Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Testingearly, S did not find the LSJU admit weekend an overwhelmingly positive experience.

Since today is college decision day I decided to finally post my Ds college journey on this thread. D applied to only 3 colleges. Two in state safeties with rolling admissions and her dream school Boston University ED1. She was accepted at all 3 with guaranteed Big Mac at the in-state colleges and a fantastic offer from BU that made it affordable.

I am happy to officially say she will be one of 3,500 Terriers expected to enroll from an applicant pool of 60,000.
D will proudly wear her BU swag to school today!
I am Excited to see all the decision post here today. These amazing kids are going to do amazing things where ever they go!

@linsweet Yeah!!!

No AP shirts here, no college shirts either. Kids go to a small, private HS with uniforms which the administration is strict about when they want to be. S15’s group got around it by doing their own college swag day when they had to go back for graduation practice.

Hubby posted a ‘Hoosier Daddy’ t-shirt on Facebook seconds after hearing she submitted payment to IU, but I made him delete it until she posted. Once she did, it went back up. With all the back and forth, I didn’t want to take away her moment. She did post on Facebook, vsco and Instagram.

We had a moment last week where we held our breathe - she came home and told us BF was accepted to UD. As we expected, but they had both denied, he had applied and it was the main pull there. By stepping back, making her look at both options, she came to her own decision so when this new thing popped up, while it made her sad that something they talked about didn’t come to fruition, she was still set on where she wanted to attend. I guess without her at UD, he’s not much interested in it either so not sure he will accept the transfer. If he does, it makes visits nearly impossible and she knows that. Happy to say she is thrilled with her choice, found a roomie, and has started plans for room decorating.

Thoughts going to those still in decision mode - I imagine the stress in your households must be immense! On the homestretch!

Here’s wishing more thoughts of clarity to all! :-?

Decision made.

Avatar changed.

Virginia Tech it is!

Why VT?
Accepted in first RD round.
Awarded Davenport Leadership Scholarship.
Awarded Freshman Scholarship.
Accepted to Honors College.
Accepted to Galileo Engineering LLC.
His best friend committed to VT Friday (news to me!)
Financial Aid appeal granted (they are using 2016 income to decide FA package) - HUGE difference.
Virginia Tech has shown him all the love he was looking for.
Our Hokie Focus visit sealed the deal.

It was a hard decision for him because of his amazing visit to tOSU. But in the end the money made it an easy decision.


What’s a Hokie? I still have no idea.

Thank you to everyone on this fabulous thread for your support, insights, opinions, editing, and other assistance. What a journey!

YAY @STEM2017 --glad VT showed the love and considered the big picture.

It’s been an honor and a pleasure sharing this journey with you and your son.

@STEM2017 I thought Virginia Tech would win out!! Congrats and love the new avatar! <:-P

@STEM2017 WOOT!!! :-bd =D> =D>

@STEM2017 Congrats!

@STEM2017. congrats on the decision

@STEM2017 – wait…its not midnight yet!

@STEM2017 YEAH!!! Congrats on becoming a Hokie!

@STEM2017 - Congratulations!

@STEM2017 Congrats on VT <:-P <:-P

Sending good mojo to those still making decisions today!!

So excited for all of the decisions!!! Yay @STEM2017 !

Our very large public usually makes a big deal of commitment day, the kids wear their swag, there are games and stuff at brunch… lots of pictures taken. D17 is so sad she and many others will be in the apes test today. The ASB leadership will also be in the apes test. They should have done the festivities last Friday, but I think the planning slipped by. Hoping they figure something out.

Never heard of AP shirts.

Do your children decorate their grad caps? Ours typically do college logos. My friend and I are going to host a rhinestoning party to decorate caps.

Caps are big thing here. Since she’s in IB she’ll be wearing all white. I believe the plan is to make the cap into the blue and white flag of Scotland.

We attended my D’s Band Awards Friday evening. The Jazz Band played, there was dancing in the aisles and we had the kind of fun that can only happen with 250 band nerds in attendance.

My D won her second Musicianship Award, she considers these her most prized HS awards due to all the work she has put into her improving her playing.

There were also senior awards that were nominated and voted on by the bands students. I am proud to say that my D was a two time winner. First award was “Most likely to be carded at 30”, an honor she will not appreciate for another decade. Her second award she saw as the highest award the band can bestow on one of it members: “Best Memes.”

While no Pickleball Championship, I am still quite proud of her award and will change my avatar back to a meme to commemorate her achievements.

@STEM2017 Congrats!!! What a ride! I am thrilled for you both!!!

Congrats @STEM2017 So glad your S found the love and you found the cash!

Congrats @STEM2017!! That’s lot of love by VT.