Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Yep. The entire school. And apparently (accd to what the CB told the counselor) there are a number of schools in this situation. We are a charter type school. I know other schools in the district received their scores. It’s frustrating. So I am whining here. Thanks for listening.

My daughter just got her scores. She did very well, 1490 score and 223 selection index.

I’m hoping this is high enough for the Illinois cutoff for NMSF.

Now the waiting begins till September…

In the meantime, we need to start visiting some colleges.

Sorry to hear that @mtrosemom. At least they gave your GC a timeframe, so the scores must be somewhere. But, you are completely justified in your whining.

S is happy with 1470 and selection index of 220. A big improvement over sophomore year!


D’s school in the same situation, if emails don’t come we will be waiting for paper scores at the end of the month.

My D said one student got the email yesterday, so we have a little hope we may know by Saturday. But a little hope in CB tends to create more anxiety than anything else.

Sorry to hear that you are in the same boat @CaucAsianDad. I hate that my son has to wait when other friends know, but at least we won’t be visiting any schools yet where the score might mean anything.

We got ours without needing an access code. 99% but won’t be high enough for NM here because it’s always so high–our school only has a finalist every few years. She didn’t review at all for it though because she has a bias for the ACT but now is thinking maybe she should take the SAT too. She did do better than her B16 who ended up with a superscored 36 so hoping that bodes well for the Feb ACT.

@Ynotgo Hello, I came over from the PSAT thread…

Good luck to you all 17ers!

Our state is still undecided on which test, ACT or new SAT to require for all juniors.
We are still undecided either but DS17 might end up having taken
old SAT, new SAT, ACT, old PSAT (freshman year), new PSAT, PLAN, PARCC tests during his HS career, oh boy.

Hi there - I have a current junior so just stopping by to say hello to all - have been on the various PSAT threads lately and saw the invite. We are in the mode of testing craziness (October ACT - no results yet but supposedly next week), PSAT - no idea what to make of his scores (1470 SI 218) for NY, starting to plan college visits for February breaks & beyond. He wants to major in electrical engineering and possibly computer science (or minor) and would thrive in a setting with smaller classes where he can connect with professors and classmates, do some hands-on projects and opportunities to conduct some research or experiments in his areas of interest. But he’s not a 24/7 workhorse and needs some time to relax and enjoy himself. It will be a journey to find some good fit schools! Hope everyone is doing well - junior year is such a challenge in so many ways but also brings some degree of clarity and a way to look ahead which is nice.

My D was told yesterday to not register for the March 5 SAT yet, the school is planning to enroll the entire Junior class in bulk. Some of the school districts in Florida want to abandon the State’s disastrous attempt at standardized testing and use the SAT instead. It looks like the district’s Superintendent is moving forward with that initiative.

I think it is a great idea, but yet another stresser dropped on the Class of '17.

People should be aware that many times the ACT or SAT when done statewide as special day administrations are done without the essay. Many colleges require the ACT with writing, and now that the essay will be optional for the new SAT, those same colleges will likely require the SAT with essay. So, even if your kid takes the SAT or ACT in school, it might not be the “right” test depending on where he/she ends up applying.

Total 1500, 740/760. No wrong on math, 3 wrong on reading and 1 on writing. SI 224. We are in PA.

If you have two college board accounts, call College Board to merge the accounts, then you don’t need access codes. Check out the article on Examiner to understand how for most people, you don’t need access code at all.

Hello to the new “faces” on this thread. Our HS district just started using the ACT for testing last year. S will be taking it with his classmates in March. He too the old SAT and did reasonably well (well enough to confirm NM if he qualifies), but I think he will be a better ACT taker. He is more of a STEM kid and not so much an English kid.

Yes, more than a little annoyed with CB. I was looking at their twitter feed yesterday and they were answering lots of questions. They posted several times, “Scores are being released throughout today.” No mention of the fact that there were scores that were not posted. They kept referring to an access code that would be coming through email, but they were basically saying that ALL scores were there, you just needed the code to access them. This was obviously not true. My son is being told, at school, that scores are being released in phases and that our area’s scores have not been released yet.

HI-- I’m happy to join you all! I have a junior in HS and a sophomore in college. Right now, I’m all caught up in the PSAT scores because I hope my son can get a generous Natl. Merit scholarship like his older bro has (ASU–Barrett, and he loves it). It looks like it might be possible, but my Junior has plans to either work or go to community college near his girlfriend-- out of state. Well, there’s time. Things can change, right?

Happy to join too!! I have a daughter, also a junior in HS. I have 4 more kids after this one to put through college too! I have also been looking at the PSAT threads and think my daughter has a good chance to be a national merit finalist. We really hope so… we need to save a much money for the next 4 kids as possible :slight_smile:

Also saw @Ynotgo 's invite, although I’ve dropped by in the past. Add D to the list of those who have not received PSAT scores. We’re waiting for all the hysteria to die down, as she doesn’t really need hers like some people do for planning and/or applications to summer programs. We just would like to know :). I contacted GC today, and she said they are working with CB to get codes, and wait until next week.

Good luck to everyone hoping for NMSF/F. It’s going to be interesting this year for sure. Seems about 50% of the test takers are in the 99%ile!

LOL… you are so right @2muchquan ! The poor kids on the discussion boards somehow believe that half the students are in the 99th percentile. How did they score so well on the math sections anyway?

Hi to all the new folks! I’ll re-introduce myself briefly, since you probably don’t want to read 80+ pages. (You can do that on the main PSAT thread if you want copious reading material. :slight_smile: )

We are in California, and my DS17 wants to major in physics or computer science. Physics is still in the lead, but I wouldn’t bet against CS as the final major. He’s very nerdy, just like his mom (me). He’s taken the SAT twice and has a good score that would be enough for everything but the Caltechs and MITs of the world. (Probably not thinking Ivys unless one convinces him they are nerdy enough.) Since we are in California, he’ll apply to a pack of UCs. He plans to take the ACT in February. He is doing too many extracurriculars, almost all of them STEM related.

I also have a child in 7th grade, who is a rebellious slacker, but with potential.

Sorry about all the folks still waiting for PSAT scores. Someone posted a link to this article, which has a little info about possible reasons:

Oh, @jerzmaster, I just wanted to thank you for how helpful you’ve been on the PSAT threads to a lot of kids there!