Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Amkngk My son attended “Own the Dome” three years ago and is now a Junior. Congrats!

@Ynotgo, at S’14 and D’17’s school, it is somewhat of a thing. About 2/3 of the classes get the shirts. Of course, if you have two exams on the same day, you have to pick one or change.

We do not have AP shirts at our HS either. Random EC clubs will have shirts printed up, but not classes. Students are asked to where college gear to school on the last day of APs, which is their last day at school before they head off to internships.

I think people at my DS’s school will start wearing their college t-shirts tomorrow as it is the official day of declaration.

AP shirts are a thing at our HS (large, public, wide socioecomic range). Each class votes on a design. They usually have some kind of “you had to be there” jokey reference.

Any other parents discouraged from mentioning kid’s choice on social media? I’m very excited about D17’s choice (Barnard) but her HS (small, private) is all about being very discrete, as not everyone is thrilled with their options on Decision Day. They do wear college shirts tomorrow, so maybe we are then allowed to mention her decision in passing, but I would like to express some enthusiasm (maybe posting a picture of the school) and she would like us to be very low-key (not posting at all, or posting text but no images).

School hasn’t mentioned either way but since they have a fundraiser that sells a banner they display on campus I think they don’t care.

Someone please explain AP shirts.


@thermom ha! I’m glad you like it-I had a heck of a time trying to figure out where to put the H, lol.

D17 has college shirt day the week after next, after AP’s are over. She said “if you find something not obnoxious and subtle I’ll wear it”.

No AP shirts here. The IB DP kids have their hoodies, as do the improv kids, the TSA kids, and I’m sure a bazillion other groups, but an AP class here is kind of, I don’t know, just another class except it has a shton of homework associated with it.

For Duke TiP the kids all had shirts for their rag groups. I think my favorite one was D17’s the year her group was the Cereal Killers. It had a graphic of a box of cereal with a knife in it, and it was bleeding cheerios. Hilarious :slight_smile:

This is a hard one because while some kids aren’t happy with their choices, the ones that are should celebrate that fact. I don’t think that most kids are intentionally rubbing it in other kids faces but it is just a fact that not everyone gets their first choice school. Actually a lot of kids don’t get their first choice school. My DH and I bought swag from his school and have worn it, I also filled his room with balloons in the schools colors. As far as social media I am not really on any but I would take your child’s cue on that and do what she wants. You should be very proud and enthusiastic!!

@ams220 Our school is also very discrete about where kids are going, and DS doesn’t think there is a day to wear your college tshirts. It is a large public, and about 1/2 the kids go to the local community college. (The local CC is free for 2 years to local HS grads, and the transfer path to the local UC is good.)

Kids are starting to ask where others are going, but there wasn’t talk about where people go in during the acceptance stage. He has at least one friend who is not happy with his options.

DS decided he’d put the college shirt in his backpack and change if it seems sufficient people are wearing college shirts.

DS had told me I couldn’t post on social media except here and the FB group. I showed him a couple other posts from parents of his friends, and I now have permission to do one post on public FB so long as I don’t tag him. It helps that Naviance says only 7 kids from his school applied to the school he’ll be attending. (We don’t know who or their results.)

@ams220 I post it all over my FB and don’t care lol. But I’m not really FB friends with any parents of her friends or anyone associated with her high school, mostly family and my own friends.

As for AP shirts never heard of them. I’m not even sure if her school has a day you wear your college shirts. My DD has a leadership sweatshirt and other school associated shirts. She’s been wearing college shirts and gear since sophomore year. Some she did not even apply to. LOL.

Our high school has a dress code, but starting in January seniors can wear their college shirt on Wednesdays once they commit. it’s a charter school, K-12, with a large population of students who will be the first generation to attend college. So they start sending the message that “you can go to college” early (D had a project in 6th grade that was to research and create a brochure for a college). The wearing of the shirts is a way to further spread this message. (That being said, if you can’t afford a shirt, I don’t know that there is any help. Hmmm. Something to think about for next year).

FWIW, the school has a 100% rate of graduating students either attending college or the military, so maybe it works.

@thermom Is Chthulu is Hamilton mascot??! I need to know more about that school now.

@Ynotgo Agreed! When I was up in your town a few weeks ago (how long ago was it now? Time flies) the inn’s front desk guy heard we were touring the local UC and happily told us that he was in his second year at the CC and was going to transfer in the fall.

@JenJenJenJen Haha, no - I had a cute little napping Chthulu icon before my D decided where to go. Hamilton College has “Alex” as their mascot - a cartoonized version of Alexander Hamilton.

@ams220 and @MSHopeful At my daughter’s school they will wear their College shirts on May 4 (because APs start tomorrow). They also have a FB College Bound page so they have been posting as decisions are made. As for me, when my daughter made her decision, of course I posted it on FB. Most people want to know, especially friends that don’t live nearby. Shout it loud! It is something for our children to be proud of and for parents to celebrate, too!

@thermom Oh, I remember your icon now! I thought it was “just” a dragon. :slight_smile:

@LoveTheBard , it’s actually the Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band, aka LSJUMB.

Finally, a decision! IU made an offer we could not refuse so DC went for the head over the heart (Michigan, UNC). Though IU is far away, program (finance) is tops. But in any event, Im a Hossier dad now!