Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Lol I think she is still in the 0/2 range (still working out) but her brother who used to have to belt 30 waist pants could never fit into his formal suit (he slimmed back down during soccer season but club is only twice a week and just shut down due to covid positives, it’s amazing how fast boys (with love for food and Xbox) gain weight! He just said he’s going to really start working out again seriously (one can’t eat 10,000 calories a day and not move).

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We bought DS21 a tux last January as we figured he would get a few uses out of it, prom cancelled and likely no prom this year. He has been lifting weights during Covid and has definitely put on some inches in the chest/shoulders…not sure he will ever get to wear it.

I’m really surprised that folks are planning gatherings.


Honestly I thinks it’s more of fake planning. Sometimes planning is half the fun.


@Mjkacmom Exactly! I keep planning in the hopes one of my plans actually comes to fruition. I rescheduled my trip from last April to this February thinking/hoping we would be able to go. I spent Saturday canceling everything. :frowning:

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Agree with you @Creaky . I don’t think we’re going to be at the social gathering/ kids going away together stage in June. Hopefully by the fall. But maybe I will be pleasantly surprised.

Starting to think more about some highly sanitized travel over spring break to see a couple of colleges. Wish the last three schools would just notify already! We should hear from UT by end of the month, and since USC is only doable if D is in the running for a scholarship and that notification should happen in the next four weeks, the end is near, but ugggg this is killing me!

In other news, Ds high school announced a “virtual volleyball” activity. No idea how that works!!


Stanford on twit ter:

Update: This year, the Office of Undergraduate Admission will release decisions for Regular Decision and deferred applicants by Friday, April 9. We are also extending the deadline by which students can confirm their enrollment to Monday, May 3.
Update: This new timeline reflects a notable increase in our application numbers and our commitment to maintaining a thoughtful and thorough review.

Shocked, not. But, might we expect other colleges to have later-than-typical RD release dates? We were contemplating walkaround visits at wherever turns out to be the top couple of choices.


Yikes. I surely hope other schools don’t do the same but if they do, they do. Ugh!


The wait to April 1 seemed long enough. I hope other schools don’t follow, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

The problem is that not all schools will do this so kids could have some colleges who say they need to know by May 1 and others that have extended their deadline. That’s not great. D can’t take advantage of an extended decision deadline if she’s also considering schools that keep May 1 as the day she will need to decide.


ok. Thinking about this more. A May 3rd deadline isn’t helpful at all unless all schools extend their deadline. Any student’s true deadline for their decision is the soonest deadline among their options. All other schools are May 1 (right now anyway) so, even those kids who get into Stanford really have to decide by May 1. On May 2, they’ve lost the chance to enroll anywhere else.


We saw this last year too, will be interesting to see how schools proceed this year.

Some schools did return enrollment deposits last cycle, so that helped if students who came off waitlists, or changed their minds about where to enroll.

As we know, some students double deposited too, which isn’t really allowed, but I understand students doing that to deal with the misalignment of enrollment deadlines, that was an easy to predict consequence of the deadline extensions.

Many schools won’t extend their deadlines because they risk overenrolling then (a UCLA AO said last year that’s why they didn’t extend), while other schools will still allow students to enroll if they miss the enrollment deadline too.

Many, many schools were still taking applications well into the summer last year, including some selective schools (like Santa Clara) so I would not be surprised to see that happen this year too.


Maybe some of it also has to do with May 1 being on a Saturday this year and they just want to buy the extra 2 days. I know in the past it hasn’t mattered what day of the week May 1 is, but ultimately I don’t think 2 days will matter. Last year parents were begging for schools to push back that date by a week, so it may really be needed. 2 days isn’t going to make much of a difference in the long run and as I saw from both schools my daughters attend, kids were either taken off a waitlist well into July (for the one that had a waitlist), or kids that had been previously CAPPED (what they refer to in their state) now accepted for regular admission even into August. Plenty of kids will switch schools if they truly want to be there.

It can be a big mess and for kids who have already committed to roommates, really screw those kids over, but at the same time, there are plenty of kids that wouldn’t have any issue thinking of themselves first and doing it to those kids right back. I’ve seen that plenty of times with my own, even though I always tell my kids they have to do the right thing and be honest they don’t always get the same honesty back. I hope my son isn’t in this situation and come early April knows exactly where he is going with no plans of changing! I don’t think I can handle playing musical chairs with colleges.


That’s Stanford. The 800 lb gorilla around these parts.

It’ll be interesting to see what the cross admit stats look like this year, assuming Ivy Day remains the same day in late March. Stanford is pipe dream for all its applicants.


You are probably right but if a kid gets into Stanford on April 9 they will right away if they are going there or not…


just thinking ahead that if some schools extend deadlines and some do not. The earliest deadline is the only one that really matters to any one student.


This is apropos of nothing, but I just mortified D23 by hollering “Please get your underwear off the steps!” during her first live Zoom class of the semester (I thought it started at 5:30, but nope…5pm). :laughing:


Well, maybe it’ll teach her to not leave her underwear on the steps!! Teachable moment!! LOL


Apologies if this has been discussed but this thread is moving quickly! Does anyone have suggestions for appealing financial aid offers? As expected, out of pocket costs after aid is applied is coming in higher than the NPCs on the college websites, probably due to how small business income is calculated. In some cases (College of Wooster) it’s way off from the calculator, though the calculator was clearly presenting a too good to be true number.

Has anyone had success appealing for additional grant money? Should we start the process now or wait? We still have the reach school RDs to come in March. I’m not sure if I should wait on financials or start now. Wooster’s financial aid folks have emailed us several times asking if we have questions, but I want to give a more intelligent reply than “what is up with your calculator?” :smile:

Do you have better financial aid from another institution? If you send a document from another institution’s financial aid, they will match up the financial aid. I have seen my friends getting better financial aid using that. Also, if you have any family situation, then they will consider your appeal. If already have one of it, then you should do it ASAP. Otherwise you should wait.

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