Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Lot of homework in lieu of mid terms, so DS is busy. Also, focusing on his research (computational).

My guess is schools will open in fall. He will take online classes if that’s the choice but no gap year. He will be applying to medical schools if they don’t cancel admissions cycle.

@srk2017, has your DS already taken the MCAT? I heard the May test has been cancelled (I haven’t verified, for anyone who might be affected).

D17 has mentioned that some of his classmates planning on attending med school are considering taking leave this upcoming year, then going straight to med school rather than taking a gap year.

He already took MCAT and scored 100 percentile. Yes, for now May 29th test date is not cancelled. My guess is they will resume in July and add lot of dates in July and August. But again all depends on how long Covid-19 restrictions will go on.

DD is set to graduate this semester. She had planned to go to grad school, but she wants a break before more schooling. She told me that her professors must have just figured out the online thing, because her homework increased significantly this past week. She is still living in her off campus apartment in college town (with 3 others).

I’m concerned about the job market & pray that she’ll be able to find a job. DS (HS class of 2015) graduated in December, worked about 6 weeks, and now is currently on hopefully temporary lay off.

D moved out of her off-campus apartment and is back home after a 2-week quarantine after spring break overseas. Classes online are going fine. I finally dragged her out of the house today. lol

I am optimistic that classes will resume in person in August. Either way, she is continuing with her senior year as she is planning a 1-2 gap year(s) post-graduation. She’s applying to some fellowships and scholarships. She will be in a masters program in the fall. Fingers crossed for all our kids that life returns to normal soon and the economy bounces back and they find good jobs.

S is home now for awhile. On line classes are ok but he is sad he is missing his last semester of undergrad and his TA job he really liked. He will be going straight to vet school in the fall and prays it opens on time and in person. His summer internship is still on as of this moment. They said to call and verify the beginning of May

D has been home for a month with online classes going very well. She has the same amount of homework as before. It’s been kind of fun having her around - I work, she schools, - all on zoom. Daily walks through wooded trails are keeping us sane.

I do hope our kids get the chance to work this summer and return to in-person classes this fall. We shall see!

It sucks having to stay away from much of our family, but overall, we feel very lucky. My heart goes out to all those who are struggling because they are unable to work or have contracted the virus. We have some family on the front lines in NYC (and so far they are staying safe) but we hear a lot and can’t imagine the toll this is taking on very hard-hit areas.

I hope you all are well.

Warning for those who used 529 funds to pay for room and board, and will be getting refunds:

“With the coronavirus canceling college classes, you could be due a refund. But if you used 529 plan withdrawals to pay for tuition or room and board, you could be hit with a tax bill if you don’t take this action within 60 days.”

FYI I asked my 529 plan about this yesterday, and they said there are two options for refunds: “For these refunds, there are two options: 1) use the funds for a qualified higher educational expense during the same calendar year, or 2) place them back into the DIRECT 529 account within 60 days of the refund check date. For either option, you will need to keep detailed receipts/documentation. The refund CANNOT be sent directly to the 529 Plan.” @robNNN

Also I read in another thread that the 60 days has been extended to July 15.

is living off campus also considered a qualified 529 expense. We plan on turning around and putting the money into D’s off campus apartment. if that doesnt pan out for some reason, then tuition.

Yes, off-campus housing is considered an eligible 529 expense as long as the cost of the housing does not exceed the university’s allowance for room charge. See the school financial aid page/cost of attendance for the room & board allowance.

Groceries and food-to-go/on-campus dining charges are also eligible. Much debate over keeping receipts. I relied on son’s CC charges to local eateries and the grocery store, but I have not been audited so cannot tell you if that ‘documentation’ would suffice.

Be sure to watch date expense is paid and then reimburse yourself in the same calendar year.

If eligible for AOTC, I believe that housing is not a qualified expense, but tuition is, so you would want to use your own funds to pay tuition and 529 to pay housing.

S17 graduated! His residential college within the big university had a virtual celebration of graduates this past weekend, but is still inviting spring graduates to an “in person” graduation whenever that will be. His grades all posted final today, and he won’t need to take the Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory option since he did well.

Now he’s hoping the law office he works for re-opens soon, so he can continue working while studying for the LSAT. His plan is to work for the law firm and/or intern for the next year while he applies to law school. Everything is a bit up in the air for now, but it looks like he has some options open…

Its great having my daughter home (from my perspective). Like bonus time I never thought we would get. But from her perspective, she should be with her friends (though now she would be on summer break). Plans for Fall are not clear at this point though looks like online classes will be a big part of it. She has an off-campus apartment lined up for next Fall so she may go back and shelter in place with her friends rather than her parents.

Right now she is working on vet school apps. Took the GRE but few schools are requiring it now.

@saillakeerie where is she applying to vet school? Good luck! My son will be starting vet school in August (online or in person or some combination thereof). He also has an off-campus apartment he will be moving into after his summer job. I’m going to miss him when he leaves on Friday after his last final. He has to drive to Kansas and empty his frat room into storage and then drive to West Virginia for his job at a veterinary hospital. He is going to be so sick of driving!!

DD officially graduated! She made 4.0 this semester, too! She decided to hold off on grad school, so now she’s job hunting - not sure how much luck she’ll have at the moment. She is still in school city since her lease goes through August - she is determined to have a job before then so she won’t have to move back home (and I’m praying she does as well - I’m enjoying my empty nest).

@momocarly She has been working on her list of schools for a while. She added a couple with the current situation because uncertainty has increased. I think the list is about 10-12 right now. Just like undergrad, she has reach, match and safety schools (as much as you can have a safety with the low acceptance rates of vet school (particularly as a totally unhooked applicant)).

Vet schools use something like the common app. She pretty much as that done at this point. Will look over her essays another time. Supplemental essays/info opened up yesterday (I think) so she knows what each school requires (a few do not require anything additional which makes it easier). Letters of recommendation are lined up (one has already been submitted). Has until Sept to have everything finalized and submitted. She will definitely have a competitive application though nothing is certain. Fingers crossed.

Almost a year until graduation for most of our kids here!

For my D1 (HS2013), I had to book the hotel as soon as the reservation opened up because there were very few hotels near the college. It filled very quickly and I think I got last two rooms just in time.

For D2 (HS2017), she goes to a school in NYC, so i’m more relaxed about booking the hotel.

Anyway, I have a question.

D2 would love to have her grandma for her graduation and grandma would love to attend.

The problem is grandma’s boyfriend. They currently live together in the retirement community in Florida. (They moved there together from Seattle.)

He wants to come to the graduation as well. He is not a bad person but D2 doesn’t like him at all (probably she hates him) and don’t want him at her graduation.

It will break grandma’s heart if D2 refuses to have him but at the same time, it’s her graduation and she wants to be surrounded by only the people she loves.

Personally, I think D2 should step up and welcome him to attend. She doesn’t have to personally interact with him although she should be cordial.

Do you have any suggestion? Good middle ground ideas? Any past similar experience for someone’s party? (like wedding?)

Thank you!

@HiToWaMom Grandma’s boyfriend should stay home. It’s not about him. Your daughter has the right to say who she wants with her to celebrate her day. Why would he want to come anyway when he is perfectly aware he isn’t wanted and isn’t liked by the graduate?


Thanks for your reply. The thing is that he has no idea that he is disliked by my daughter.

Anyway, I was told by others that I don’t like conflict and I’m trying to make everyone happy and it’s not going to happen. They had the same opinion as you.

Thanks. I appreciate it!

D is finished with Junior year - how time flies. Summer internships were affected - changed to local work which means those not near facilities has to be dropped.

Fortunately, we live about 3 miles from a major facility. She had been staffed in Seattle, and was looking forward to it, but she just got a list of adjusted responsibilities/roles for the summer and is excited.

She’s much better off then and many classmates who were left without a job, or a “remote” job for the summer. It was reduced from 12 weeks to 8 so she’s taking an on-line class to reduce the load Senior year.

Doing well and getting a FT offer would certainly make senior year easier. Hard to believe she’s now 21 and getting ready to enter the workforce.

Just in time to get my younger D ready to go - HS class of 22.