Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Our Class of 2017 mom who is tasked with such things is planning a “Half” party this summer for a program DS is in. She says, “We can meet half-way through the summer to celebrate the half-way high school mark. Parents can bring a half-pizza, half-cake, etc.”

I have a Class of 2021 daughter, so I’m a long way from empty nesting. Travel does sound fun, though.

Yes, I would love to do more traveling when my H is not working. My schedule is a lot easier to manage. It will be weird when I’m not a chauffeur anymore. My S has finally expressed interest in driving and I’m signing him up for classes next week.

I like the halfway through party idea. It sounds fun!

Hello! My son was high school class of 2010, I figured I would pop by start checking out things for my DD. I saw the ‘Class of’ link up top and figured I would see if a Class of 2017 thread was started. Lol. Yes, in 2013, 58 pages ago!

I should have known - some CC parent I am (hangs head in shame)

@Ynotgo I also have a Class of 2021 daughter - I suppose there is a thread started for that as well…

I am going back to browse the thread a bit - will be checking back. Unlike my son, my daughter has no idea what she wants to take in college, so this is going to be fun… :frowning:

Welcome @martina99! Take heart, I was at an IB awards ceremony today for my DD’15 graduating class, and a good 1/4 of the kids who got up to accept their awards said they were “undecided” about their major. And some of them were going to some very good schools!

Hello All from SeTX! New to CC and have read this Class of 2017 forum from front to back and I am in awe at the amount of terminology being thrown around.

So here goes… My D is set on UT (waits for the audible sighs)…lol.

Average state school ranking but she does very well considering she plays varsity sports year round. Top 20 ranking and climbing with all AP classes. Best our school offers.

Haven’t seen many parents from Texas but would like to establish some in hopes of cleaning up my current knowledge of College landscape.

Congrats to all the parents on this forum as you are well prepared to help guide your child into the den of lions that is the world.

Welcome to the new folks!

@martina99 I don’t think there’s even a Class of 2020 thread yet. I’m not at all ready for a Class of 2021 thread!

@KrazysDad Back in the Stone Age, I went to college at that other university in TX a couple hours to the east of Austin, but I was from out-of-state. So, I don’t know much about applying to college as a Texas resident, and even less as an athlete. Austin’s a nice city, though!

S wants to test for his drivers licence soon! He has had his permit for 11 months now, and it will have to be renewed in July. Now I have to sit down with him to make sure he has enough night driving hours and then make an appointment at the DMV to take the test. He will also need to spend another practice session at the DMV Sunday while they are closed practicing his parallel parking skills. I think he will like being able to go to golf when he wants to. I am still not sure how I feel about him on the freeway on his own! :-SS

I thought I’d update everyone with my kiddo’s new plan-graduating next year. She’d always planned on “early enrollment” where you start college after your junior year of HS and count the courses for both HS and college, then go back and graduate. Others at her school have done it. But the principal saw that she has enough credits to graduate next year as long as she adds one more LA and SS class over the summer and she jumped on it. So it will be all academics all the time this summer, woven into her work on her required senior project, which is a full credit of extensive work on a topic of choice. She’s already working on hers-starting a minority education program and eventually turning it into a foundation.

But, tonight is the all-school prom, preceded by awards night. D is getting an award for a service project she did last fall that included lesson plans, running an assembly, getting guest speakers and collecting 1500 pounds of food. We have a week left of school-I’m not counting the last two days because one is a field day and the other is 2 hours long. Summer education at one of her programs starts two days later. Onward!

I’ll continue posting on this board along with Class of 2016 because I “know” you guys and your kids, so I want to stick around and see what happens. It’s all I can do to keep up with just reading the Class 16-BOY do they post a lot! I’ll be dropping in there too.

Congratulations to your D @sseamom! She sounds like an amazing young woman. I am not surprised that the Class of 2016 board is hopping. I remember what the 2015 board was like this time last year as the kids were preparing to start essays, visit schools, and apply to COLLEGE!! Does this mean that she will not be able to do the summer programs she had lined up? Where does she want to go to college?

My S17 is really not mature enough to go off to college after next year, so for him I am happy that he wants to hang at HS for the next 2 years. My D15 just got her final transcript from her HS. She needed 28 credits to graduate. She had 46! Who’d of thought. But my kid’s HS has dual enrollment at the State U, they were/are happy with the HS situation.

mtrosemom, she didn’t get into either of the summer programs. But she’s doing a week at WWAU for a one-week course on teaching multicultural literature, so she’s in heaven. Between the extra classes and the senior project (she’s planning a workshop for elementary kids and their parents on getting them exited about education-already has guest speaker lined up…), she’ll be plenty busy.

My older D would never have been mature enough to go away at a young age, but this kid-she’s always been mistaken for older than she is because of her maturity. We do have dual enrollment with the CC’s here, but education programs are so specialized that she was concerned that anything she took wouldn’t end up counting in college. She has her eye on Fisk or Howard and a couple of other ones, plus two in-state as safeties.

Wow @sseamom, that’s exciting and a lot of change for you and your daughter!

My S17 was taking the SAT this morning, but the utility company cut the power for “scheduled maintenance”. The school says they told the utility company this was a bad day. The room S was in had enough light for them keep taking the test, and the cafeteria where the rest of the kids were would be even brighter. But, at some point someone called the College Board, and the CB told them they had to cancel the test (including even the SAT II test takers who had taken 1 test and already left).

We are supposed to get email from the CB about a retake on June 20, which luckily works for DS. His initial text message to come pick him up was a little upset that someone called the CB, but he seems OK now with having taken about 2/3 of a practice test. He felt like it was going well and was happy with the essay he wrote. PrepScholar seems to have been helpful. I’m glad he doesn’t have to wait until October for the next test date.

2 1/2 more days of school here, and I think only 2 of his classes still have finals. His first driving lesson is scheduled for next weekend.

Ugh. My DS took the SAT on Saturday and thought he did well. Now they have this whole mess up with the booklets and times… I really hope they don’t cancel the scores. He only has a few more times to get it done before they change to the new format. He is taking the ACT next Saturday so maybe it’s a mute point but still this is nuts.

S took the math 2 SAT subject test Saturday. There were no issues at his school as far as I know. I am hoping he scores well enough to be one-and-done on this one. MichigaGeorgia, I hope y the ACT goes well for your S. S took the SAT in May. He did respectably. He will probably take the ACT next fall after the PSAT is over or the revised SAT in spring. I think he will do better on the ACT than the old SAT because he is more of a math-science kid. He did better on the reading section of the SAT than I thought he’d do, but the writing portion of the SAT was the hardest for him.

Well the problem for my son is that he isn’t a science kid. He does really well on reading and writing but not so much on science. So I’m not sure how the science section is going to go on Saturday. He had the correct time of 20 minutes on section 8 & 9 of the test. Hopefully they let the scores of the kids who had the correct amount of time stand.

D took the SAT 2 Math test on Saturday, too. She thought it went fine but thought the proctor was entirely too slow giving directions and starting the test. It was only a one hour exam, but she didn’t get started till 1/2 hour after scheduled start time. She has not had good luck with proctors…

S’s test started late also. That was to do with the slow check-in process than the proctor though. My S got to the school at 7:45, but didn’t get to the classroom until 8:05 am. I think the last kid got to the class after 8:15 am. S was happy with his test, but in talking about it with me he realized that one of two questions he didn’t answer had a obvious choice. C’est la vie.

My S isn’t going to take the tests until next spring. He has no time to prep this summer so he’ll be behind. He’s gotta dance and would rather go to a six week intensive than anything else. We leave next week. I’m starting to worry that I won’t get everything done before we have to leave.

DS may have just wasted his time on the June SAT. I mailed a couple of colleges and asked if they were going to treat the scores the same. They said they are going to wait and see at this point.

I just saw here on CC that the College Board is going to use the scores. I believe they will omit the two sections that were mis-timed. Here is the message that is currently on the College Board website:

It’s not fair for the College Board’s error to mess up so many kids’ future. If students are good at math, now section 8 is cancelled, there will be only one math left. That will be totally different result. College Board should let the kids retake a test before the next test date.