Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

DS got a 1490 with a selection index of 224. Since that’s the highest I think the old CA cutoff ever was, I think it should clear the bar. He just logged into his regular College Board account to see the scores. @srk2017 I think it’s likely that a 220 SI will also be NM in CA, but there’s little way to tell with the new test, new score ranges, etc. PrepScholar’s predictions were to subtract 12 from the old cutoff, but I suspect it will be closer to subtract 6 or so.

I was at 600+ posts unread on the huge PSAT thread when I woke up, so knew the scores must be out.

@Ynotgo Hey, congrats on your son’s amazing score! He will definitely qualify. You say that 220/228 will be the cut-off? I got a 217 which is 6 points lower…you think I may have a shot at NM? Or at least commended?

I happened to be on the PSAT thread two days ago when CB was testing the system and was able to log in during that 20 minute window and view scores. They were up again at 7:30 this morning, and fortunately the scores were unchanged.

@jmek15 – we are in the Northeast and able to access by logging into CB account. I think there have been problems and glitches, at least according to the chatter on that PSAT thread, but there is also a great deal of confusion. I had logged in when I first woke up this morning and only 2014 scores were there then.

I realize that the CC population is not a realistic sample, but I was shocked by how many people are reporting scores in the 99th percentile.

Good luck to all who are still trying to log in.

@Ynotgo - Congratulations on your son’s score. My S got 1480, but SI of 220 only. He got full score in math.I also think 220 should be good enough. Let’s wait and watch. We are not big on NM anyway. Didn’t ask S to prep since he was overloaded with other activities and we figured his ACT 35C and subject tests will put him in good place. All he did was two practice tests.

220+ index should be great anywhere…don’t worry. CC is not a good representative of the general population. Just asked a couple of my friends (who are pretty average students) how they did and most scored in the 1300’s.

@JuicyMango Sorry, beyond me agreeing with other people’s guess the PrepScholar’s “just subtract 12” idea for the cutoffs was overly optimistic overall, we won’t know specific cutoffs until September (if College Board isn’t late on that also). Also agree with CT1417 that there sure are a lot of high scores being reported on various threads here.

DS oddly for him got 10 points higher in reading/writing than math, so that helped on the SI.

@Ynotgo Haha alright thnx anyway, It sucks having a score like 217 in CA because I either barely made it or barely missed it. But I guess I’ll wait until September.

Yes, I’ve checked the site a few times. They’ll post eventually!

Hysteria is breaking out at my D’s school 8-|

No one from her school received access codes via email yet. The school received the codes but the system is down and the GC cannot retrieve them.

Our GC is currently on hold with the CB to get the codes. She just emailed me because I asked her for S’s code :wink: Hopefully we will get his code today because I am the neurotic mom. He, on the other hand, is still asleep (still on break).

Why do you need access code? If you gave an email id on the app, you can retrieve from CB site.

Unfortunately not. The View Scores page is asking for an access code in order to add the 2015 PSAT scores.

If name, DOB and email id matches you don’t need access code

We need the access code too. It shows his last year’s score only.

For those who are being asked to type in the access code, I am guessing CB hasn’t loaded the scores yet. My son’s scores did not appear first thing this morning but did appear, w/o benefit of access code, at 7:30.

I have not been reading the PSAT thread, but are there others also unable to log in?

College Board is not endearing themselves to anyone today…

“College Board is not endearing themselves to anyone today…”
LOL @CT1417, when do they ever endear themselves?


That is how it is supposed to work. “Something is broken”

My daughter just got her scores.

Just heard from S’s school counselor that his school’s scores are still pending (WT???) and we won’t hear for 2 to 3 more weeks. I am jealous of you all who have heard.

@mtrosemom – oh, I would be SO annoyed! The entire school’s scores are pended?