Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

My daughter applied and got nothing also.

Did he apply early or RD?

Regular Decision

that’s great! Congratulations to him. My daughter is waiting on Rutgers/Mason Gross as well.

His interview/portfolio review was Jan 30th, if that helps at all. No idea if anything is tied to the interview date or not, but his decision came about about 3 weeks later.


Does anyone know anything about University of San Francisco? My D just got in with a fairly decent scholarship. She’s also in Santa Clara & Chapman - neither with much aid.

She’s been suffering a lot under COVID and seems to lack confidence lately. Her father and I think a small school like USF that, at least based on acceptance rates, might be more nurturing than the other 2, may be good for her. That said, we know nothing about it. She applied to Chapman because of performing arts/film and SCU because her college office told her that she should. She just added USF at the last minute.

Anyway, any feedback would be helpful. We are hoping to visit in April before decisions are due, but given COVID who knows if that will be possible.

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My son was in this GPA category and graduated from USF in 2019 (and yes, I still lurk in these 3.0-3.4 threads as these kids are near and dear to my heart!). I would be happy to discuss USF with you, he had an incredible experience there. It was just the right size for him; the support he received from faculty and staff was amazing. Feel free to message me if you’d prefer or ask any specific questions.


Kinda quiet in here. So where does everyone stand? Still waiting for acceptances or trying to decide?

My daughter heard and was accepted to all 6 schools she applied to. She chose Binghamton.


Hello! Lots to report…S21 FINALLY heard back from Texas A&M…after 5 months of waiting and being stuck in review…he was denied lol.

It stung a little last night but today we’re all feeling great. He and I visited Texas Tech last week where he has already been admitted to their business school (with merit aid!) and we both loved it. He is also being considered for their Business Leadership Program which will bring more merit aid, a paid study abroad trip and one on one academic & professional mentorship. 88 perspective freshman applied for the 15 spots and he made the shortlist of 25! We should find out by the end of the month if he gets it. Even if he doesn’t, we were very impressed with the business school at Tech. My husband is still rooting for UTD lol, but S21 and I have the majority vote :grin:.


We are still waiting on one college (finds out Friday) but not optimistic that he will get enough merit aid to make it affordable. My son already knows this and has narrowed it down to three schools, one of which he has not officially visited. He did a drive by of that school couple of years ago when we happened to be in the area, but had we known it would be a possibility years later, would have done a tour then. He’s scheduled to go for an in-person Accepted Students Day there at the end of March, so once he has that done, hopefully he will have a better idea where he wants to accept.

He told me the other day he only has about six weeks of class left. His school has been hybrid all year, though after Thanksgiving, he chose to remain all remote. We got an email last week they are considering returning to campus full time (all teachers are now vaccinated) so he most likely will go back if that happens. He plays rugby and their practices just started last week, so he is happy to at least finally be able to see his friends from school again. Last week we had to go to his campus for this Senior Night thing and it was the first time I had been on his campus in over a year! Kind of weird.

As of right now, they are hoping to have in-person graduation. It is normally held at a cathedral (it’s a Catholic school) but if not there, they are planning to do it on campus outdoors, which, weather permitting I would prefer! Still talk about possibly having a prom, but not sure. We have been pretty locked down here in MD so it surprising to hear this (our local public high school just started hybrid this week, first time school has been open since last March!). So fingers crossed the senior events might happen, even if they are different than in the past.


No decisions here yet. Only development since the last time I posted, I think, is that S21 was accepted to Denison (last week). It’s likely out of the range that we’d want to pay, so if it becomes a top contender, we’d have to see if they’d negotiate a bit.

But for now, S21 said he wants to stay focused on his current top 3 (Clark, Wooster, and Wheaton-MA) until we get back from visiting Clark and Wheaton (happening next week). He’s also still waiting on one more RD school - Dickinson.

In the meantime, my husband and I have been debating the various tradeoffs of each choice with our S21’s specific strengths and challenges in mind, and we cannot figure out what we think would be best. S21 doesn’t know either…as far as he’s told us, he doesn’t have a clear favorite. But as my husband said, S21 probably cannot go too far wrong with any of those top 3 he’s focused in on…it’s too easy to get caught up in trying to analyze them so much to find the exact right one. But they’re all good.

I’m hoping for more clarity by this time next month!


No choice yet, down to 2 - Ball State and Rutgers (we’re from NJ… and Rutgers is still more expensive!). Visiting Ball on April 2 then he’ll decide.

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Sounds like my son might be a sophomore at the same high school. Go Cardinals?

Nope, not a Cardinal but in the same city! I’ve been to your school many times for sports though. My older son went to a different school also in the MIAA so between the two of them, I’ve attended many games on your campus.

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Still in a holding pattern here. My mom passed away the week D21 was taking part in the admitted virtual student events and she just hasn’t been in a place where she wants to make a final decision about college. She seems fairly certain that Kalamazoo is the right choice for her and isn’t really actively pursuing/researching any of the other options. We’ve told D21 that aside from Earlham — which apparently changed their EA decision deadline from May 1 to next week!!! — there is no real rush and she can take her time in making a commitment.


We’d heard from all the schools by the middle of January so my son wasn’t waiting for any new information just sitting with the big decision. He didn’t want to take in more information really, though we did watch some dorm videos etc. on youtube. It took all my self control to stop from asking about it or suggesting an admitted student’s day or finding a friend with a friend whose kid goes to one of the schools to text with him etc. One day I suggested he decline some of the offers he knew inside he wasn’t going to take like a bandaid ripping exercise of closing a few doors. We did He did do that. In the meantime I’d joined some parents groups where I could and my husband and I became even more confident that St. Olaf would be his best choice but we kept our mouths shut. Last week they sent him a scarf and mug which was cool so this morning when I saw him drinking for the 3rd day in a row from his St. Olaf mug I asked if he was going to let us know his decision soon. “I’ll let you know now. I’m probably going to St. Olaf.” Yeah there is still a “probably” but it felt like clouds all blew away and the sun began to shine again. Crazy that a school I’d never heard of 18 months ago and one we visited more or less on a whim while we were in the area will likely be his college experience and alma mater forever.


I’m sorry you lost your mother. What a time of giant transformation in your family. What you told your daughter about taking her time sounds so loving and caring. Wishing you comfort.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Thank you for the kind words. My sister had a beautiful, healthy baby yesterday so it has truly been a bittersweet past few weeks for the family.

Congratulations to your son! St. Olaf is a wonderful school! It is amazing how the cloud lifts when the pieces start to fall into place.