Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Hi @ynotgo What would your son want to do with a physics degree? Would that be a step before graduate school and research? I’m just curious. I’ve been pushing my daughter to chemical engineering, which was my major. I had many classmates go onto work after getting a BS and then some who went onto grad school, law school, MBS, med school, etc. However, my daughter’s favorite subjects are drama and choir… so who knows what will happen with her college major choice.

@Ynotgo, I posted the link this morning:-)

Hello all! I’m new to commenting, but I have been stalking various College Confidential boards for some time. I have a Senior DS17 and a Junior DS16 (who has not yet received his PSAT scores. Grrrrrr), as well as two littles. Son 1 just missed the semi-finalist cut-off by one point last year (-sigh-), so we know something about the joys of being on the bubble. His 35 ACT made up for it, though, and he’s already gotten some nice offers from his early action schools. Hopeful that son 2 will make the cut this year!

Hello stalker @MammaLlama ! I am hoping my daughter makes the NMSF cut too this year. 25 years ago, I missed the cut and was a commended student. I also got a 35 on my ACT and had lots of scholarship opportunities present themselves to me back then. I ended up leaving Missouri to attend school at the University of Houston, which was the best choice I made up to that point in my life. This will be an exciting few years for you and your two sons!

Hi everyone! Thanks for posting the invite.

I have a Junior DD. She started HS in Minnesota and moved back to NC over the summer. She LOVED her high school in MN, so it has been quite the transition back. She doesn’t like the block schedule, her new school doesn’t have many of the classes that she needs (she accelerated in Middle school), etc. Yet, she didn’t want to go ahead and graduate early, so here we are. (I’m surprised she hasn’t driven me to drink)
She is VERY interested in cancer research and pediatric surgery. She is looking at undergrad in Microbiology, but has no idea what she wants in a college. She has toured several, but can’t seem to narrow in on characteristics that she likes.

I also have a freshman at Univ. of Alabama. She is a Presidential Scholar which provides full tuition. I highly recommend looking at UA. Their OOS merit scholarships (NOT National Merit) are fantastic!

I also have a little nerd 10 year old son. He is already sick of college tours!

@CaucAsianDad - my sons scores just came up…like 5 minutes ago. And that after the counselor was told by the CB that our score were 2-3 weeks out. Keep checking is all I have to say.

@jerzmaster Yes, he’d plan on getting a PhD in physics. He is already doing research at the local UC–though much more of a team-based thing than the science competitions that make news. His work is at the intersection of physics, astrophysics and CS. He gets to play with lasers and stuff.

Chemical engineering sounds like a good idea; lots of interesting things going on in that field these days. I’m trying not to push him in any particular direction. My husband has a PhD in physics from the same UC (same building; lots of de ja vu.), and thinks our son should look at something other than physics because of how hard it is to get a professorship these days. However, DH has done well with his PhD in industry and a lot of his grad school classmates are doing well working in industry and the national labs.

Alternately, even if he majors in physics, he will probably take a bunch of CS classes, and could probably get a job of some sort after the BS.

I am so happy to see all these new class of 2017 parents! I have nothing insightful to say other than Welcome!

Hello again,
My DS17 and DS19 will probably go into science/engineering, not sure which yet. We will be a family of scientists and nerds. My husband and I did major in physics (during stone age) and 2/3 of our classmates ended up getting PhDs. The others went on to work in the usual big companies, some investment banking (after physics masters,) journalism, medicine, law school, etc. Many are professors (in Physics, Astronomy, Computer Science, Materials Science/Eng, and Law School (quite a change)) and researh scientists/engineers in goverment/industry labs.
@Ynotgo Reach me in a few years if DS17 ends up majoring in physics.
edit: Looks like you are covered! LoL

OK, short background: We are in IL. D has taken October ACT (34). Another kid interested in medical research, so is looking at some sort of bio degree (neuro, genetics, bio science, etc.). Who knows, that could change to engineering in a blink. She is looking to go OOS, since IL is in such dire circumstances financially (and she does not like UIUC). Actually, looking at a LAC with science, as well as a few research universities. Oh, and merit. Looking for merit too!

Hi, thanks for the invite :slight_smile: My oldest (DD) is a sophomore at USAFA. Then I have three boys, a junior, freshman and 5th grader. My Junior has a 33 C ACT and a 2160 SAT, he’s maxed the math every time but took it three times to improve the verbal portions. His PSAT SI is 1460, 760M, 700V, SI 216. Hoping he will make NM but we are in TX and its a higher scoring state. I think he will be on the bubble. He wants to follow his sister to USAFA and study aerospace eingineering or attend USNA. His plan B school will be OU if he makes NM and not sure if he does not. Nice to “meet” you all.

thx for the invite. :smiley:

My eldest will be in the Class of 2017. I joined this board a couple of months ago and found many many helpful answers to my questions about the upcoming FAFSA and CSS profiles. My youngest will be in the class of 2021.

@2muchquan – you might take a look at Emory for your daughter. My S17 and I toured this fall, but it was much too liberal artsy for his taste. It’s bigger than a true LAC, but they do have strong sciences, very much pre-med heavy. It’s pretty much next door to the CDC and the research hospital is right on campus. We heard fabulous things about internship opportunities. Illinois ought to be regionally diverse for them and I’m pretty sure that they are generous with aid.

@2muchquan – what does your daughter not like about UIUC? The school is on my son’s list for computer programming, although after visiting U of Washington this summer, I think he is less excited about the idea of a state school. (State HS fine/performing arts requirements of all applicants, all orientation takes place during summer since majority of students live in-state, etc.)

I am not thrilled with the idea of paying OOS tuition for some of these schools, but I am not closing any doors yet.

We have not toured any other schools although he was dragged along on his older brother’s visits so he knows the drill. Very different list of schools for the two boys.

I don’t know how Rochester’s bio programs are, but have heard of them offering attractive merit awards.

Hi everyone. I have a son who is in the class of 2017 and I am new to all this technology so bear with me. He is interested in medical school. I look forward to chatting and sharing info.

Another refugee from the PSAT threads. I started lurking on CC after the initial score delay and now I have scores and realize that I still have months of hand wringing ahead of me. But I’ve learned lots and lots of other helpful stuff. My junior is my middle child but his older brother has profound autism so this is our first time going through all this. My son attends an IB school in Florida. Despite everyone trying to prod him towards engineering, he wants to go into education and teach high school Physics. (Thus the obsessing over the PSAT - I’d really love him not to have any debt to worry about on a teacher’s salary) He is also a competitive runner.

My youngest is only 10 - we joke that that her brother could theoretically end up being her Physics teacher (yes, the Physics jokes are endless in our house.) She would like to a Broadway actress. I keep telling her its way too early to decide on that one! DS17 wanted to be a doctor at that age only to discover that he faints at the sight of blood and finds Biology as dull as dirt.

Funny @delilahxc. I wanted to be a veterinarian, but grossed out in biology. I ended up as a geologist (rocks do bleed, desiccate, produce nasty fluids, etc.) plus I got to work outside!

@CT1417 DS has a good impression of UIUC for CS. He is in a social media group for a cybersecurity team that has kind of spread out beyond his HS and now includes both HS and college students. One of the members he’s mentioned is attending UIUC in CS, and he apparently talks about interesting CS projects. My husband also collaborates professionally with at least one professor at UIUC (don’t recall what department) and has a high regard for that university in general.

It’s not likely to be added to DS’ list, but only because our in-state options are strong. If we were in another state, I’d guess it would probably would be considered along with UMich and Georgia Tech. When you think about it, OOS tuition isn’t really more than many private school tuitions, though the financial aid can differ a lot.

Our whole family has the “squeamish” gene, so I don’t see any med school in the future. I also liked geology for the “rocks don’t bleed” reason.

Welcome to all the new folks!

My son is a junior this year. He loves math and wants to be an engineer.