Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Ynotgo I don’t believe the Dean’s and Presidential scholarships stack - the 1/4 will be replaced with 1/2 for NMF

@Dave_N Congrats to your D.

@MSHopeful, @Ynotgo, @Dolemite (in absentia), and @CA1543 - Congrats to you all too (and if I missed anyone)!

@CA1543 - D17 also has some concerns about fit – she’s thinks it might be a bit big and have too much of a rah-rah football and partying atmosphere – she is looking for a community of scholars seeking to explore the life of the mind…I’d imagine she’d find her niche at USC, but ultimately she’ll have to decide.

@jmek15 - Thanks for the advice re: housing and for the heads up about Explore USC. We were planning to let D17 explore it on her own to check it out and see if it could be a fit. I may want to pick your brain at some point if it’s looking like D may seriously be considering it.

@Ynotgo - Are you sure Dean’s and NMF stack? I thought they were mutually exclusive.

@MSHopeful - Your D’s Explore USC / scholarship interview is in March? Mine was given two sets of dates in February.

In other news, D got into UVA. She’s not in a nominating HS for the Jefferson, so she’ll be in the at-large pool for that. As an OOS student, it’s not to likely to be a contender without the Jefferson.

@crazym0m, @twoforone99, @Testingearly, and @whataboutcollege – Congrats on UVA! Being instate would certainly make it tempting…

@BigPapiofthree and @novicemom23kids - Sorry it didn’t work out for your Cs at UVA – onward and forward! Hugs.

@LoveTheBard Yes she was given 3 sets of dates in March to choose from. Guess I need to look at a calendar and schedule that. We will probably just drive; it’s not too far for us (in the Bay Area).

Another positive today, my daughter’s scholarship package came from Mills College- 24k merit award! Super happy with that as she’s a moderate stater, 4.0w, 3.6uw, and test optional at this school, not submitting her poopy 24 act. I’ve been really happy with the awards she’s gotten from her 5 private school acceptances so far, now to wait forever for her top choices…

@socalmom007 Awesome! Mills is very close to us.

Congrats to all of those who got accepted at UVA and condolences to @BigPapiofthree and @novicemom23kids - I’m sure other good options will be in store for your kids!

Congrats on those of you whose kids are being considered for scholarships at USC!

Onward and upward for the class of 2017!

I’ve heard good things @MSHopeful , any impressions?

Awesome @socalmom007

I remember going to a lecture at Mills College when I was in high school. I was a huge Martin Gardner fan, and through him Douglas Hofstadter who succeeded him with the Scientific American column. Hofstadter gave a lecture at Mills College that I somehow heard about and attended, and was almost forever afterwards on the Mills College mailing list.

Yes @LoveTheBard and @TheStig2 You are almost certainly right that they don’t stack. I am not very informed about USC, to be honest. It is nice to have an acceptance, but I’m not sure it would be a good fit because of details about the physics program offerings.

@socalmom007 I don’t really know much about it. I know it’s pretty liberal and very accepting of all different types of people (LGBTQ, ethnicity, etc.) but that is kind of the Bay Area in general. Can’t beat living in this area as there are a ton of things to do and kids can easily get to SF or other areas as we have decent public transportation. Don’t know anything about the academics. When I was in my early 20s (ages ago lol) I had a high school friend whose sister went there and she loved it!

Thanks so much! Mills and USF only come into play if her boyfriend is accepted to Berkeley. I really like what I’ve heard about both schools, so we’ll see. Merit money certainly doesn’t hurt!

It is off the table for dc, but we got the USC box at house our too - invited to interview for Trustee (full tuition).
Appreciated the nice box, nicest acceptance package so far, hated putting it in recycling, but you can only go to one school. :-??

USC doesn’t stack, dc clarified that when they visited our high school.

Fwiw, I googled the lgbt organization at UA and UMD. The one at UMD looks much larger.

@nw2this Right they don’t stack but they will eliminate loan and work study first. Also if the merit doesn’t meet full need, you can still get need-based aid (of course the merit will count toward that so still paying EFC as they calculate it). If we don’t get the NCP waiver and therefore don’t get some need-based aid, the Presidential will not be enough and USC will be off the table.

@nw2this I’m sorry I don’t remember why USC is off the table?

@New2this, did your DC have an ED school acceptance?


Dc has 3 top choices and has already been accepted to one of the 3 with an affordable FA package, so all other schools besides these 3 are off the table.

@Collegecue – this is why, straight from the source.

D received the white box from USCali - admission and finalist for full-tuition scholarship!

Congratulations to all receiving happy news! Passing the chocolate to those with disappointment.

Thanks everyone for the USC congrats. Trying to get confirmation about Tuition Exchange. TE + NMF 1/2 tuition (which do supposedly stack) makes USC very attractive.

For people going to USC to interview are they offering any travel grant for your child?