Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

DS is taking the June SAT with no prep. The only way he won’t have to take it again is if he gets at least a 1400 for the math & reading combined.Honestly I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen. The reason is that the colleges we are thinking about don’t look at the writing part…which probably will be his best score…

We have registered D to take SAT in June. She seems not ready forever. She’s always busy on other things, due projects, school exams, tennis games, etc. My S’13 had already completed his SAT at the beginning of his Gr.10 year. The 2nd child is totally different from the 1st child. Sigh!

DS17 passed the written drivers’ test today and now has a learner’s permit. (Finally…he’s almost 16 1/2.) I don’t think I’ll schedule his driving classes until after AP tests for sure, and maybe until after I see some SAT prep happening. At this rate, it may end up being a summer project.

@Ynotgo Congratulations to your S on his learner’s permit!

@Ynotgo, maybe studying for the AP and SAT tests can be good bribes for getting to drive. That won’t work for my S who really doesn’t want to drive.

@Ynotgo, my HS senior who is graduating this year has yet to get her learner’s permit, so count your lucky stars! Hopefully she will be more enthusiastic about learning to drive since her little sister (the HS 2017 kid) is taking the learner’s permit class now.

About Pomona and dance, the Claremont consortium does have a good dance program. My '15 grad (who is a dancer) will be attending Scripps in the fall, and between Scripps and Pomona there are a lot of dance classes. Students who major in dance also need to choreograph and present dances, which means they need other students to dance in them, so there are performance opportunities for non-dance-major students. Note that students at any of the 5 Claremont colleges can take classes at any other college, so the Pomona and Scripps dance classes are open to all.

We also checked out Occidental in SoCal, and they have a good dance program – and are right in LA, so the students have access to dance classes outside of the school if they want.

The uncertainty around the SAT change is why my 2017 HS grad will be taking the ACT in the fall.

@mtrosemom He is also reluctant about driving like your son and dustypig’s DS15. I could perhaps bribe him with not having to take driving lessons if he is prepping for the SAT. But I hear they have hefty cancellation fees, so my bribe would be toothless.

In a generation or less there will be driverless cars, and being able to drive will eventually become rare–just as knowing how to drive with a standard transmission is now. At least that’s what DS thinks.

Sorry, I meant dustypig’s DD15.

Apparently this is very common nowadays, with teens delaying or just not getting their driver’s licences. Either they’re all waiting for the advent of self-driving cars or the internet means they get plenty of interaction with friends without even having to leave home.

I think some of it too is the fact that they can’t carpool. D’s district is off today, and one of her friends tried to gt a group together to go to a movie. The problem was the most of the kids don’t live where they can grab a bus, some parents are working and the ones who CAN drive have restrictions about how many unrelated people who can be in their car. So they all stayed home. When I was her age, it was considered perfectly normal to drive around town to pick up 4 or 5 friends (everyone had large cars-my folks had a station wagon) and go to the movies.

I do understand the reasoning behind the restrictions but I think it’s fundamentally changed how teenagers live. I wouldn’t be a great hurry to get my license just so I could make a grocery store run for my mom either.

Yeah, the restriction thing… My D just got her license. First six months, she cannot have anyone other than immediate family in the car. She said, “Mom, nobody around me follows that rule. You gotta break rules sometimes in life!! Hahaha!!” Geez!! She can break fashion rules all she wants but she must not break the traffic rules!! I don’t care other people, SHE follows that rule!! Of course, she stomped out of the room.

I read that after they implemented this restriction, the teen fatal traffic accidents declined 50%. I really hope she won’t sneak and get some teen passengers in her car. But six months are looong for teenagers especially if that six months include a summer break! I have more grey hair now.

CT does not allow newly-licensed drivers to transport anyone for first six months, including siblings. (Well, can drive people over 18 but that situation never arises.) Seven to twelve months can transport sibling and after one year, can drive anyone. Also, 11pm curfew until age 18, other than work or school events.

An amazing # of parents blatantly ignore the restriction and allow the driving of siblings and friends as soon as license is issued. It was a challenging year with older son b/c he has such a late b-day that he was last of his friends to obtain license. Will be less of an issue with younger son who has earlier b-day.

Between Uber & driverless cars…

@dustypig, you completely described my son!
@sseamom, our state’s driving rules are kids may test for their license at 16. Once they get their license, they are restricted to family only for 6 months as long as they don’t get a ticket. After 6 months they may drive whomever they can fit into the car safely. When D hit the 6-mo mark after her license, she filled her car with friend and they all went out to coffee. She was the only driver in the group for awhile because she is the oldest in her group of close friends. My car can hold 8! I did require the kids she drove to get permission from their parents before D could drive them.

It is a good idea to get permission from parents!! “Will you entrust my daughter with your beloved offsprings’ lives? Really? Are you sure? Are you really really sure?” Did you ask the parents to sign the agreement that they won’t sue?

CA doesn’t allow kids to drive anyone under age 20, including siblings, for 12 months after they take the driving test and get their provisional license. I don’t know how much kids cheat on that around here. When I was a kid, my mom handed me my little sister’s gymnastics and skating schedules when I got my license and said, “It’s your turn to drive her.”

DS rides his bike to school and to the UC. Since he’s not currently taking PE, 40-60 minutes per day of bike riding seems like a good way to get some exercise.

No signed agreement. Just direct permission from a parent to me or H. Now most of the group has licenses, so they drive themselves (saves me gas). And FWIW, the kids generally do not live in the same neighborhood (magnet-type school).

@Felicita Saw on the other thread that your DS15 has made his decision. Congrats on Stanford!

@Ynotgo Thanks for the good wishes. He’s very excited about the opportunity and we are happy that he feels comfortable with the academics and social life there…also…weather’s not too bad.

Time to move on to S17 who just took the SAT today…hoping he’s done!

We live in a golf cart community. The kids can drive the carts to school once they have their permits. My 14 year old is already looking forward to it. On the other hand DS17 still prefers to have me drive him…

S also too the SAT Saturday, and I hope he is one and done. I am not sure my mental outlook will survive multiple tests. Now once school ends in a couple of weeks I get to start “reminding” him to study for his Math 2 subject test. At least he like math!