Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I’m so glad for you @BigPapiofthree !! I don’t actually remember the specifics, but I feel like you’ve had some real ups and downs in the process…

@LoveTheBard And the roll continues! Congratulations! Wow, she has a lot to think about now!!

@STEM2017 Aw, bummer about Cornell and that’s kind of nice your son was concerned for his friend… hope everything works out. Congrats on NC!! Have fun visiting VA Tech

@MSHopeful Oh wow, that’s great! Congrats, crossing fingers the $$ come through! What is D most excited about?

@sdl0625 Yea!! Congratulations on the acceptance and, well, sounds like a decision! GWU is a fabulous school :wink:

@itsgettingreal17 Congrats on being done!!! Is Harvard the plan?

@srk2017 Congrats on Penn and interested to hear about your upcoming trips.

@Testingearly Wow, great news, great choices, will she re-visit?

@STEM2017 no did not apply. We visited it over the summer, I was shocked she didn’t apply to be honest - the town, the sports, the campus, the location, the vibe, the people - it was all right up her ally. She loved the funky art store we went to and chatting up the owner who went to school there from somewhere like California - loved it so much she never left, she loved the artwork throughout the town as we walked through, she loved the ‘square’ and folks she saw hanging there, loved the things she saw advertised, loved the kids she saw. Me - I was in awe of the campus, seriously I felt it was the best ‘whole package’ academics, traditions, sports, town that we visited. But then September came around, the BF thing got serious and all well laid plans went awry. It’s part of the reason I think this is all so stressful to her, she never applied to many of the places she planned on initially before the application season started. Have you been? I will be looking for your report. It is beautiful and for her major, they have a whole new college on campus that sounds just awesome. Oh well. Will be interested in hearing your take.

Congratulations to all those acceptances today - what a HUGE accomplishment for your kids! A great day all around!!!

Wow, mother lode of great news!! Impressive kids!

Hope those with cruddy news can put it behind them and move onward.

@Ynotgo and @srk2017 Yea! Congrats on UCB Regents <:-P

@educationfan Congrats on UCB!

@BigPapiofthree Big congrats on Wharton - that was his first choice still, right?!

Seriously, it’s been so nice watching everyone’s journey - what a great group!! Congrats to all.

Omg!!! @BigPapiofthree Congrats!!! How was financial aid?

Congrats to so many on here!!! What a nice way to end the day! It sounds like it might complicate the decisions for some, but that’s not too bad a problem to have :slight_smile:

My daughter got her first and last rejections of this long process - from Brown and Princeton. She seems just fine about today’s news, but we took her out for ice cream anyway :slight_smile:

Wow @mominthemiddle now that’s an endorsement of VT! We have never been but after your description I can’t wait to get down there. In fact, all I’ve ever heard and read about VT is really positive. I think/hope S will thrive and succeed there - this was our goal from the start. Find a place where he will thrive and succeed. VT is looking like the winner.

Full report when we return.

Congrats @BigPapiofthree! Amazing news. <:-P

@Fishnlines29 She is torn between Georgetown and Columbia. She loves NYC and Columbia was always number one until a bad tour. She likes D.C. and loves Georgetown campus. The Columbia financial aid will be hard to beat though.

@STEM2017 Here’s something a bit different to look at. Purdue University teamed up with Gallup to create an index (the Gallup-Purdue Index) that looked at the long-term success of graduates. Below is the link to VT’s report.

Some examples:

For those that may be interested…other Universities, like UVa, Pitt, Purdue, OSU, etc., have their report online…

At least your child did not get into yale

All of my D’s schools have announced, and she is happily 10-1-1. Rejected by Brown today and waitlisted at Vassar the other day, but that’s actually for the best because those were both financial reaches and she got some great merit offers. Here are some of the favorites:

Mount Holyoke (full tuition for 4 years)
Scripps ($27,000 DeWitt scholarship)
Smith ($25,000 Zollman + paid research the first 2 years)
Barnard (no merit, but okay financial aid (less than the merit at the others, though, and not a sure thing for 4 yrs.)

Others that probably aren’t in the running:
Bryn Mawr ($25,000)
George Washington ($25,000 + Women’s Leadership)
Macalester ($20,000)

Already told no:
Grinnell ($25,000)
Saint Mary’s College in Indiana ($25,000)
Lawrence University in WI ($25,000)

She visited Mount Holyoke yesterday for classes and then did an overnight, and she fell in love with the place. Today/tonight she’s at Smith and she likes it, but Mount Holyoke feels more like “home” from the sounds of it, which is a surprise because she went in expecting to like Smith more. Scripps is flying her out in a few weeks for Accepted Student Day, and she’s already done a summer program at Barnard so I’m not sure she needs an overnight there. It’s also the most expensive option, but she does love it.

How to decide? She feels lucky to have a number of options where she feels like she could be truly happy. She was also fortunate to win a $10,000 scholarship that can be used at any women’s college, so that would bring down the cost of any of her top 4 even more. What a ride this has been!

Wow, amazing news! <:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P
Bigly Congratulations! =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Hugs to rejects, but all have great options already :x

Congrats on everyone’s big news! And sorry for the denials.

My D got into Princeton, Columbia and Penn. Denied at Brown. She’ll have to keep from dancing while at the WashU scholarship weekend.

@Gator88NE Thanks for the report. Will definitely give it a thorough read tomorrow when I’m less sleepy.

Feeling better and better about VT by the minute.

Here in Northern VA, DC metro area, you can’t swing a dead cat without seeing a VT sticker on a car, VT hats, shirts, etc. Lots of VT alum in all the places I’ve worked. My neighbor up the streets is a huge VT booster. He has season tickets for football and would drive to Blacksburg with his friends for all the home games. His son didn’t think about any other school to apply except VT.

I am so amazed by all of your children, huge congratulations to those with acceptances today!!! Amazing!

@mominthemiddle we are also dealing with a D17 who wants to stay near her boyfriend, it has complicated our search immensely. We adore him, but two bright kids applying at a variety of colleges, there’s been no rhyme or reason why one gets in and the other doesn’t. They’ve gotten into equally amazing, yet completely opposite schools.

The bf got into NYU today, they were happily talking about D17 taking the scholarship offer she has a Manhattan College and spending 4 years in the city. I had to bring them down to reality when I asked about his financial aide award. NYU gave him some, but probably not enough… that’s going to come down to his parents.

D’s final tally is accepted at:

UT Austin
Sarah Lawrence
Cal Poly slo
Manhattan College
Ithaca College
Mills College

Plus a few assorted back ups. I still think it’s going to be Cal Poly unless the bf’s parents find a money tree to pay for NYU.

Woot woot, y’all.

Gigantic hugs to those that didn’t get in where they were hoping to; huge congrats to those that did, and even bigger congrats to those that have decided.

Special shoutouts to @itsgettingreal17 - I didn’t even know Harvard was in play…D is turning down the big scholarships for it?; @BigPapiofthree - Wow, Wharton! Again, I had forgotten that was the hope; @AngelaD - I think our Ds met at Wash U – hope the rest of what she was hoping for came through; @Dolemite - Congrats on the new acceptances…I presume there’s no TE on any of those?? Our Ds haven’t crossed paths yet either to the best of my knowledge (nor has she found @Cubanmom3’s D). Hope they’re all having fun!

So I think the decision will now be between Dartmouth, Middlebury, and Georgetown. None of them his top choices, but all great schools and places I feel confident that would be a good fit. I’m giving him a day or so to get over the disappointment of being waitlisted at one of his top choices and rejected at the other, and then he’s got to figure out the plan for revisit days. I’m just hoping that he’s on board with these three as the ones he should look at, and doesn’t have any feeling that he also wants to visit some of the other schools he was also admitted to.