Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@CaucAsianDad We had the same response from state school! We know they’re still there lol.

@itsgettingreal17, it’s simply that the rhetoric and the action on racial and ethnic balance don’t really match up at highly selective institutions. A good chunk of it isn’t of their own making, certainly—how can you have even reasonably meritocratic admissions without regard to such things when racial disparities in even opportunity exist like they do in this country?—but if they were really serious about changing things, then with the resources many of them have one would reasonably expect more direct intervention, and not just on a local level (I mean, Penn does nicely now in working with students in West Philadelphia schools), but at least nationally.

I big old Ivy Day/Berkeley good luck to y’all (Y’all is a Nashville thing, y’all); I just left Vandy – which is indeed quite dandy; D17 liked many things about it, but there are some logistical and other concerns. I just dropped her off for Scholarship Weekend at WashU – drop dead gorgeous campus!)

Big fish/little pond: D is definitely looking to be a medium sized fish in a nicely sized pond. She want to be around bright, engaged, socially aware kids who are as into exploring the life of the mind as she – a place where she is neither the smartest kid in the room nor does she feel like she’s floundering (pardon the fishy pun).

Declining offers: Not until a decision is made. We’re still a long way away.

Good luck to all on Ivy Day! This is my first time NOT worrying about it since child #3 only applied to state schools (and that is working out well :smiley: ) but boy do I remember the anxiety. Haven’t been here in quiet awhile but it’s fun to catch up and I’m rooting for everyone.

Declining acceptances: I also think it’s wise to wait until the firm commitment is solidified. I have a relative who a number of years ago whose child declined acceptance to one university (with a very generous merit award!) because he wanted to go to Wake Forest, had been accepted to Wake Forest, but was waiting on his appeal for better financial aid to go through. Of course it was denied, and so they couldn’t afford WF. Went back to the first university to say they changed their mind but it was too late. He ended up at their local state college and in the end did fine there, but what a painful episode :frowning: .

Final results here: Accepted SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Albany, SUNY Binghamton spring semester, rejected SUNY Stony Brook. He’s deciding between Buffalo and Binghamton, and a lot of that depends on the track coaches there. But we’re very happy that he has two options that he’s excited about, and we can make either one work financially. Woo hoo! And I’m happy I never have to go through this again…three graduations in four years sucks the life out of me :open_mouth: .

Congrats @mdcmom for being done once and for all!! Must feel great! Your son has a few good options to pick from, that’s great news. Let us know how he plans to decide.

I’ve mentioned this before, but for any of the newly accepted Cal Bears today, check out the housing at the Bowles Hall Residential College.
It will be more expensive, but a really cool location to live. Next to the Greek Theater and Memorial Stadium, with views of the Golden Gate Bridge. You can get to class fast because it’s all downhill.

@mominthemiddle I agree with @Midwest67. I have very gifted/advanced kids who have attended very avg state flagships (or even a non-flagship, tech university for chemE.) They have been surrounded by other great students. HCs tend to offer a lot of fringe benefits, but HC is not the sole way to meet top performers. Clubs and upper level classes are all ways to meet intellectual peers. Big campuses have a large pool of students and there will be lots of top students on that campus.

Can I share a completely unrelated proud mom moment? I had my 9th grader go with my 12th grader to take the US 1 CLEP exam today. (They have been doing history together.) Even though she told me she was going to throw up on the way there, she totally aced it! Super proud of her bc she really didn’t want to take it. :slight_smile:

Quick but very important question: if I’m in a school’s applicant portal and I click on the link to the decision, will a later visitor to the portal be able to tell that someone else has already looked at it??? (and don’t judge me for asking!!)

@soxmom No :wink:

As the portal keeper I do not judge you! My D decided early on she’d rather hear the news from her mom :wink:

@soxmom hahahaha

S rejected by Cornell. Oh well, it was always a very long shot.

But he was accepted to NC State! Crazy day.

I AM still knitting (a variety of) hats and I put my Thinking Cap or Brain Hat on my profile for all of us THINKING hard for next four weeks. :-B 8-} :))

@mominthemiddle Hugs. I would try to cool things off by not talking about colleges for a few days and…oh, I don’t know…do something you enjoy, a hobby, or … compulsive knitting (me!) :wink:
Know that she will do well wherever she is planted.
And Chant – It is NOT my Life.
Not my college.
I know in the end I pay, but we cannot decide for them. =(( ~X(

Best of luck to all of you who are waiting on Ivies/Cal. We are done with acceptances and have moved on to indecision mode.

@LoveTheBard Yes, Wash U is stunning and the dining hall is so amazing that it made me giggle, just a bit. But, alas, with no merit money, it’s become NFW. Hope your child has a super visit.

@mominthemiddle While it sounds very frustrating, there are worse things than a child who knows what she wants. Fingers crossed that the Honors notification comes soon.

Thanks for the info, and for not judging. Results were not exactly what I expected. S doesn’t know yet (or that I checked!). Will be interesting to hear what his reaction is.

@mamaedefamilia many worse things. We just don’t know why she wants it. She can’t give us reasons, she has nothing to compare it to since it is the only school she applied to that she has stepped foot on. It’s not like she can say I honestly feel this is the best spot for me because she hasn’t seen the other spots - that’s our frustration. Well that and their is the possibility that the BF is the defining factor in the choice - @Fishnlines29 - he does play into the picture. He was trying to transfer there.

If I am paying the bill, I need more motivation to write checks than following teenage love. I want a concrete reason this is best because… and it better not be the dog we ran across on the first tour, kwim? And if that was solid from the summer visit, why the other 9 applications - she could have done 2 safeties, it and and an alternate but there were 10 applications many of which she insisted on at the time - so why not give them a look? I feel it is responsible behavior to make an informed decision especially since you’re spending someone else’s money. Call me old fashioned. :slight_smile:

Congrats to all today. @Stem2017 sorry about the rejection from Cornell. I have followed your college admissions process as I think our kids applied to many of the same schools.

@pigmom congrats to your D!!!

Woo hoo - D is sweeping the board! Yes on Princeton and Harvard, but no on FA :frowning:

Last holdouts are Stanford and Berkeley…

@LoveTheBard - congrats - does this mean more trips to plan?

DD got into Columbia and George Washington ($25k merit). Waitlisted at UPenn. Now we wait for the financial packages from Columbia and Georgetown to make final decision.

@LoveTheBard If only you could somehow barter some of her full tuition or Ivy acceptances…you’d make out like a bandit. Maybe a week in Hawaii for an unused full tuition offer?