Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@cleoforshort - congrats on the REU. S17 did one last summer, and had a great experience.

@robNNN thanks for the input. I feel like ucsd might give her more options in case she were to change majors but it may be easier to change majors at USD, we will look into that. I believe it is usually switching into STEM that is hard which she isnā€™t interested in (kind of stinks because she is really good at math and has a knack for coding). Will also have my D reach out to a couple of kids she knows at ucsd and see if they have insight on that.

I also really like this group and enjoy it when people post on this thread.

@STEM2017 what the heck, I just checked in on the 2019 thread since I am behind and there are moderators notes and deleted posts. You werenā€™t kidding!

@letsshare I saw the same stuff. Some posters were banned!

Silly adults.

@STEM2017 Yeah, I canā€™t believe it! Donā€™t bring that mojo over HERE!

I must say that most of yā€™all in this thread are somewhat ā€œsaneā€. LOL

I am happy to say Iā€™ve survived 2 recent admissions cycles and really happy I donā€™t have to go thru another one.

We will just get out the popcorn and watch the drama from afar together happily!

We canā€™t get even watch the drama because they already deleted it.
I am part of that thread but have really fallen behind so not sure what happened. There are nice people there but some have butted heads in the past, not sure what the history there is.

Hereā€™s some good news - my daughterā€™s research team just got some major funding! She also accepted a summer job that will provide lots of experience to support her long term career goals. Unfortunately, sheā€™ll be far away for most of the summer but I am delighted for her.

Going over to the 2019 thread nowā€¦

Hello everyone! I havenā€™t written on this board in a looong time! But I have been lurking on CC this year for my D19. I never did join the conversation on that 2019 board but I just took a look at it - boy you are right - a bit of drama happening. Iā€™m thankful this was always a nice supportive place.

A funny thing is - I only have the two daughters (D17 and D19) and from kindergarten of D17ā€™s school through 12th grade her class, in each of her 4 schools in 2 different towns, was always great and beloved by teachers and all. They went on special school trips, teachers looped with them, everyone cried when they would move on to the next school. Whereas D19ā€™s class, no matter the district or school, was the group no one wanted to teach, no one ever looped with them, trips got cancelledā€¦it sucked for them, but was almost humorous. I always felt like there was a black, or at least very gray, cloud hanging over the class of 2019. And here the 2019 cloud is continuing :slight_smile: But I am sure things will look up for them soon (crossing fingers!!!).

Holy cow!! I just went to 2019 thread! I finished at page 1120 yesterday. Parents were quietly reflecting the process and talking about the takeaways. Now boom!! There are 8 more pages and lots of tension! Did that ever happen here at 2017?

@HiToWaMom We didnā€™t get to over 2200 pages by not being awesome.

I donā€™t quite get what the issue is over there on the 2019 thread. Maybe just too much stress for everyone.

@RightCoaster @HiToWaMom So happy for your DCs on securing Co-Op and paid internship!!! @mamaedefamilia That is such a great news for your DD!

I hope my D finds something for the summer. This way she will be happy and sane! :slight_smile:
While we continue waiting out for summer plans, D told me she is just hired as a tutor for the ChemE class next semester. She is very excited about the prospect of receiving a paycheck from uMich, even if a very small oneā€¦lolā€¦

@HiToWaMom, thereā€™s been some moments of heated stress, but this particular group has been mostly chill.

Of course, Iā€™m on both the 2017 and 2019 groups, so what does that make me? Simultaneously heated and chill is lukewarm, I suppose.

@dfbdfb No, I think it makes you ā€˜coolā€™ā€¦

@dfbdfb, the stirling engine of CCā€¦

I am on both groups too and Iā€™m not quite sure what has happened over there. I wasnā€™t offended and hope I didnā€™t offend. I do know that several of us were not banned.

Given the level of stress in my house over S19, Iā€™d love to share some information about D17. She is really enjoying UVA, is the Swim & Dive Team Manager and is now a History and Media Studies major. She had to apply to the Media Studies one (interesting since when I was there it was Rhetoric and Communications and was considered an easy major). Her advisors also encouraged her to apply to Distinguished Scholar for both majors (she canā€™t do both) and she has applied for the Media Studies one.

For summer, plans are up in the air but she is not too stressed. She has applied for congressional internship (long shot, I think). Otherwise, she may end up home with some other job, or working a bit for the S&D team over the summer. As I said, sheā€™s not stressed about that and neither am I. We need to get S19 to make a decision and then it is time to start thinking about our first visit to Hawaii this summer.

Itā€™s really enjoyable reading about all the summer plans this year. My D17 will be studying/doing research in Ireland. Weā€™re going to meet her at the end for a big trip to celebrate D19ā€™s graduation. Weā€™re thinking that this might be our last big hoorah since D17 will need an internship next summer.

The Class of 2019 thread did get a bit heated but I missed what caused it. Some of the school class of 2023 threads are pretty in your face with negativity and condescending comments. I wonder if that carried over.

Iā€™m just glad I can be completely chill about dd20. She is only applying to one schoolā€“the one where she can live at home and commute. She has seen enough with older siblings and she has dug in her heels and refuses to engage. Makes it super easy here!

Dd17 is waiting to here back on a summer Russian program she applied to. Crossing our fingers she gets accepted bc it is fully funded.

D17 is thriving where she is at, and this summer plans to return to her summer job at camp. Its not related to her field of study, but she knows after this year, she will probably never get to work/be at camp again or until she one day has kids :)ā€¦ the big thing is to get a ā€œhillternā€ for her fall semester. We will also be launching S19 to RIT this fall.