Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Sounds like I should wait then until we get the March decisions back as I expect them to have better prices, provided he gets in to some of them. Those are his preferred schools anyway, but we’ve had limited visits due to COVID so will do more in spring. If after visiting he likes some of the others on his list take the best offer back as a counter.


Some schools will look at FA offers from peer schools, others won’t.

If there is a change in income/other covid circumstances since 2019, then you should fill out each school’s ‘special circumstances’ form and go from there.

If you are looking for more merit, hopefully Q1 grades are good so make sure to send those along, as well as any other new pertinent info.

You can also share merit awards from other schools, but no guarantee any school will match. I expect some schools will increase merit once we get closer to their enrollment deadlines.


Tufts received 35% more apps over last year:

Here’s class of 2024 profile (current frosh):


I’m replying to myself! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We had a misunderstanding about the Rhodes scholarships based on a verbal communication with my D’s GC. I’ve corrected my posts in this thread and the Rhodes thread. Oops!

In this case I like that I could edit a previous post, but I also made a note that it was edited in case someone happened across it again after having read the original post. I know on the previous site, I would not have been able to do this. In that case, someone could read the erroneous information (whatever it was) and never see the retraction/correction 500 posts further down the thread. I’m not sure how long time users feel about the editing ability (and some posters could abuse it) but used with best intent I think it is a nice feature.


Only North Dakota wasn’t represented in the 2024 class.

Ivy Day has been announced as April 6. Likely the result of an increase in applications.

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I volunteer for a group that helps dress low income girls for prom and we were told it’s for sure a no go this year.

oh brother. All colleges had better extend that May 1 deadline if more and more colleges push out their decision dates.


Really annoying IVY day delayed
I bet others follow
Poor organization by the Ivys
It is not like the increase in app is I expected after EA/ED apps were way up


I don’t doubt a part of the reason for pushing out decision dates is an increase in apps, but also many colleges won’t be having in-person admitted student days AND probably want to discourage accepted students from visiting at all. So a shorter time between decision day and enrollment deadline makes sense for some schools.


I guess that makes sense, discouraging visits, but from the applicant’s perspective that’s such a bummer, considering that spring 2020 visits were cancelled as well. We knew there wouldn’t be tours, but it would be nice for the kid to take a stroll around campus before making a 300k purchase. Sorry, whining; I guess we’ll see how many other colleges follow suit.


I agree it’s a huge bummer, and hard to make a choice without being able to visit, or visiting schools where the situation is far from normal. No good answers for sure. I just hope 2021/22 school year gets back to normal.


Ivy decision date is extended to May 3. Not a lot of extra time, but it at least gives the kids the weekend to mull it over.

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Princeton is extending to May 3. I expect the rest will follow.

Harvard received 57000 applications vs 40K last year.

Harvard 42% increase? So, if they accept the same number as is typical 2k/57k = 3.5% overall rate. Maybe they will need to admit a bit more for potentially lower yield, but I imagine not by much.

I can laugh only because such a school isn’t anywhere near my kids’ lists. I’m sure some of you aren’t laughing.


wow. I really hope they aren’t delaying in order to keep kids from walking around campuses. That’s just wrong. Unless a college has already stated that their campus is closed, I really think colleges should welcome admitted kids to just walk around campus. I’ll be curious what kind of messages each one of D’s schools send out about that. We did reach out to Santa Clara to ask what the likelihood was of in-person tours and, not only did the rep say there likely won’t be any, she basically told us (nicely) to not come at all.


I don’t think that’s driving the delay in decision day, but I do think some schools specifically don’t want to encourage travel either.


@evergreen5 I think many people feel the same way you do. I for one don’t feel comfortable signing the dotted line sight unseen, not only from a financial perspective but from the perspective of how my daughter feels about the campus in general. Even just seeing students walking around may give them a sense of belonging or not belonging. Meeting a couple of students through virtual events is not enough. This is brutal!


Yield might be a mess this year. I hope schools realize that just as their apps increased significantly, so did the number of schools kids felt they had to apply to. Will schools accept more to compensate? Only time will tell.

What a mess for this class all around.