sorry to hear about the lousy news @BigPapiofthree and @novicemom23kids ā€“ there will be other good options, Iā€™m sure!

DS opened the box and was happy to be admitted. It doesnā€™t say anything about interviews, so from the USC thread, that means 1/4 tuition Deanā€™s scholarship. Plus 1/2 tuition NMF that stacks makes it a pretty good deal.

@NerdMom88 why the Feb 1st housing deposit deadline for Alabama. I thought their deadline was later and that freshmen were required to live on campus. Did I miss something?

Support to those getting redirections today. Congrats to the UVA admits and USC admits.

Good news has been arriving recently.

D was accepted to the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Monday.

Even better news today; D got the box from USC(ali). She is a finalist for a full tuition scholarship. She will be headed to L.A. to interview.

Onward and upwardā€¦