Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Thanks @STEM2017! Btw, sounds like you had fun in FL : -)

Still hoping for good news for your D @whataboutcollege. As for my D19’s decisions. Turns out 1 out of the 4 is coming out in waves so we haven’t heard from that one. Two said no and one said yes. The ones that said no were her reach anyway and she wasn’t very upset about it. She later told me it felt like a relief since they were never her number one, but that if she got in, she felt like she should go there. Turns out the one that said yes, has a better dept. for her major. She has had 2 different number ones and they both said yes and gave her “love” as she puts it (aka gave her merit money), so I think that getting the two rejections didn’t sting as much, which I am thankful for. Looking at the cc results, this year is proving to be unpredictable again. Kids getting accepted where D was rejected but same kids getting rejected where D was accepted- maybe its a yield thing? So far she is at 3 yes and 2 no. She only applied to 6.

That’s great news @RightCoaster, happy to hear he is all set up with his co-op and that the school really worked with him. Convenient and getting paid sounds pretty good to me!

@HiToWaMom, wow that sounds like a soap opera! So interesting to see the different paths people take. It can be both uplifting and sad depending on the paths they choose.

What the heck happened to the emojis?

@HiToWaMom, totally agree, D19 is my last one but can I see myself coming back next year and reading and supporting the kids and parents. Also its nice to check in on this thread and see how everyone is doing. Gotta love the humor of @STEM2017 and @RightCoaster!

I get all my jokes from @bigmacbeth

@STEM2017 Only the good ones…only the good ones.

Hi all,
I would love any input, insight, experience you may want to share. I want to make sure we are considering as many things as possible in helping my D19 choose. She is deciding between 2 schools. One is private the other public. They are both basically the same distance from home (1 hour away)
Private is about 5600 total students with beautiful campus.
Public is top research university that is STEM heavy with 26000 undergrads, has ugly campus. However it has a strong dept in her major.
D’s major is international relations.
With D’s merit both would be about the same cost in tuition. Concerned that at big U she would get lost but it has better ranked program and the school as a whole is top 45 where as private is top 90.
Please share any thoughts that may be helpful.

@letsshare - Go with the one that gives better internship/co-op opportunities. Also, how hard is get the classes she wants and be able to finish in 4 years at the public U?

@letsshare I was curious so looked at US News and couldn’t find a single public in the top 45 with an ugly campus. Beauty is in the eye …

Anyway, there just isn’t enough in your post to make an informed recommendation. Have you visited? Is your D accepted to the honors program? How big is the major department at the public? What is your D looking for in a school? What’s her personality like? Will she seek out opportunities easily?

@ srk2017 and @itsgettingreal17 thanks for the input.
@itsgettingreal17 haha, you’re absolutely right it is in the eye. Public is ucsd private is usd. We have visited both lots of times. She is in honors at the private but did not get regents at the uc. She can max out her ap and ib credits so that should help her with graduating in time. The uc is also on the quarter system so if it were to take her longer at least we are looking at quarters and not semesters. She does tend to seek opportunities and is pretty self motivated, so that would help her navigate the larger school and the opportunities it offers. She is interested in going to grad school so that is also something to consider. We looked at internship opportunities and they both offer pretty solid ones.
Older brother is at a large private so that’s kind of all we know in terms of what privates can offer. I guess that may be why we are concerned about the large public aspect. But hey, I guess its up to the individual to seek out and take advantage of opportunities.

UCSD has ugly buildings, beautiful location.
I think either will be good. Sorry I cannot offer more on that front.

@letsshare, it sounds like she can’t lose either way, as long as (as someone else pointed out) class availability is equally good either place.

My actually-serious suggestion: Have her flip a coin, heads private, tails public. She looks at the way it lands, nobody else gets to see it. Then she puts the coin in her pocket and calmly announces where she’s chosen. (Basically, if there’s no difference in her mind, she can go with the result. If there is and it comes up the other way, it’s a good method of realizing there’s a preference—and notice I said she should “announce where she’s chosen”, not “announce whether it was heads or tails”…)

@dfbdfb thank you, I really like that idea. Its a good way to realize you really do have a preference.

@letsshare, which school would provide better options for your D19 if she decides to change majors?

srk2017 also raises a good point; check that she’ll be able to get the classes she needs at UCSD.


Wow, your D’s experience is a bit similar to my S’s.

Really interesting with the friend group, we’ve seen quite the mix of kids coming back home and going to CC while they figure things out, kids losing scholarships and taking “gap” sophomore years and some staying on track and doing just fine. Some joining fraternities, some having trouble getting admission to their major and considering transferring, all over the board!

My S is applying for an internship in NYC, it will be interesting to see if he gets it. It will be interesting to see things in 5 years. It is a time of change and the HS group definitely starts to grow apart a bit while the college group gets closer. Breaks can be hard as the common ground changes and so as a result the HS friend group changes a bit, some new players become closer friends and old close ones grow apart. It is hard, and sad. And life.

Lordy Lordy it is getting HOT over there in the 2019 Parents thread. Frankly, I dropped out months ago.

We really were a great group. Miss y’all.

We were the BEST!

Don’t know what’s going on in the 2019 thread, but I’ve been active in two, the 2014 and 2017 discussions, and both were/are little islands of sanity on an ocean of CC crazy…

@bigmacbeth Present tense. We are the best!


“Can’t believe rich parents actually pay for their kids to get into college instead of traumatizing them just enough to have a good admissions essay like mine did.”

I only traumatize people on BSMD threads :wink:

I just traumatized my son into finally calling me! His grades are good, his gf is good, life is good. Hard to get details out of him! He did have the national rep come for his fraternity inspection and it went really well. The guy told them they are in the top 5 chapters in the country. That made him feel good. Being the President is a lot of work. Now he has to do a bunch of award paperwork in the next few weeks. It is good for him and very different than his pre-vet work. He had his first class preparing for his study abroad this summer and it sounds like it will be good.

Love to hear about all your kids and that they are doing so well!