Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Mom2aphysicsgeek and @VickiSoCal - I feel the same about S12 finding that first job. He has so many resumes out and is getting a few interviews. I find myself asking the names of companies and pulling up websites to research them - so NOT what I want to be doing.

What is this grad school funding??? Maybe because I was in the humanities, I have no idea what you’re referring to?

My DS has not even decided on an undergrad college – you all are onto grad school discussion??

Yeah you all need to slow your roll with all of this grad school talk. Seriously!

I’m just hoping son17 graduates and doesn’t flunk out of college in year one.

my DS is thinking about med school hence $50-$90k/yr expenses.

@srk2017 sorry, you can join me in suffering though. I may be paying $140k in tuition then,

@Booajo & @Mom2aphysicsgeek, based on my own experience on graduate admissions committees at multiple institutions, GRE scores aren’t important for some programs, and are utterly a centrally important at others. I’ll agree, though, that the single most important piece of the application packet nearly everywhere is GPA (particularly within the major field), followed really really closely by the personal statement.

And grad school—not professional school, I mean research degrees here—funding is the norm even in the humanities, as long as you’re aiming for the highest degree offered in that department. Nearly everybody gets some funding for a PhD, but if you want funding for a masters you’ll have a much better shot at money if the department doesn’t offer a doctorate.

And yeah, some of our kids are already thinking grad school—D17, for example, knows that to have a decent job in either of the fields she’s most interested you need a masters.

Not just your GRE score, but your subscores sometimes. (My o chem subscore was dismal the p chem department laughed)

@RightCoaster - $140k for how many years?

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Hope his GRE went well! I agree that one should not worry about it.
During the stone age, when we had to chisel in the answers on stone tablests, couple of my classmates got 990 just because they like competition, and I got 850 and that was still way higher than others in grad school. I also took Math GRE for the hec of it, but I do not remember the score. I do not think they give subscores for physics GRE though.
I remember a classmate saying the department head cringed at his 300 in GRE verbal score (out of 800), but he was accepted at a top 10 program.

Yes, one should go into a science PhD program only if fully funded.

Huh, who knew. I’m a teacher and went back to get a master’s mid career, that was all on my dime.

@Dave_N We are also flying for move in on Southwest. We have to factor in a musical instrument as part of my D’s luggage. H is coming so that gives us 6 free bags for D’s stuff.

D is going to school in Boston where multiple colleges will be moving in freshman. I figure the shelves for dorm supplies of the local Targets and Bed bath and beyond will be empty or lacking in options.Thankfully, the dorm mountain is small and was purchased in the fall when everything for dorm rooms was on clearance. We also purchased some some light weight luggage so we don’t go over the weight limit.

For those who’s kids are going abroad for college as freshman, I am taking notes as D wants to study abroad her sophomore year.

I find myself wishing I had joined this thread when it started. Lots of good information, supportive parents and exceptional kids! Looking forward to seeing where the college path leads these students!

Who knew. Looks like Chem no longer subscores either.

In my day
old man grumbling voice

Masters are not usually funded though.
Math/Science PhD students usually teach lab sections, grade homeworks/exams, do funded research so there are more sources of funding as well as tuition waiver.

The dorm mountain is going to be huuuge! D also needs to get her car to campus. So the plan is to take her car full of stuff and arrive several days early and pick up the big items like TV, fridge, microwave, futon, etc there. I’ll then fly home.

A dorm allows a microwave? And has room for a futon?

@youcee --I have never seen a dorm that didn’t allow for microwaves. Where are they not allowed?

With creative furniture arranging, a lot of the ones we saw will allow room for a futon.

You’ve never seen a UC triple.

The futon will go under the lofted bed.

My D’s future college doesn’t allow microwaves either. They say it is because of trying to keep the campus low energy and green? The freshman dorms are old.