Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Some of your kids are starting classes a full month before mine even start moving in. I want to go to a UCLA football game, but it will be like pulling teeth to get our son interested in going.

@Magnetron - We bought 4 of the Tote-A-Ton duffles. Features: Cheap, is the max size allowed by airlines, no fancy frills that add weight, folds up to almost nothing, good reviews.

Thanks-A-Ton, Mommertons.

Our youngest has never seen a whole football game, doesnā€™t watch sports, and was resisting buying tickets for the season, but this past weekend they had an alumni reception for new students and they convinced him it is not to be missed. His first ever football game will be from the student section at Notre Dame.

The rest of our family all watch football almost every weekend and S1 did marching band. We let the kids skip school for the parade when the Seahawks won the Super Bowl.

Vandy Move-in is on 19th(Saturday) and classes start on 23 (Wed). Entire week they have orientation activities.

Movein at Wellesley is 8/30 and classes start 9/5.

Move-in is 8/18. Soon after S will hit the pool for his first college challenge: the swim test- 25ft front stroke, 25ft back stroke, and 25ft stroke of your choice. There are many on campus orientation activities and mandatory meetings until classes begin on 8/22.

Moving in on Aug. 19th for a 3 day IT training program for a campus job; orientation Aug 23-28 & classes start Aug 29. Weā€™ll be driving down for move in - hoping the expanding dorm mountain will mostly fit in our SUV. Good luck to all those moving in soon & to all enjoy any summertime you have left!!

Move in is Aug 14 for DDā€™s dorm and residential college. Aug 15 is an all day retreat and regular campus move-in is Aug 16. Classes start Aug 21. (Her first class starts during the eclipse. Is this some sort of omen?)

Move in for Band Camp is 8/22. Then he moves again on 8/27 to his permanent room. School starts on 9/5.

We are early! Move in is 8/12 with classes starting 8/15. Our daughter gets back from a month at camp on 8/11 so we will have incredibly minimal time to finish everything. Thankfully, she is an easy-going kid with a mom who likes to shop!

Sā€™s move in day is Aug. 17. We fly to OKC on the 16th, and plan to pick up the stuff we ordered at the local BBB. S will also need to get stuff we donā€™t want to schlep like toiletries, cleaning supplies, and school supplies locally. Happy we have an early move in time because it will be cooler.

@Mommertons, sounds like my S is doing the same trip as your D. He left Tuesday for OKC and is now backpacking for the week. Then he flies home for a week before we all travel (back) to OK for move in. I hope your D enjoys the trip!

@mtrosemom - I bet our kids know each well by now. 9 hours in a bus will do that! See you at BBB on the 16th! :))

@Dave_N Is she in the honorā€™s dorm in the new Village? What room setup did she get?

@Dolemite, yes she is in the village. She has a two bedroom, 2 bath 4 person suite. She even getā€™s the bathroom cleaned twice a week,

We saw some of the village from outside of the construction fence during orientation. Iā€™ve only seen interior pictures. Those pictures are amazing. Target is open and Trader Joeā€™s opens tomorrow.

She just got an email with an assignment due for her honorā€™s program due 11:59 pm August 13.

And so it beginsā€¦

Iā€™ve been off the boards for awhile, working through unemployment (and trying to become un-unemployed!) Thought Iā€™d check in, since D-day is fast approaching. Weā€™re leaving in a week to take D17 down to Huntsville, and she moves in on the 11th. Sheā€™s worked so much this summer that sheā€™s only about 1/3 of the way through her summer reading assignment, and hasnā€™t started packing. I think the next few days will be very fullā€¦

Iā€™m going to head back and re-read the last few pages now. I hope everyone is hanging in there!

@Dave_N Very nice. D had signed up for USC housing and had chosen the various options with single rooms as her top choices. I remember see the model pictures. The singles werenā€™t cheap.

Your D is doing the Thematic Option, correct?

Checking in after a long time away! Move-in day for Buffalo is 8/24, but DS moves in on 8/19 for track/XC team activities. Classes are chosen but thereā€™s no book lists available yet, argh! I thought having the book list available at the time of registration was an accreditation requirement, but maybe thatā€™s the provost at the college where I teach just lighting a fire under our professorial butts.

Yes, DS decided on Buffalo over Binghamton, in the end. The Buffalo team wanted him more, even though Binghamton has a worse middle distance teamā€”go figure. He texted from orientation saying ā€œI love this campus!ā€ Happy mom dance. The scholarships and FA are working out well, which is a big relief.

@HappyGoLucky2017 , you speak of Ithaca and a swim testā€¦is that Cornell youā€™re talking about? I have two enrolled thereā€¦well, sort of enrolled (discussion below), and itā€™s been a good experience for us. Best wishes to your child.

DSā€™15 actually wonā€™t be on campus this fall, because his engineering co-op will take him to JPL in Pasadena. Iā€™m very happy for him because that was the one he wanted. Good thing, as it was the only offer he got! Heā€™ll drive out and be in Missouri for the eclipse, on his way to CA. Lucky duck.

DDā€™14 is taking the semester off. Cornell has been incredibly good her and has said they will replace the FA she loses from Pell and TAP by taking an extra semester b/c of her medical leave. She is doing better which is another blessing.

Itā€™s good to see how everyone is doing!

@Dolemite, yes she is doing the Thematic Option program.

@mdcmom Thatā€™s why the Buffalo team IS better. Better recruiting. :slight_smile:

Some of you know that UAH has suites with four bedrooms and two bathrooms for four people. D17 had not been getting replies from the girl who was slated to have the other bedroom in her half of the suite. She just found out that the girl has withdrawn so, at least until someone else comes along, sheā€™ll have her own bathroom AND a large counter with a double sink.

I didnā€™t get that until I was over 30.