Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Motiv8tedmom23 Thanks for the nice Worcester write-up - it sounds like a place she could definitely be happy at.

Congratulations @Dolemite, @BigPapiofthree, @LoveTheBard, @educationfan, @Ynotgo, @srk2017, @MSHopeful, @sdl0625, and @itsgettingreal17!!
Hugs @STEM2017 - glad your son already has good options. This process is very unpredictable.
@finishlines29 She wants to go to accepted student days at all three. We will take a look at the specific dates tomorrow.

@LoveTheBard Nope. D will be accepting one of the big schollies. Announcement to come next week. This was her ā€œjust to seeā€ app. Itā€™s full pay and NFW for us.

Weā€™re getting prepped for our UMD tour tomorrow. There are more things to do than time allotted, but D17 will get to the engineering departmentā€™s presentation, most of a tour of the neutral buoyancy tank, and then an hour with the Design Cultures & Creativity group. Honestly, I think her response to the DCC program will be what tips her decision one way or another. Weā€™ve tried going through a list of pros and cons, and sheā€™s still very confused. H is rooting for UAH, but I think she canā€™t go wrong either way. Isnā€™t that a wonderful position to be in? Iā€™m grateful that so many of our DC are facing the choice between great options, even if the choice is difficult.

D got into UC Berkeley. This did not make her choice easier. She has no idea where sheā€™ll go!

Congratulations on all of the acceptances and sadness to those who did not get the news they were hoping for. I am impressed by this group and I enjoyed hearing the news. My S did reach that high so I was living vicariouslyā€¦ good job to all.

@itsgettingreal17 - I can totally appreciate the ā€œjust to seeā€ applications. Dā€™s Harvard app was exactly that ā€“ she threw it together at the 11th hour because ā€œwhy not?ā€ You know what they say about why one climbs Mount Everestā€¦

Wharton was initially an ED deferral. Never thought he would get in. All was looking like Vandy until today. Who knew?

@BigPapiofthree Wait, Iā€™m confused. I recall Penn being ED. I struggle to keep up, but wasnā€™t Vandy ED2? And I thought your S committed to Vandy?

Congratulations on all the Ivy acceptances! And hugs to those who didnā€™t get happy news. Iā€™m sorry I havenā€™t been more active this past week, but weā€™re on vacation in the Netherlands and our wifi has been very spotty. However, I have read everyoneā€™s posts and am rooting for all of the wonderful kids and parents on this list.

@IABooks Your post about independence reminded me of an incident we experienced last night. DH, D17 and I were about to board a tram when D17 realized she had left her pass in our apartment. Luckily, I had S22ā€™s pass on me and was able to offer it to D17 since S22 had stayed behind. When DH said ā€œAugustā€ to D17, meaning that she will be on her own for things like remembering tram passes when she starts college, D17 said ā€œI could have just paid cash.ā€ Noticing she hadnā€™t brought her purse, I said ā€œReally? And do you actually have any cash on you?ā€ D17 gave me a sheepish look. LOL

D accepted at UCB yesterday, which also complicates our process.
So, she went 8-2, which is just amazing to me. UVA is the front runner but UCLA and UCB may be contenders now.
We may be able to make one trip to California in April but not 2 on successive weekends.

Where we hoped heā€™d go - BC (S17 wants to be in Boston and BC is a larger version of the private prep schools he has attended his entire life)

Where he hoped he would go - BU (He wanted to apply ED but I wasnā€™t on board with that idea)

Where he is going - BU

Although my son still chose the school he wanted to go to ED, he said last night that heā€™s glad I insisted he visit and apply to other schools because he understands what I was saying and he did find other schools he could have been happy at but he also knows that this is the school he will truly be the most happy at.

Surprisingly, as I only figured out about a month ago, BU will be the least expensive option because of the Presidential Scholarship, their acceptance of AP scores for credit (as opposed to for advancement) and the possibility of a dual degree masters program that he can apply to after freshman year. Go terriers!

@ca1543 If there is a clear Ivy front runner, DS can send another round (or 2ā€¦) of demonstrated interest. Additional recs., have guidance make call, communicate with admissions that if DS gets off wait list he will attend, etc.

Sorry about the WL decisions, must be frustrating to still not have a definitive answer.

Hmmā€¦is this the last day for admission decisions? Curses on those schools who wait until the eleventh hour! Good luck to those who are awaiting word. Congrats to allā€¦it was fun reading so many positive postsā€¦nice to see such a supportive group of parents :-* !

@BigPapiofthree my son applied ED to Rice I am not sure I understand you because I know when you apply ED you are released from going to University of Penn and therefore no longer binding when you are deferredā€¦ As a matter of fact when you applied to Vandy ED2 and got in that was the binding one and you were supposed to withdraw all applications including University Of Penn. I can see your past posts were it said you were set to go there. I know if my son by accident got into Washington Universtity because they forgot to take it out I am still binded to Rice. How does that work that now you can go to the deferred one which should no longer be an option.

@MSHopeful Both amazing schools, she canā€™t go wrong with either I donā€™t think!

How much more is GU out of pocket? She has the experience of liking DC and she could always end up in NYC after undergrad. I lived in DC for awhile as a student and it was a great experience. Lotā€™s of fun places to go, great nightlife, and the mall is a great place to hang out, visit museums, etc. Obviously both cities have much to offer.

Itā€™s interesting about the Columbia tour, we also did not have a good tour experience. Initially D thought she would apply as we have some family legacy there, but she much preferred the vibe at NYU and after touring both, she chose only to apply to NYU (quite frankly, that was more in her range anyway). That said, my brother attended and loved it and later worked there for a stint too. Why didnā€™t your tour go well?

You are from the San Fran area I think? Have you considered sending her on admitted students days, or is that just too much? It might be good for her to fall back in love with Columbia if the financial package is better! How does she feel about spending the next 4 years across country?!

@Gator88NE Thanks for sharing that report, I havenā€™t seen that one yet. Iā€™ll take a look at some schools this weekend!

@smcirish Oh wow, she has some great choices and is narrowing them down. How nice to have that 10K scholarship in her pocket! She must have written a kick -ss essay! Congrats!

@Dolemite Well, I knew that was coming!!! Congratulations to your daughter, I know itā€™s well deserved - she sounds like such a hard worker, very driven and also a very nice kid. Wasnā€™t Princeton her top choice? I canā€™t rememberā€¦ has that changed at all?

@socalmom007 So, if b/fā€™s family is willing to pay for NYU, and taking him out of the equation for a second, does your daughter really prefer Manhattan college over CalPoly?

@soxmom I think that is perfect advice for your son! Mourn for a day and this weekend, start getting excited about the choices he has left! Iā€™m sure re-visiting will definitely help. I think having actual acceptances in hand while visiting makes a huge difference in how you think about the school. So good luck and I look forward to hearing about the rest of your journey.

@Testingearly Ok, well thatā€™s great, hopefully the dates donā€™t overlap! keep us posted.

@itsgettingreal17 So, what are her top few choices then? What is she leaning toward?

WOW! I am so impressed by all the great acceptances for our kids here! After a few days of letting the acceptance to USC settle in, ds came to me last night and said although he is honored to have gotten accepted to USC, he still wants to go to Kentucky. Itā€™s the right school for the right price. So this weekend we will put down the deposit and move forward. What a ride this has been! I am so happy that in the end he had several very good choices and that he got to pick from several schools that were all financially feasible with the merit money he received. It took a lot of good planning, hard work and time but I am thankful to have had all of you here to help during the process. Good luck to all those still making decisions!

@NerdMom88 have fun on the UMD Tour! Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll get enough in to see how she likes it! She visited UAH already? Both are great for aero.

@dustypig @firstwavemom Yea! congrats on UBerkeley <:-P @dustypig what was the favorite until now?

@BigPapiofthree @itsgettingreal17 Wharton is at Penn. and, I forgot about Vandy ED2 - but now I remember, So what is the plan?

@paveyourpath Congratulations on your son committing to BU, thatā€™s fantastic! Itā€™s great to have the bigMAC to go with it! Must be nice to have it all behind you now :slight_smile:

@Collegecue congrats on your commitment as well!

Congrats to everyone! What an exciting time for all of our kids!