Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

D got into George Washington (18K merit). i think we have a winner.!!! this has been her dream school from the start and almost went ED.

Thanks for your thoughts @mominthemiddle

He took the rejection well. He was more concerned about his good friend who was rejected by his “dream” school Yale. He’s such a good kid/person.

Did your D apply to Virginia Tech? That’s my S’s top choice at the moment. We’re hoping our visit in April seals the deal.

@STEM2017 also hoping to visit VA Tech in April but can’t get around the fact that there are no direct flights from Boston to Roanoke, which means we would have to fly to someplace like Charlotte and drive 3 hours north. Is access from NYC any better?

We are now done!!! 17/17. D was accepted to Harvard!!!

@jmek15 Access from NYC is a little better than Boston. First of all, the drive is 7 hours, which is hard but doable. Second, there are a couple of daily direct flights between Roanoke and Newark. Third, Amtrak is opening a Roanoke station at the end of this year, so S will be able to take a train from Penn Station directly to Roanoke.

We are driving down for Hokie Focus.

@soxmom the only thing that might give you away is a waitlist. Yes, I say this from (permission granted by D*) experience. If the decision is a waitlist, subsequent visitors to the portal might see a link to “accept waitlist” or some such in addition to the “view update” link that was not present before the update was viewed for the first time.

*D, who is anxiety prone, asked me to preview several of her decisions before telling her what the result was.

Congratulations @itsgettingreal17 !!! <:-P

Congrats @itsgettingreal17! Hugs to those denied or waitlisted! @STEM2017 – VA Tech is very popular here (we are in VA). We visited several years ago and the spirit there is remarkable!

My DS got wait listed @ Brown, Harvard and Cornell. He got into Penn with invitation to join Vagelos Scholar Molecular Life Sciences Program. I still think Vandy is Dandy, but DS will probably wait out for Stanford (tomorrow) and a trip to Vandy in 2 weeks.

Lots of happy tears in our house tonight. DD accepted to Columbia, Yale, and UPenn. She has no idea where she will go. Great problem to have. I did not do a good job predicting her acceptances.


Hello! Anyone with any experience re: transfer option at Cornell ILR? Interesting, for sure. Is it guaranteed, given you meet the criteria that first year? Dying to read the details, which come direct from ILR over the next few days…

No big news here. Just 2 waitlists. But, his other options are great.

Edit: Actually, UC Berkeley results are out, and it’s confirmed that he got Regents scholarship there.

My DS got accepted to UC Berkeley.

DS also got UCB Regents. Case Western offered University Scholarship ($27K) while he is still on waitlist!

@Ynotgo Congratulations to your son on the Berkeley Regents! ^:)^

@srk2017 – great re UCB Regents – Case hopefully will send an actual acceptance soon – but we suppose VANDY IS STILL DANDY!

@Ynotgo – great re UCB Regents too!

And a big congrats to all hearing good news today - amazing kids (and families). Hugs to those who did not get accepted. I wonder if Ivy wait lists move very much.

Never going to keep up with all the news tonight, so…

Huge congrats to all with great news, and big hugs to those with disappointing news. On the bright side, each and every student represented on this thread has multiple wonderful options and has much to be proud off.


So much good news to celebrate today!


<:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P

S was accepted to Penn Wharton. Quite shocked. He was deferred ED, and got in. Wow. Game changer…

@itsgettingreal17 congrats on Harvard.
@LoveTheBard Wow. The academy award for the most great acceptances goes to your D. Congrats.
I missed others, congrats to all today.

I am still shaking