Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@STEM2017 Sorry no advice, but have fun!! I just got to Michigan on business… killin some time in a Starbucks!!

Avatars I’m starting to feel like it’s time to change mine too, I’m getting jealous of everyone’s spiffy new college oriented avatars!

Congrats to everyone on all the decisions! I’m trying to keep up-I passed my Senior Defense last friday, all of my artwork is done and up on display in the library, and now it’s just finals week for me and I graduate on the 6th.

My younger D asked me to change her dragon to a bunch of question marks because she doesn’t want to jinx her current favorite college, so I did, although they’re so teeny it’s hard to see, which is ok.

D17 has three AP tests coming up next week and is dragging with either senioritis, a virus, or mono. The quick test popped negative for mono, so I’m sincerely hoping it’s just a combination of senioritis and a regular bug that she’ll get over by next week.

Prom was awesome and fun for both girls, and I got a ton of good pictures. Had a lot of kids sleep over Sat night, but they were fine and I fed them waffles, bacon and eggs the next morning. D17 says she’ll never wear a supertight two piece dress again because she could barely move and couldn’t eat. D18 had a huge, gorgeous princessy ballgown (think Aurora/Cinderella but edgier), and she said everyone stepped on the back of it all night so she’ll go less poofy next year. They did do one game of laser tag, but said they were sitting ducks in their gowns, lol, and switched to bowling in prom dresses instead for the remainder of the night.

I get to pick up my cap and gown today, as does D17! It’s just a coincidence, but it’s a nice one :slight_smile:

@MotherOfDragons Major congratulations!!

My daughter is going to be a Pitt Panther!!! So excited for her! She came through the door from practice yesterday, beaming, and said “I am going to Pitt!” We paid the deposit last night, and ordered some swag. She keeps saying “I’m going to college!”.

She had been torn between Pitt and WPI but said she really always leaned towards Pitt. She is slightly overwhelmed by it’s urban campus but at the same time that was the huge draw for her. Both my husband and I were leaning towards Pitt for a number of reasons, but had tried SO hard to not influence her decision that she actually thought we wanted her to choose WPI. We had told her that we would give her more money for WPI then we originally had said, so money wouldn’t be a huge deciding factor, but she said it didn’t matter.

Congratulations to everyone else with their decisions and good luck to those still in limbo!

@mageecrew – awesome! I’ll be a Pitt Parent also!

@srk2017 You now have the coolest avatar ever. ^:)^

So my daughter is undecided still! She got into 12 schools, visited her top 6 and has it narrowed down to either UC Berkeley because she LOVED it, or UCSB because they have the BFA Acting program she wants!!! She into other BFA programs, but they were too expensive. She has the CA State speech & debate tournament starting Friday until Sunday! I don’t want to pressure her, but we are down to the wire!!!

congrats to @mageecrew on Pitt. I wanted son17 to look at that school but we never did. Looks like a neat place.

@MotherOfDragons Yay on finishing your degree!!! Good for you. What was that you were on, the 26 year plan?, lol :slight_smile: I was not a 4 year plan and done either.

@mageecrew Congrats on Pitt! I admire how well you and DH kept your preference to yourselves to the extent that DD actually thought you preferred WPI!

@srk2017 Once again, your first post with your new avatar gave me my laugh of the day! Love both the Avatar and the humor!

@MotherOfDragons A big congratulations to you on finishing your degree!

@“lex’smom” I don’t know much about arts at UCSB (but I’ve been to some great plays put on by the department), but PM me if you have questions a local might be able to answer.

@mageecrew Congrats! She’ll love the city and the school.

@carachel2 Time to update that avatar.

@Dolemite, love the new Avatar. Now “Let’s go Crazy” like it’s “19999” in new Jersey.

@mageecrew, Congrats on Pitt.

Lol @Dolemite !!!

My DD got back from Columbia late last night. Still hasn’t decided between Columbia and Georgetown and has given me no indication which way she’s leaning. I told her last night she needs to decide by the end of the week cuz I don’t want to leave it to the last minute (Mon).

@NolaCAR Did I miss a Willamette Decision? Go Bearcats! Class of '92

Thanks everyone! And @carachel2 - yay! Maybe we’ll see you there in August :slight_smile: Where is your daughter hoping to live? Sutherland is going to be my daughter’s first choice, Nordenberg second.

@mageecrew – she is already guaranteed Sutherland. She’s just roommate shopping. Message me and I’ll add you to our FB Pitt Parents group!

Great - I’ll do that now. Thanks! @carachel2

@STEM2017 Wish I would have seen your post earlier. Could have asked my son to meet you and your son to give a private tour of the engineering campus. If I have my dates right, yesterday was the last day of the semester. No classes today with finals starting tomorrow. Hope you and your son enjoy your visit today. Let me know if you have any questions. And in case you don’t hear someone else say it today: Go Bucks. :slight_smile:

@CT1417 Neat article, thanks for sharing! It was certainly an experience to be in NYC versus Lawrence, KS!