Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Also the Colgate essay was optional

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Good news: My D was named a candidate for the US Presidential Scholars program.

Bad news: more essay writing! Just what this household needs. :rofl:


UCSD residential services sent my son a notice that they want to him to complete something saying he qualifies for in state rates - huh? - and another from admissions that there is still time to change his preferred major - out of the seriously impacted one and make sure not to choose a second choice impacted. Not a good sign I suppose. Maybe a we like you, BUT
 Curious if others got these messages? He probably won’t choose this school anyway and I won’t be at all surprised about a disappointing UC outcome but nevertheless, not excited. :expressionless: Going to have to put on my big girl pants to deal with regular round.

How much time do you have ? :joy:

Others may have a different opinion, but I thought when a college asks you to move majors into a less impacted major, then that’s a good sign, if you can find a 2nd major that interests your kid.

It wasn’t a UC, but I think something along the lines of UDel sent an email to someone to switch majors (from Marketing), which the OP subsequently did, and the applicant was admitted. There was a separate thread on CC last month I believe.

Not sure about the residency thing, but the possibility of changing majors sounds positive.

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Well his second choice major is capped - Bio - probably a bit late on my part finding that out. His app, AP score, and ECs are actually stronger for bio and maybe that is why this message? S wants to make a go of CS though.

I wish I had the optimism of some of the others here, but in reality I’m keeping my expectations really low for selective admissions this year.

While some believe that a lot of kids will “shoot their shot” but won’t make it TO, I think a significant amount of TO kids who wouldn’t have made it past the first round will instead take thousands of spots that would have otherwise gone to kids with high test scores.

Whether this is fair or not is in the eye of the beholder. As for me, I think it’s definitely fair in some cases (couldn’t test or excellent candidate who just doesn’t test well), not fair in others (e.g. some kids come from grade-inflated schools and WERE able to test multiple times but were also able to “hide” those scores). But I do think that high stats kids who would have been accepted in the past will have a lower chance this year for various reasons.

Good luck to everyone here! May they all land in the best spots for them.


Ya Bio REALLY sucks, I wouldn’t do that major for sure! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We put his genuine interests down for UC and his eggs in a lot of baskets. I have little confidence, especially with test blind.

It says they will still accept you as undeclared possibly if you pick two capped majors. I wonder if they just send this to everyone who picked two capped majors. Basically anything STEM looks capped, so geez.

My son stuck to his genuine interests for his UC applications as well. He also applied CS.
For what it’s worth, I think it’s the right choice, although I share your concerns this year. Two years ago when my daughter applied CS to the UCs, I felt a lot more confidence even though she and her brother share basically the same stats. The test blind definitely is an unknown, as a lot of kids have stellar GPAs.

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We did too, but with one CA public, maybe, maybe D21’s fav, I suggested something a little “out of the box” for a 2nd choice major, but within the same school, just in case in the off chance it helps get her into the school.


Congratulations to her! My D was selected, too (from CA). And, yeah, the extra essays, ugh.


@Mwfan1921 we are going to Marist tomorrow. My D21 will be attending there in the fall. She loved it & they upped her merit to what we needed for her to attend.
Each session is limited but there are multiple sessions to pick from


@mamaedefamilia @amsunshine
Congratulations! What an honor. My D’s bestie is a candidate from GA.


I don’t think there is any secret meaning to these, my kid got them also. Did he log into the UCSD portal before this and fill out the residency questions? There was a series of residency questions on the to-do list for everyone when the portal is first set up.

My kid also got the major change email yesterday, I think it was probably sent to everyone, or at least everyone with popular majors without undeclared as a backup. Both of her majors are impacted but if she doesn’t get the major she wouldn’t go there so she left it.


We are doing the same with keeping expectations in check. My D is waiting for her GA Tech decision tomorrow and I can see the thread blowing up right now with the “pay now” button furor. I can’t bring myself to ask her to check – she’s busy with her schoolwork right now and what will be will be.


I agree with you. My older two kids were both poor test takers, but had every other criteria that is valued by elite schools. Neither even tried for schools at that level, but I know they would have this year, and I know plenty of students in similar situations. One ended up transferring to an Ivy after two years of undergrad, and graduated with honors. The other was happy at a “second tier” college and went on to engineering grad school at UC Berkeley. So, there is no doubt that even with poor test scores, both could have done well in a super selective school if given the chance.


I’m sure you are correct. Apparently he didn’t go into the portal yet.

I checked. Wish I hadn’t. :worried:

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@amsunshine I checked and feel bad because I should have let my daughter check first. I didn’t realize it meant the “pay now” button means acceptance (or at least that what is being claimed here). I haven’t told my daughter
 will have her check tomorrow on the admissions portal.