Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

This group has always been welcoming, insightful, helpful and at times humurous.

D will be staying on campus this summer. She has free housing thanks to being selected for the summer band and will continue to be paid to work the research lab job she has had since the fall.
She has also been offered the opportunity to work with a PHD student on his field research which she is excited about.
Looks like our young adults are going to have a great sumer!

D17 was just contacted by a professor at our local private U for an un-paid research position that she inquired about. She missed out on a UChicago REU, but sheā€™s happy to be with friends for one more summer. Sheā€™s been in a lab since freshman year, and was nominated for a national scholarship that sheā€™s waiting to hear about. Next summer, she will also be in Ireland on a ā€˜research abroadā€™ through her school, but that seems ages away.

S17 is moving along with his plan to graduate a year early, which is pretty cool considering that he only had 9 AP credits. His switch from BFA to BA was totally finalized the other day when he screwed up his courage and told his advisor that he was dropping lighting design because he hates designing and just wants to light things up based on other peopleā€™s plots. The advisor took it well and told S17 that he was proud of him for knowing what he wanted. He will be taking 9 credits at the local CC and one online class at his school over the summer. He was offered a position with the community theater group that he used to participate in. I am encouraging him to do it because it wonā€™t interfere with his studying since 3 of the classes will be over before it starts.

On another note, he recently heard that his donee is doing well and has gone into remission following his stem cell transplant of S17ā€™s blood. THAT made his day and mine.

We have also heard of kids who have left their schools for various reasons, ranging from too much partying at the frat to getting mugged at knifepoint near their school to changing majors. It happens.

Iā€™m so glad to hear that everyoneā€™s kids are growing up. S17 is my babyā€¦

@botcom Free housing??? Iā€™m jealous!!


Wow, I wonder what it feels like - to save someoneā€™s life! Wonderful!

I feel horrible for the kid who got mugged at knifepoint. Especially when you are away from your family. Geez.

@HiToWaMom anyone selected for the summer band gets free campus housing for the summer. The bonus is we donā€™t have to pay to store her dorm room stuff over the summer.

Havenā€™t been here in ages!!

S19 is still doing well at UVM. Summer plans are very much up in the air, still applying to internships and looking but does have a restaurant job lined up here over the summer on the assumption that nothing will come through.

There is one he really wants, that isnā€™t in his major but he is qualified for. So it will be interesting to see how that plays out. While heā€™s applied for several, this was the first one Iā€™ve seen him go after in earnest and that was great to see. He actually does have an internship this semester, by pure dump luck. He disliked one of his classes on day 1 and changed his schedule based on finding this ā€œnewā€ class he hasnā€™t noticed yet. Class description read like an internship but wasnā€™t billed as such.

Turns out it is, 2 credits for internship only and 3 for the class. So, with that and 2 publication this semester he should be more competitive. Heā€™s actually hoping to find a fall one and do that instead of his current part time job.

Housing is lined up for next year, it really remains to be seen if he can find a sub letter and with summer plans unknown it doesnā€™t make sense to try quite yet.

If he does end up home for the summer, he will likely do a couple of online classes as those extra credits will put him ahead and able to graduate a semester early.

He has a GF who seems wonderful (though Iā€™ve not met her yet) and in general is in a good place, with great friends, some of whom plan to visit him here this summer which will be fun and they are lovely young men!

@STEM2017 I know this is our off the blueā€¦ Was it you that discussed a couple of years ago about steps to get residency in Texas in order to get in state tuition?


Oops sorry, out of the blueā€¦

@letsshare I know what you are thinking but actually I donā€™t think I was ever interested in getting Texas residency. The program that we discussed is called the Non-Resident Waiver Program where anyone attending a Texas public college and earning a competitive scholarship worth $1,000 or more, also qualifies for in-state tuition. Some colleges are very generous with this (U of Houston) and some are very stingy (UT Austin). S17 qualified for in-state tuition at U Houston. His COA would have been around $10,000/yr if he wanted to attend. Here is a link with some infoā€¦

Can I just say: Go Spartans! D17 is pumped.

@bigmacbeth Right there with youā€“go green!

The only Spartan spirit I knowā€¦

Question for you allā€¦

S17 looking for advice on GPA presentation in his resume.

He is asking if he should include the non-VT courses that he has taken over breaks in his resume GPA calculation.

FAKE data example - if his GPA is a 3.3, but with the 9 outside college credits (all As) included in the calculation, his GPA rises to a 3.5, which number would you include on the resume? Again, this is FAKE data.

Iā€™m thinking the lower number is more appropriate, but Iā€™m looking for experience.

All you parents of 4.0 GPA kids can move alongā€¦nothing to see here.

@STEM2017 LOL! Love that. Sent to D17.

GPA calculation, in my experience, needs to match exactly whatever is reported on the schoolā€™s transcript. Employers do check for accuracy.

@STEM2017 My D has multiple GPAs on her transcript. They calculate overall (includes courses taken at other institutions), cumulative (UGA only) and major GPA. If you are trying to take advantage of a more favorable GPA, hereā€™s what Iā€™d recommend: 1) you have to include the cumulative GPA that is on the transcript and it has to match exactly; 2) youā€™re then also free to list the excluded courses taken elsewhere under the education section on the resume and list that GPA.

@eandesmom Hi, long time no hear!! You meant S17 in your post??

My Dā€™s summer internship is only until early July. I want her to take up any job between then and the end of summer. I hope she can find a restaurant job when she comes back.

She complains that lots of the guys she meets are wealthy preppy boarding school type that she cannot really relate to.
She still loves and misses Seattle so she might end up with a flannel-plaid-shirt-wearing, fashionably-tattooed local guy some day!

@STEM2017 thanks for the quick response.
Hereā€™s my take on the GPA. I think that maybe you can report VT gpa then non VT gpa then maybe on another line the cumulative gpa. Particularly if those classes were towards his degree or GEs. If they require transcripts he can include a copy of both.

@HiToWaMom lol, yes, S17. Iā€™m the thick of things right now with S19 and have fat thumbs on the phone.

Heā€™s been really lucky to find his artsy tribe in Vermont. Yes, there are a ton of wealthy kids, and prep school kids and preppy sporty kids. The $ gap really bothered him at first even though he knew it would be there going into it. We arenā€™t hurting but the level of wealth and disposable ā€œincomeā€ as well as the prep/private HS background has been eye opening to him.

He was at an NYU student apartment over break. $25,000 a month. A month! The student has one renter, who pays 1/3 of that. What a deal! I canā€™t imagine. And even if I could, wouldnā€™t spend it like that.

But heā€™s found a pretty great group of laid back, artsy, smart fun young adults. Some of whom wear flannel, some of whom have tattoos and/or piercings. All of whom seem like really great people with families that have basically adopted my kid lol. The GF is from DC but from what I can tell would fit in here easil, as would his friends. Heā€™s definitely found his tribe and it makes my heart happy. He definitely prefers Seattle though!

July will be tough to get anything. Part of he hopes he gets it, part of me would be very happy to have him home and take a couple of online classes so he can finish a semester early!

@STEM2017 Ditto to all the above. Whatever his current transcript says is the law. You can include the others but in general I think itā€™s assumed those other credits do show someone on the main transcript, they just may or may not impact gpa. If they are good grades but donā€™t count for gpa at VT, Iā€™d just include that transcript as well.