Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congrats to @STEM2017 !!! I thought the sights and surroundings at OSU were going to win out. I seriously do not know what a Hokie is. Might need to google it in 2 secs. Great news though, it must be a huge relief for you.

Good luck to all of our AP/IB kids!

Today is college shirt day at school, son was happy to sport his new sweatshirt. I think heā€™s proud.

He has also some how held it together and is doing ok in calc and AP stats, 2 classes he has been having a challenging time with. Just need to focus for 3 more weeks, last day of classes coming up soon.

Son17 is not having. great time at lax this spring, many of his teammates are smoking weed, vaping, and drinking and are just bad kids. Heā€™s just not into that scene and is kind of over it. The bad kids are also the captains of the team and they are doing sucky as a team right now. So son17 just hopes they get crushed in the next few games so they wonā€™t qualify for play offs. Kind of a cruddy way to end it, but heā€™s not too upset.

Happy May day to all the parents. youā€™ll worked so hard last one year :slight_smile: My manager caught me few times reading CC =))

Congrats @STEM2017 on VT. Decision made with HOURS to spare!

And congrats @CaucAsianDad on the excellent band awards!

Good luck to anyone still trying to decideā€¦

@RightCoaster my D17 is running with a whole new crowd this year. Went to prom with completely different kids than last year. She ditched all the drinkers/tokers/vapers. She is so much happier.

D17 has made her choice ā€“ she has joined Stanford Universityā€™s Class of 2021!!

(she may even want to go to a football game to see the halftime show ā€“ she loves her some LSJUMB!)

@robNNN ā€“ So is it Harvard for your S?

@Testingearly - how about D?

@STEM2017 - Congrats on having a decision earlier than you anticipated and on VT having shown S the love.

For those still undecidedā€¦take a few deep breaths and know that weā€™re sending decisive thoughts your way.

Yea! Congratulations on Stanford @LoveTheBard! So happy for you and your daughter of course!! <:-P

Congrats @LoveTheBard. Amazing.

@STEM2017 Congratulations! I was hoping to see a decision when I checked in this morning. Figured you might wait until May 5th and tell them ā€œItā€™s not over until WE say itā€™s over!ā€ After your comments about tOSU, I thought that may win out. I bet heā€™ll be really happy at THE Virginia Tech. Glad you only slightly modified your avatar too - perfect!

@LoveTheBard Great choice and congratulations! I like their band too even though Iā€™m from their rival. Iā€™ve always thought the craziness of the Stanford band was more in line with Berkeley and the conservative Cal band more fitting for Stanford.

After a false start (committing and depositing to another school, since withdrawn), I am happy to announce D17 will be a UVM Catamount, Class of 2021! Itā€™s where her heart has been all along, and Iā€™m glad we were able to figure it out before May 1!

Congratulations on all of these final (day) decisions!

@STEM2017 I donā€™t know what a Hokie really is, but they have a turkey as the mascot, so, I guess thatā€™s it.
My niece and nephew are at VT and the third is headed there with your son. It is a great school, but we are now officially rivals! Wahoowa!

Hooray, congrats @STEM2017 ā€“ and how great that his best friend will be a classmate! :-j

@klinska have you met @eandesmom ?

@JenJenJenJen yes, @eandesmom are great pals, lol!

@STEM2017 thatā€™s a whole lotta love VT has been showing your S! Congrats on a great decision!

Congratulations on your DCs choices @STEM2017 @LoveTheBard @klinska !!

In typical Dā€™s fashion, forging ahead after a decision, she has a roommate now. Her current friends declared the new roommate normal, so D said she has to be the crazy one now. She and her roommate are early risers (both going to bed before 1030 or 11) and she plans to work out in the morning and take 8 am classes. And she had arranged to explore Nashville (music and food) with some friends she has made.

Well, she has to get through 7 AP tests in the next two weeks first.

Best of luck to the kids taking AP tests this week!

Off the Virginia Tech website: ā€œWhat is a Hokie? The origin of the word ā€œHokieā€ has nothing to do with a turkey. It was coined by O.M. Stull (class of 1896), who used it in a spirit yell he wrote for a competition.ā€

And Iā€™ll say it on this thread again, congrats to your daughter, @Klinska I know she made the right decision in the end! <:-P

Congrats to @STEM2017 on VT, @LoveTheBard on Stanford, and @klinska on U-VT!

Hey great news @LoveTheBard on S !!

@klinska you know I love UVM!! Yay, glad it worked out, I know it will be the right decision for your D.

Did you know that just 2 years my wife and I were considering moving up to VT and planning a strategy to send both kids to UVM? I was really pushing for the plan, I think the kids wouldā€™ve had a great time in school and our lives might have been more stress free. My son17 was a sophomore and he was just not psyched about moving midway thru HS. My youngest wouldā€™ve been able to have 4 years at the school and was sort of all right with the plan. But it never came to fruition. But I think the plan of UVM undergrad and then go somewhere for grad school. wouldā€™ve worked well. Iā€™m sort of disappointed it never panned out. My kids have received a good education and theyā€™ve had some excellent opportunities in school, so that was a good result of sticking around. But Iā€™m looking forward to moving to VT in a few years.