Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

That’s great!! Congrats!!

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Well I guess they will actually have to do a wholistic review which of course they all claim but my guess is in the first pass lots of the denial pile is based on test scores and lots of the relieve pile is also based on test scores.


Woo hoo!!! A big congrats to your D!:clap:

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What is relieve file? I am so worried that my D21 may have wasted a lot of money applying to too many colleges.

Sorry autocorrect messing with me. Meant to say “review” files…

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Congratulations! I was so happy to see your post. MoHo is such a special place and the merit is the icing on the cake!


Congrats @GoldPenn I have to admit that I am jealous you are done! I’m in the waitlist purgatory fear camp.


Congratulations to you and your daughter! What a great feeling!

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Congrats! It seems like an idyllic place to spend four years and how nice that they offer merit to ED applicants! She must be very impressive!


Congratulations!! So happy for you and your D!!

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Same here!

My understanding from what’s been reported is that there are fewer seniors in this year’s class but they are applying to more schools. I think the common app data had stated something as such. The more competitive schools have huge increases but the less competitive have decreases in applications. You’ll find in this thread people who have kids that have applied to 20 or more colleges. That’s a lot to keep track of for anyone.


@xcskimom Congratulations on UMaine!

@goldpenn Congrats on Mount Holyoke - and great merit money!!

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@GoldPenn congratulations on this wonderful news! So happy for your D and for you! D21 went to field hockey camp at Mt. Holyoke one summer and the campus is gorgeous. The dorm rooms were enormous! Hooray!!


@xcskimom congratulations! Wow!

Like other peer institutions, Amherst College saw a big jump in applications this admissions cycle. ED applications increased by 43% to 857 with a 25% acceptance rate and RD apps increased by 31% to almost 14,000. 45% of the class will be filled ED vs 39% last year. The overall acceptance rate will almost certainly be the lowest ever this year (and likely below 10% for the first time).
Source: Amherst Shares Latest Admissions Stats – Admissions Blog

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Congratulations! A lot of good news from everyone!

Is this correct?I thought Cornell was open.

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Another thing to keep in mind is that many universities had a hiring freeze due to Covid budget issues. So it is possible that the admissions departments are either understaffed or not able to hire additional people this cycle. Also it seems as if the admission officer role requires experience or extensive training and universities can’t just ramp up and hire for that role mid-cycle if applications are up. No one knew what to expect this year and late this summer - some were predicting that applications would be down!


My older S was a 2000 baby and if I remember, that was a higher population year than my S21 - preschools had waiting lists, our public school added modular classrooms in elementary to fit them. Our GC said apps per student were up at our HS this year so I think that is part of the trend. If so, that should help in the end bc each student can only take 1 seat next Fall!

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