Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Fishnlines29 I’ve been lurking on the thread, lol I’ll join in the conversation and quit standing in the corner!

@MSHopeful, what did your DD think of Columbia? I believe S17 is there as I type, with DW.

@saillakeerie, where is your D going? We missed you on the board.

D is definitely leaning on Vandy. She said she might go for premed now!! She believes with her skills in memorizing and not much personality, she might be a natural :wink:

Any other kids with premed and why do they decide on that track?

Oh, high accomplishment indeed, the only A in Physics C class last quarter…therefore the only one in physics class with the highest honor… looks like all the missing school days are non-issue.

@robNNN So far all I’ve gotten out of her is she “likes it a lot.” She had a bad tour last summer and it kind of soured her. But she loves the campus, NYC, and the curriculum so she wanted to give it another look and realizes it was just one student that made it a bad experience. She was tired when she got back (time change, we’re in CA) so I plan to talk to her more this week about it.

@NolaCAR never mind, I did see your announcement on the WU forum. Still a little sad here that’s not happening for us.

@MSHopeful, S has a friend at Columbia, current soph, who had the GT/Columbia choice. She’s an IR wannabe, and apparently Columbia does not have an IR major, but I think she’s majoring in poli sci and putting together a curriculum that will prepare her for IR. I talked to her after her first semester there, and she really loved it. I believe finaid was a big part of her decision.

DW just texted me that there are too many smokers at Columbia.

@robNNN – too funny about the smokers! I was on campus all day yesterday and did not notice. I will have to ask my son when he arrives home this evening to see if it was more evident at night.

I always find the streets of Manhattan to be filled with too many smokers. I try to weave around them on the sidewalks so I am not stuck behind them.

@mageecrew Congrats on Pitt!! <:-P

@jcstepmom It’s about time you joined in!!

Weekend on the square was great! It was a beautiful spring weekend, a little chilly on Sat but Sun was gorgeous. Free swag included NYU 2021 t-shirts for students, nyu nylon bags for parents, pens, chap stick, tattoos. They had various receptions with food or snacks and Bobcat was walking around taking pictures with kids. They had a big board for kids to “sign in” on which they later posted on instagram. We purchased additional swag including sweatshirt, sweatpants, baseball cap, banner and a mug. With a 10% off coupon and a frugal daughter it wasn’t too bad!

Our primary goal for the weekend was to meet other students in the Paris program. We accomplished this and daughter made a few friends and I commiserated with their parents.

My favorite part of the weekend was just seeing my daughter so excited and smiling ear to ear all weekend! I think I finally let it sink in that the opportunities in front of her are amazing.

Avatar Ok, in an effort to keep up with our group, I made an attempt to change my avatar! I might need to work on it a bit but I included pictures my daughter took of the Eiffel tower and the Arch in WSP.

Lol, when his hacking team was quoted in a New Yorker article about their visit to NYU for a competition, one of the kids was quoted as saying “I hate smoking. So many people smoke here.” I guess we aren’t used to it out here.

@Ynotgo – smoking banned indoors no one has a car to smoke in, so it is all out on the streets. I do not know if NYers smoke more than average.

I don’t know, I smell a lot more smoke here wondering around in Michigan than I did in NYC this past weekend - and I’m sensitive to it!

We have no smoking within 20 feet of a public building, so it’s rare to smell (tobacco) smoke, at least in the places I go.

I need to catch up on everyone’s posts!! Finally my son has made a decision - UPenn - SEAS! DS plans to major in EE & CS there - and it is only 2 hours away which is nice for many reasons. Thought we might be the last to decide - but need to focus on housing and some other things due by May 2nd. Good luck to those still trying to make a decision - really hope everyone on our board reaches a result that’s right for them!

@CA1543 Awesome news! Congratulations! After his great experience at Quaker Days, I was thinking he might go for it! <:-P

There…new avatar. Is everyone happy? :)>-

Woohoo on the avatars! Not sure whose I like best, prince or Elmo…

Where’s the mama with the kid failing the online class? Been thinking of you.

@carachel2 You need the recognizable Pitt trademark instead.

Congrats to all the S and families who have decided. Your wonderful college years await. Last minute deciders, it is really hard…but look deep into your heart…the right choice is the one you will choose.

@VickiSoCal I’m pretty sure I posted D’s Willamette decision here, too, but it was back around the third week of March, so you might have missed it. She just got her jam a few days ago. Did they do that in your day?

I love the St Andrews avatar. When does your DD start? Are they on roughly the same schedule as US schools?

I told her we did not get jam in my day!! I want my jam. Fresher’s week starts Sept 11.