Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@carachel2 Maybe something with H2P or should we call @MotherOfDragons to the rescue. Steal something like I did :smiley:

I have jumped on the college avatar bandwagon, at least temporarily. Using them makes it so much easier to keep all the decisions straight. Congratulations to all those who have recently committed to schools!!

Have been dragging my heels, but we are beginning to decline offers. It is surprisingly stressful! Each click on Decline closes the door to a place where we made a little bit of an emotional investment by seeing it as part of our son’s future. I could totally see DS at Lafayette or Virginia Tech, but he made a good choice.

Prom this weekend. The weather is currently hideous (rainy and colder than it should be in spring) but expecting it to turn warmer and more pleasant by the weekend. Tux is ready to go, haircut tomorrow, flowers are ordered.

@CA1543, Congrats on Penn. There is a Facebook group for class of 21 roommate search. here is the link there is also an official accepted student thread as well. My S found his on the official thread. Good luck

@jmek15 I’m with you on the pain associated with declining offers – especially those with great scholarships!

D17 also has prom this weekend. The weather here is warm and pleasant, but it is expected to be hideous by the weekend. :-<

@MotherOfDragons Congratulations! <:-P =D> :D/
At D17’s prom, everyone changed to regular clothes for after prom so that they could play laser tag, bowling, etc.

Congratulations @mageecrew ! <:-P

Yay! @CA1543 that took long enough. Congratulations! <:-P <:-P

thank you @Fishnlines29 – Quaker Days was a great experience. Penn seems like a good fit. Hope so. He is starting to think about being there. And Ben Franklin is a major hero of his.

Congrats to other making decisions & plans Super hugs to those still working things out towards a decision.

tOSU visit was incredible. Everything about the day was perfect, including the weather.

I don’t expect a decision until May 1, 11:59pm.

Good luck over the next 5 days @STEM2017. Please post up the result at May 2nd 12:001 am :smiley:

@STEM2017 - We all will be waiting to hit “Like” on May 2nd at 12:001 am :slight_smile:

@STEM2017 --taking it down to the WIRE! Way to go!

@Dolemite your avatar is hilarious! @carachel2 ping me on the FB page and I’ll see if I can whip something up for you after finals ;).

Good Luck @STEM2017. Sounds like there are only good choices…

Yes @STEM2017 your son has good options! I really thought we’d be down to the wire, I’m still so relieved we have a decision!

@jmek15 I feel the same way. There were a few schools where the fit was nothing extra or they were too expensive and there were no regrets. But the top few were hard to let go. The “what if” lingers.

@STEM2017 Good luck - maybe your kid will relent and have a decision by dinner time on the 1st?

Prom was last weekend. The kids looked terrific, had a great time, and stayed safe.

@rightcoaster My son was recruited for D2 track and field, but he had to chase down the D1 coaches himself. It looks like that will pay off :slight_smile: . I don’t know if I can answer any questions but I can try.

Joined the new avatar bandwagon :))

^^That’s my alma mater :slight_smile: Though I refuse to call it by its present name.

Hopping on the new avatar bandwagon too! Congrats on everyone’s decisions and not much longer for those few that still are figuring it out.

Can’t jump on the avatar bandwagon yet, but most recent news is that S will now acknowledge that he has a “leaning.” I had a quick chat with his college advisor who says he sees this all the time, where kids actually know in their head what the decision is, but aren’t willing to vocalize it for a few days while they mentally “try it on for size.” Definitely sounds like something my S would subconsciously do.

And in the meantime, he’s actually gone ahead with making gap year plans, which he’s really excited about. First stop will be a NOLS program in New Zealand.

@soxmom - How about Leaning Tower of Pisa as an avatar until S makes a decision :slight_smile: