Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

@DS2021 Sorry the GC is unresponsive.

As an educator, I have always operated on the 93+ is a 4.0 but I know that at some schools a 90+ is an A and at some places it’s a 94-95 to get that 4.0. I have also seen weighting scales from .02 to 2 extra points for an AP class.

Rutgers will convert as it sees fit and may strip out your school’s weighting (if it weights) and then apply their own scaling. Bottom line, if your kid is taking a rigorous course load and mostly As with a sprinkling of Bs, I can’t imagine there would be cause for worry.

TBH, I have a relative who just got accepted (in state) - GPA was strong but class rigor was not over the top - only 1 AP class but the rest honors. Test scores were a bit below the 25% mark.

@eb23282 so funny the stuff that turns them off. We took my DD2018 to visit William and Mary. My wife and loved it my daughter’s response was it was too old…and of course they were crowing in the informational session how it is the second oldest college in America.

We visited W&M with S21 for an event and he was turned off by the fact that the place looked practically deserted on a Saturday afternoon. Too quiet for him. Wasn’t surprised, I see him at a big state school.

@JESmom I bet they were all studying. When we visited on a weekday there was plenty of hustle and bustle. But I understand the “old” part. Some kids like the history. Some do not. Those kids won’t like Ivies either. Very old!

Pretty new to CC. I have one S that is graduating HS this year and have another that is S21. Very different from each other. Now that we are just waiting to decide where S19 is going, and now that I know about CC, I am going to shift some of my focus to S21. He’s a good student, but not sure what he wants to do or where he might want to go in the future (hoping he doesn’t live with us forever :wink: ).

Thank you @mamadefamilia

Woo-hoo! The boy D21 has liked for months is now her boyfriend. She finally asked him out and he said yes, and that he was so glad she asked because he’s been wanting to ask her but has been afraid to for months. He’s part of D21’s close-knit friend group that meets in Boston once a week (when D21 visits her dad). He was a life-long homeschooler like D21 until this year, when he was put in high school. He is doing very well and takes his academics very seriously and is advanced in math and science like D21, and he is sweet and humble, so I approve of the match. :slight_smile: I also like the fact that she can only see him in person once a week…keeps her focus appropriately balanced right now between everything she has going on in her life.

@homerdog - first, congrats on all your D23’s acceptances (I’ve been following along because so many colleges on your son’s list are ones D21 also really likes)! I have a question - you mentioned your son studied for the SAT using books (and not an expensive prep service). D21 is planning on studying for the SAT this summer and taking it this fall so she can be finished with testing (except for AP courses) ASAP. Are there specific prep books you recommend? She plans on using Kahn Academy, but I’d love to supplement that with prep books if you think there were specifics ones that were especially helpful. Thanks! And again, a huge congratulations to your son! :slight_smile:

@JanieWalker S19 used the eight authentic SAT tests to practice sections individually and to take full length tests. He used four of those tests to practice sections in individual sittings. So, he would take one of the math or EW sections, check his answers and then figure out exactly what was wrong with his answers. We saved four of the tests for full length practice.

He also used PWN the Math and Erica Metzlers books for reading and writing sections. He did every single page of these books.

We made a summer schedule that included two hour a day for six days a week. He would focus on math for a few days then switch to English and then writing. He used Kahn a little bit he really disliked reading on the screen. Kahn’s problems are exactly the ones on the actual SATs so it’s a repeat if you have all of those.

Then, we would do full length tests every other Saturday. His math score consistently improved as did writing but Reading didn’t always improve with each sitting. It did improve but bounced around a bit and that was frustrating for him. On test day, he ended up with passages that he liked so it worked out.

He was just accepted to Bowdoin and Kenyon yesterday. So now he’s got Grinnell, Kenyon, William and Mary, Bowdoin, Dickinson in the bag. Williams is tomorrow and then six more! He was thrilled about Bowdoin and I think it might win in the end.

Thank you, @homerdog, this is extremely helpful. And congrats again - what an exciting time for him (and you!). ?

Also, I meant to write S19 for your son, not D23. I caught the error after my editing time had run out. I need more coffee in my life.

Scores are not everything though. Two of S19’s admits mentioned the “people back home who believe in you” and then then mention his recommenders. And one went out of their way to praise his CA essay.

So, do what you can to make sure your kids develop those teacher/student relationships now so their recommendations are strong. Once a student has the scores and some solid ECs, I think those recs and essays really matter.

@homerdog Bowdoin is a great school. Congratulations to him…

@burghdad thx! He feels like it’s the one. He’s got seven more decisions coming but he said he’d only consider Dartmouth, Williams, or Vanderbilt at this point. And he still thinks Bowdoin will win. So exciting around here!!! I think D21 is finally getting sad that her big brother will be leaving.

Congratulations to @homerdog’s incredible son! Also @JanieWalker, precious boyfriends are such a blessing. Can’t adore my D’s boyfriend enough (and his family). We call him The Renaissance Man.

First, congrats @homerdog for your sons great choices! Long question, sorry. D21 currently planning to take 4 AP classes next year: APUSH, physics, calc and French. Honors English, religion and a photography elective as a “pop” or extra class round out the mix. Her GC called her down today to say colleges will look oddly on her dropping down to honors English (she’s in AP Sem now). She was advised to drop the elective (study in stead) and take AP Lang. That would be 5 AP courses. We don’t rank, but I would guess Megan is top 10+/- out of 375 with 4.6 GPA. I think GC is asking to much of her. Don’t know that trading a fun elective for a study and extra AP is good for her GPA or psyche. Thoughts?

@VikkiG5 depends on the schools she is aiming for. If competitive, then I would advise AP Lang but if not then let her enjoy the elective. May I ask about AP Sem… D is taking it next year.

Look forward to getting to know everyone! My DS21 attends a 7-12 exam school. Traditional curriculum (yes 4 years of Latin plus 4 years of another language). He competes on varsity swimming and baseball and is a big dancer. Lots of extras, 10th grade better then 9th academically. Loves ideas and engaging in discussions but traditional learning and homework not his primary love.
Hard to imagine where he might end up.
We visited one college so far and it helped him confirm he wants to be in a city. So that helps narrow it down somewhat!

Look forward to learning from everyone!

@bingewatcher she feels AP Sem was very worthwhile. Really stretched her in her research, analytical writing, presentation skills. Also a GPA booster for her as a sophomore. She’s not taking AP research next year as it’s the same teacher and despite her success, really dislikes her. Plus AP Research is an elective, not a replacing a core subject so many kids find it difficult to fit in. My daughter a perfect case as she’s already debating 4/5 AP classes. Also got limited feedback on strength of AP Capstone Diploma

@bingewatcher, schools will be a mix of schools. Not thinking Ivy but there will be some like Vandy, possibly Chapel Hill (we’re oos), CMU, etc

@VikkiG5 Which AP Physics and which AP Calc? If AP Physics C and AP Calc BC, then she would already have a ton on her plate with those plus APUSH and AP French. Those are all very time consuming classes. Does your daughter thrive on stress and pressure? Some kids do and some kids don’t.

If it’s AP Physics 1 and AP Calc AB and she already knows some physics and loves and is good at math, then maybe adding AP English Language would be okay…if she loves to write.

My D21 is now taking AP English Language, AP Bio, AP Calc AB, and AP Spanish (along with honors Am History and two electives). She loves her AP English Language class and is doing very well in it, but she has weekly major essays, weekly minor essays, and a ton of weekly reading. It’s very time consuming. Had she taken AP Calc BC instead of AB, her schedule would have been too much. Right now, she’s balancing it all nicely and has As (though an A- in AP Bio). D21 thrives on stress and being rushed, and readily admits she’s competitive with herself and likes to take on a ton of things at once. My younger daughter (D23) does NOT enjoy being completely inundated with schoolwork and would be miserable with such a schedule.

This is a long winded way of saying it all depends on what you feel your daughter can handle and would enjoy. It does no good to take on a ton of time consuming and difficult courses just to be miserable and depressed all year long. Or to take a ton but get a slew of Bs (if she’s aiming for highly competitive colleges). So if she’s nuts like my D21 and enjoys all the stress, then go for it. If she’s more like my D23 and would hate a schedule like that, then go with your instincts.

@JanieWalker agree with you, D21 is like your D21. @VikkiG5 @homerdog could probably give great advice seeing what success her son has had.